5 Feb 2023


The Role of Nature in Shinto

Format: APA

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 133

Pages: 1

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Shinto attitudes due to their connection to nature encourage respect and preservation of it. The shrines mostly built in forest groves have boundaries kept far from the less spiritual world. The locality of their shrines in their lands is an important aspect of their sacredness. The villages surrounding the shrine concentrate on agriculture and offer harvest to the deities. Their produce determines the ritual activities that are going to occur in that year. 

Nature, deities, and humans are interconnected. Rituals are carried out to prevent turmoil in the natural world. Caution is taken towards environment since it is essential in nurturing human lives. The physical and social surroundings are interrelated as well; this is clear in the organization of their homes surrounding fields, rivers and mountains. 

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The balance between humans, deities, and nature through the purification rituals it is restored. The purification rituals are also said to fight pollution. 


Molloy, M. (2010). Experiencing the world's religions (5th ed.). 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The Role of Nature in Shinto.


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