28 May 2022


The Significance of Demographics on Security Planning

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 510

Pages: 2

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In essence, crisis and disasters cannot be avoided, but their impacts can be combated by planning and implementing an effective security plan. Demographics such as age, income, marital status, and educational attainment contribute immensely to the implementation of updated security tactics. This paper analyzes the importance of the aforementioned demographics in security planning of Pelican bay 


Age is a crucial factor in gathering data that aids in examining the present and future threats to the residents of Pelican bay. According to the data provided the population incorporates a huge number of families, with a number of young couples and singles being very low due to the setting and location of the bay. In addition, the population mainly consists of individuals aged 70-79 years of age most of which have already retired.it also incorporates middle age people of 45-54. In this area the number of youths is minimal. More training and awareness of security measures would be required in this in this demographic segment because it consists of old generation as opposed to youths who demonstrate better knowledge and understanding of security issues and measures. Nonetheless, the number of female surpass the number of men. This factor is crucial in security planning since females are more vulnerable to threats in the society than their male counterparts. 

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The Pelican bay embraces diversity in terms of incorporating different races in one area. The Pelican bay homeowners association (PBHOA) documents large numbers of white and Africa American people. This data is crucial because there can be racial- based conflicts within the locality. The security plan should incorporate how these conflicts can be solved and establish a harmonious relationship with the other races. On the other hand, PBHOA is likely to function well with inclusion of suggestions of all races in the security plan 

Marital status 

The data provided by PBHOA indicates that the locality is largely inhabited by newly married couples. In addition, married couples are less likely to commit crimes as compared to unmarried individuals .The married couple is likely to support the PBHOA since they understand the importance of such associations in the community at large 

Income demographic 

This locality is mostly comprised of middle-income earners although there are quite a number of low-income earners. However, a locality with middle-income earners is characterized by a comfortable standard of living and significant economic security. This data is crucial for devising an effective security plan because the crime would be relatively high because of the income disparities. In addition, the middle class is associated with valuable properties that are worth to be secured. In addition, PBHOA shall be able to use a costly advanced security technology due to the availability of capital to procure the system 

Educational attainment demographics 

This a crucial factor to consider when drafting and implementing an effective security plan. The Pelican bay consists of well-learned individuals who comprehend the essence of such association and will immensely contribute to the process of mediation for updated security tactics. However, with a high number of intellects, the cost of training for use of advanced technology would be minimal. 

In conclusion, an effective security plan ought to encompass population demographics because they determine whether a particular plan will succeed or not. These demographics cover the whole society and defines of criteria of good governance in a society as a whole. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). The Significance of Demographics on Security Planning.


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