2 Nov 2022


The Syntax electronics company: assessing the needs

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 759

Pages: 3

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The Syntax electronics company is a medium company with 120 employees and conducted a study within its departments of production, marketing and supply with the objectives of getting a better understanding of needs, attitudes and preference of the market as well as the best delivery system. A total of 50 interviews were conducted as a tool of the research with all the audios averaging to 5 minutes each. The target population in the company involved 20 staff members in production, 20 in the marketing and customer care and 10 management staff. Strategic quotas were used in terms of convenient sampling to ensure maximum information was extracted (Kothari, 2014). 

Information was collected from the three departments in the company together with the management staff heading the job groups. The staff in the production unit gave their matters and issues they face in the production of the electronics appliances and their technical knowhow of how the issues can be solved. The customer care and marketing department raised the issues they receive from clients and customers thus resulting to important decision making on the market. The management also gave the issues and strengths that they have to solve the issues raised by the staff in the company. All the job incumbents equally contributed to the needs analysis since they highly rely on each other and work in tandem (Gupta, 2014). 

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From the needs analysis of Syntax Electronics, it was derived from the research that major issues exist that needs to be solved if the company is to compete actively against the rough market. The production unit of electronics raised both issues and contentment. The staff complained of constant machinery stalling which derails the production of electronics due to wastage of time. The machinery and equipment currently used is decades old and has not been improved to the latest technology on more efficient conveyor belt production. 78% of the staff stated that the technology used in production is outdated while the 22% argued that if the systems are upgraded, most will lose their employment. 

The marketing department also significantly contributed to the findings of the needs assessment. 72% recorded that there has been an influx of customers calling the helpline to report faulty electronics after purchases. In March, a total of 1200 clients called in to report faulty electronics. The marketing unit has registered reduced output on the purchases made recently. The staff stated that purchase has reduced by 24% compared to the previous years which have subsequently resulted to reduced market shares and thus the company making losses recently. 

The customer care department has reported that the staffs have been recently been overworked due to the constant calls coming in from clients. There is a shortage of staff in the customer care unit that is needed to attend to the customers. The department reports that the calls coming in signify the deteriorating services and production of the company. The staff called for urgent or drastic measures to be carried out by the management to see a complete overhaul or improvement of all departments in terms of staffing, equipment and customer satisfaction. 

The needs raised by the various department needs to be addressed to improve the company’s income. From the findings, Syntax is currently facing high competition from other electronics companies. There is the need to improve the status quo and more so gain the faith of clients again. The necessary steps need to be taken by each department. The management needs to acquire capital to fund the modernization and upgrade of the production unit by improving the technology used. The electronic engineers also need to undergo training to learn how to operate the new machinery in production. More staffing will need to be done on the production unit to maximize production. If new technology is employed, the products will be more. 

The supplying departments need to employ new strategies of delivery, either by buying new delivery vehicles or making ordering and delivery online. The marketing department managers need to come up with new strategies of publishing the Syn6ax electronics to improve the market through comprehensive advertisement. This will give the hope of winning the faith of the customers back to the products. The department can also come up with unique electronic designs appealing to the clients to get an edge over the stiff competition. 

The specific skills that are required from the findings of this needs analysis include marketing, customer care as well as production engineering. The company should not necessarily do away with the current staff but rather fund training programs that are short in nature to help the current employees get new information in running the equipment, customer care and management. The skills needed are electronic engineering, markers and managers who will be routinely trained to meet the needs of Syntax Electronics. 


Gupta, K. (2011).  A practical guide to needs assessment : John Wiley & Sons. 

Kothari, C. R. (2014).  Research methodology: Methods and techniques : New Age International. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The Syntax electronics company: assessing the needs.


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