"The Times of Harvey Milk" is a documentary and biography of one of the most iconic American to change the conservative nature of politics in the 1970s and up to date. A camera store owner is Castro District, San Francisco; Harvey Milk Was the earliest openly gay person to run for governmental office. Milk was defeated three times in his quest before finally becoming a San Francisco supervisor's board member. His victory was also met with the first Chinese American election, the first avowed feminist, and the first black woman. The film is an appreciation and portrayal of Milk's charisma and self-promotion that gave him the appeal he needed to be in office. The political and social climate of San Francisco during Milk's period was permissive enough to attract a gay following, which gave him the confidence to run and finally win a political seat. Unfortunately, Milk's political career would be a brief endeavor since he was assassinated by a fellow board member, Dan White, in 1978. Milk was assassinated with Mayor George Moscone.
The price for being an openly homosexual California public, a victory celebrated across an increasingly progressive state, was his life. His anger towards the treatment of the homosexual community is what drove him to contest for a political seat. He wanted to change the perspective of society and the stigmatization of the current LGBTQ community. White openly disproved homosexuals, so his actions were not a surprise. The surprise, as highlighted in the film, was the lenient sentence he got. The lack of due process in the justice system for White and Moscone's murder was handled with incompetent prosecution. However, the film is an interpretation of Milk's friends and associates, which makes it subject to serious bias. Regardless, the film is a story packed with a decade full of milestones and achievements in the California state's political arena, which, despite the many sacrifices that transpired, ultimately bore fruits to the American society that thrives today.
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From the film, standout themes of leadership and perseverance absorb any viewer's attention to a cause or objective that makes all people equal. Throughout history, discrimination and oppression have been afflictions that cripple society's potential to thrive. However, amidst such vices and negatives arise, leaders and role models speak out on behalf of the masses and voice the weak and underprivileged concerns. They yearn for revolution, and change in any given situation requires sacrifice and effort. "The Times of Harvey Milk" fits the category of everyday folk that people who die in the pursuit of justice and equal opportunity do not die in vain. Milk and many other heroes put their lives on the line to stand for what they believe against a primitive and biased political and government system.
Furthermore, even in death, the authority does not hold the guilty accountable, showing the evil embedded in our systems. The assassinations of leaders who strive for change only stop their hearts from beating, but not their message from spreading. The world is an ever-changing and progressive culmination of existence, which prompts people to be more accommodative and understand the plight and needs of other human beings for the continued existence as the best species.
Donahue, D. (2013, Nov 11). Learning from Harvey Milk: The Limits and Opportunities of One Hero to Teach About LGBTQ People and Issues. The Social Studies , Volume 105, 2014 – Issue 1. Pp 36-44. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/00377996.2013.788474