3 Oct 2022


The US Homeland Security Strategy, Infrastructure, and Programs

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Annotated Bibliography

Words: 2193

Pages: 7

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Introduction 3 

Homeland Security Research Division 3 

Department Of Homeland Security 5 

US Customs and Border Protection 6 

NYS Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Services 7 

Center for Homeland Defense and Security 9 

The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) 10 

Homeland Security | Council on Foreign Relations 12 

Conclusion 13 

References 14 


The department of homeland security is a federal agency tasked with dealing with terrorism acts and mitigating the impact of terrorist attacks. Although its primary jurisdiction is the USA, it has collaborated with other countries to enhance the USA's internal security. The department has ensured its actions impact the entire nation by establishing federal, state local entities and even in some cases, private. The paper will analyze different websites by the USA Homeland Security. The websites cover a myriad of topics that go beyond aspects that directly affect security issues. Regardless of the level of comprehensibility in information presentation, some of them have inherent weaknesses such as a dearth of information, less appealing presentations, and limited coverage of pertinent security topics. 

Homeland Security Research Division 

  The Homeland Security Research Division/RAND website provides vital information about research that the relevant stakeholders in homeland security have incorporated into enhancing security to protect not only American citizens but also some countries that the USA has an economic and political interest. Given that the Homeland Security Research Division is a research unit under RAND, most of the issues addressed are intertwined with those that RAND deals with. Analysis of the website at a glance helps one understand priority issues dealt with by RAND. Technology, the impact of Covid-19 on a stockpile of medicine and strategic management of the USA coast guards are some of the pertinent issues RAND has undertaken in-depth research about.  

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One of the most impressive aspects of the website is its information organization in a manner that is easy to navigate. Although the website emphasizes research and its impact on security strategic planning and management, different other sections focus on the entity’s capabilities, latest insight policy experts and the RAND graduate school. One of the most significant websites’ strengths is its simplistic nature and its comprehensive nature. One can easily understand what the site is about by reading the ‘About Section’ at the top of the web page and, at the same time, obtain information from the About section at the bottom of the page. Also, there is contact information and the resources outlined at the end of the page to help the audience understand RAND research undertakings or ask for help and give feedback whenever necessary. 

Although the website presents credible information that can come handy in any particular research about research projects and other programs implemented by RAND, it is congested. This is an aspect that could make it hard for some those who are not research savvy to take full advantage of the information on the website. The above problem could probably be mitigated by removing some links and placing them on another website. Removal of the graduate school link for, for example, could help. 

Department of Homeland Security 

The Department of Homeland Security website is a comprehensive web page that addresses security aspects and, most importantly, factors that ensure one is a responsible citizen who abides by the law. Some of the elements that contextualize the above include information about USA passport application and child adoption. One of the biggest strengths of the website is it is highly simplistic. It has different sections such as the topics, in focus, How do I, Get Involved, all of which lead to broader areas of homeland security involvement in law enforcement. The ‘How do I’ section particularly has useful links that are arranged in alphabetical order. Most importantly, it is impossible not to notice the social media handles on the left-hand side of the website that can be used by the audience to communicate with Homeland Security officials and other stakeholders. Although one can access pertinent information by clicking the various links on the top and bottom of the web page, they can also do a quick search in the search box and find the exact or peripheral information related to their search. 

Although the website’s simple nature makes it possible for one to see the different links that they are interested in at a glance, one of its weaknesses is almost impossible for one to point out the location of the information they need. They have to either do a deep search using the search box or click the links with the closest information to what they are searching for.  

US Customs and Border Protection 

(ABC News, 2017) 

The US customs and border protection website does not only present information about the jurisdiction of this agency but, most importantly, its response to emerging issues such as the covid-19 pandemic and tightening of immigration-related policies and laws. Unlike many websites whose primary links are found on the top of the web page, the US Customs and Border protection has a majority of its links on the bottom of the page. The different sections on the website provide accessibility and accountability related information, DHS components, site policies, among others.  

The most significant strength of the website is its discussion of a myriad of issues that could directly or indirectly affect border security. There is, for example, information about trade, travel and careers. Another eye-catching feature that makes the website an indispensable source of information is the ‘Let us Know Section’ which is in the middle of the page. It enables the audience to give feedback, ask any pressing questions they might have, and leave comments that might help the entity better strategize about enhancing border security. The highlights on either updates or critical trends in border security is also another major strength. Furthermore, eye-catching techniques are used to pass the message in a highly appealing manner. Most importantly, the use of graphics makes the website highly attractive. A majority of links are accompanied by pictures, a factor that simplifies or reinforces messages in the different sections. 

One of the weaknesses inherent in the website organization is the placement of significant links at the bottom of the web page. The information presented in the sections at the bottom of the web pages could easily be missed by audiences who are not keen enough to analyze the whole website from top to bottom.  

NYS Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Services 

(Lucas, 2015). 

The New York state office of Homeland Security website provides indispensable information about the Homeland security approaches to insecurity reduction in New York State. The information presented mainly concerns strategic interventions put in place by Homeland Security to reduce the vulnerability of the state to terrorist-related acts and ensure a quick recovery and damage minimization in case of a terrorist attack. One of the aspects that differentiate this website from a few federal websites is its critical focus on emergencies, for example, those caused by natural disasters. The above can be contextualized by its particular emphasis on the current Covid-19 Pandemic. Besides the above, numerous language assistance resources are not prevalent in other homeland security websites. This shows the strides this state’s entity has made in embracing diversity and inclusion. Most importantly, there is a section on the site where the entity’s tweets are displayed. Choosing social media as the primary form of reaching the audience is a critical strategy because most individuals today rely on social media as a source of information. 

Although the website offers vital information that educates masses about disaster management and risks related to terrorism acts, one of the weaknesses is the depth of the information presented. Even though the website presents facts and information that the state of New York only has jurisdiction about, it is a state that has a highly stratified population, one that increases insecurity threats. The need to address issues beyond this particular state by also focusing on factors that negatively influence its security is necessary. Most importantly, significant weakness is the lack of presentation of information about collaboration and high-level strategies to secure this state. The size of the population and the risks dealt with in this state necessitate that such a significant resource addresses pertinent external issues that affect the state in question. 

Center for Homeland Defense and Security 

The Center for Homeland Defense and Security website provides pertinent information about the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) in California. While the focal point of the site is homeland security education, other sections give information on executive leadership opportunities offered by the institution, Homeland Security affairs and the impact of local programs implemented by Homeland Security. The most conspicuous aspect of the website is the focus on news information and trends in security-related developments. The central section of the site solely present news stories as they unfold. Another strength is the presence of logos leading to significant homeland security websites, such as FEMA. This makes the site highly informative because one could further their research in related homeland security areas.  

Most importantly, a majority of links provide information about academic programs, research and learning opportunities as well as critical information about the institution’s Alumni and Stuff. On the left-hand side of the website are a few buttons that can be used for communication purposes.  

The biggest strength of the website is that it is simple and easy to navigate. Only three crucial links are found on the topmost part of the site, hence, the process of searching for information is not complicated. Most importantly, there is an evident emphasis on education-related programs. This makes the website rich in the acquisition of information about homeland security education. Regardless of the fact that it focuses on education; it is unique and indispensable because most Homeland Security websites focus on enhancing security. On the other hand, one of its weaknesses is, however, its design. Its interface has not been designed in a highly appealing manner. The color combination and less use of graphics are contributory factors to the less attractive website appearance. Due to this, some of the stories might not attract a lot of audiences.  

The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) 

The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) website offers information about California’s governor office’s role, especially in the mitigation of terrorism-related acts and impacts. The website’s most important issue is emergency responses in various institutions such as schools, families, business organizations, and governments in general. One of the website’s sections addresses collaboration with tribal leaders as a collaborative strategy that positively impacts emergency response at the community level. There is also a section that presents the latest news from the agency’s twitter handle and other social media sites. Furthermore, given that the emergency response is the main focus, the website has a ‘Cal OES MyHazards’ section. It is a vital communication tool that alerts California’s residence of a possible hazard near them, hence, enables them to move to safer grounds or prepare on how to counter the potential effects of the disaster. 

  One of the most critical strengths of the website is the information organization. Information is classified in a way that is easy to access as well as do related searches. There is, for example, a section for popular content and another for popular videos. Under the two sections is one with relevant updates and events. The stratification of information eases any research undertaking because one can directly start searching from the category that best suits their needs. Another major strength is the settings section on the top left corner of the site. This is unique to the website. It enables the audience to change things such as contrast and font size. A variety of audience’ information access needs are hence taken care of. One of the website’s weaknesses is that it does not cover the emergency response approach by significant institutions such as hospitals and places of worship.  

  Homeland Security | Council on Foreign Relations 

The Homeland Security | Council on Foreign Relations website presents a myriad of international issues that homeland security deals with in a bid to ensure enhanced international relations in the countries the USA associates with. The site also touches on aspects that directly or indirectly affect foreign affairs, for example, the 2020 USA elections. In the section that addresses trending issues, elements such as the South China Sea and Corona Virus are addressed.  

One of the most crucial website’s strength is the arrangement of information in an easy manner to retrieve. Information is arranged in terms of topics as well as the region of focus. Furthermore, there are foreign affair experts whose contribution to different foreign affairs development are presented on the website. Another aspect that can be viewed as a strength is the daily news brief subscription offer. This is an alternative means of communication for individuals who are unlikely to get foreign affairs related information from social media handles and directly from the website.   

One of the websites’ weaknesses is its contact information location. When one scans the site, they can see Facebook and Twitter as the only available means of communication. However, close to the bottom of the web page, there are other communication options offered, for example, LinkedIn and email. Another major disadvantage is the    NAFTA and the USMCA article that fills the home page. This is monotonous and occupies space that would otherwise have been used to present exciting and more appealing information.  


In conclusion, the different websites analyzed present indispensable information about the strategies, infrastructure, and programs implemented by the USA Homeland Security agencies at the federal, state, and local levels. Such plans have been put in place to ensure the enhancement of security in the USA and the reduction of terrorist threats. As a result of changing security dynamics, the different websites present information on collaboration and technological efforts that have been instituted by Homeland Security to deal with evolving security issues. Although the website offers critical information, the need to improve them in a way that makes the audience's information easier remains. 


Cal OES Internet Home Cal OES Home . Caloes.ca.gov. (2020). Retrieved 15 August 2020, from http://www.caloes.ca.gov/. 

Department of Homeland Security (2020). Retrieved 15 August 2020, from https://www.dhs.gov/. 

Homeland Security Research Division . Rand.org. (2020). Retrieved 15 August 2020, from https://www.rand.org/hsrd.html

Homeland Security | Council on Foreign Relations . Council on Foreign Relations. (2020). Retrieved 15 August 2020, from https://www.cfr.org/defense-and-security/homeland-security. 

Kuhl, P. (2020). chds.us | Center for Homeland Defense and Security . Center for Homeland Defense and Security. Retrieved 15 August 2020, from https://www.chds.us/c/

Lucas, D. (2015). New York state Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services | WAMC . Wamc.org. Retrieved 15 August 2020, from https://www.wamc.org/term/new-york-state-division-homeland-security-and-emergency-services. 

NYS Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Services - OCT . Dhses.ny.gov. (2020). Retrieved 15 August 2020, from http://www.dhses.ny.gov/oct/. 

U.S. Customs and Border Protection | USAGov . Usa.gov. (2020). Retrieved 15 August 2020, from https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/u-s-customs-and-border-protection

US Customs and Border Protection statement regarding 20/20's "Life and Death at the Border" . ABC News. (2017). Retrieved 15 August 2020, from https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/us-customs-border-protection-statement-2020s-life-death/story?id=48868284. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). The US Homeland Security Strategy, Infrastructure, and Programs.


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