25 Nov 2022


The Value of Environmental Ethics

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 263

Pages: 1

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In dealing with the introduction of new species, the question of ethics is essential. There is a direct connection between new species, technology, the nature of human beings, and the environment. Introduced species are those species that are introduced into a new environment where they have not been formerly dwelling. After they have been introduced, they are called invasive species. To deal with invasive species, people must resort to specialized technology. Again, invasive species are primarily related to the environment in several ways. Environmental ethics is an area of concern when we are talking about invasive species. This is because the introduction of new species comes with a lot of concerns from environmentalists and zoologists. In the first place, to deal with these new species, people have to learn how to use new technologies that sometimes are havoc. Furthermore, when new species are introduced to a new environment, there is a great deal of biological change takes place. Invasive species have no natural predators. This harms and transforms their predating environment, which leads to an ecological imbalance. Several laws in the United States are geared toward regulating the introduction of invasive species to new environments. The first one is Animal Quarantine law. This law is focused on controlling the movement of invasive species. The national Invasive Act (NISA) federal law is aimed at preventing invasive species from invading inland waters from meddling with ballistic waters from ships. The last one is the Endangered Species Act. This act regulates the exportation and importation of listed species. The populations of invasive species can transcend several jurisdictional boundaries. Therefore, efforts to regulate invasive species need to be concerted and well-coordinated. To successfully battle the invasive species, all appropriate agencies must unite together. The federal government, the states, local authorities, and humanitarian organizations must work in cooperation. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The Value of Environmental Ethics.


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