27 Apr 2022


Time Management Skills and Its importance to Employers

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Academic level: University

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Words: 1090

Pages: 3

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Time management has become a critical part of daily life in the contemporary society characterized by increased competition. According to Cemaloglu & Filiz, (2010), time is of great essence and once wasted can never be recovered hence the need to plan for each available time efficiently. The following are the primary time management techniques that can be used to plan for your available time efficiently. The first time management technique is making and using lists. In this case, one can prepare a “Things-to-Do” organized as follows: monthly, weekly, and daily. The most critical tasks are placed at the top and then followed by things that you want to do. 

Find your productive time whether you are a morning person or a night person. Next, you can develop a devoted study time by setting up time dedicated only to study (Claessens et al, 2007). It might be critical that you switch off your phone and only answer the calls or text when you are done. It might also be important that you budget your time and this would be possible by figuring out the amount of time that you often spend on specific activities and develop a weekly schedule. You might also need to determine the amount of free time you have before adding any commitments, but you should always schedule a time to relax (Cemaloglu & Filiz, 2010).

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In the contemporary world, with increased competition for jobs having the right competency and qualification is not enough. Majority of the employers have shifted their focus from hiring based on the book qualification and work experience. Beyond the usual necessary skills and proficiency demanded in a particular job, employers demand that their employees possess both soft and hard skills. The soft skills entail personal qualities that help people to work better with others and are mostly innate though they can also be developed through training. Claessens et al, (2007), asserts that effective time management skills are critical to successful work life and thus play a vital part among top attributed highly valued by employers.

Claessens et al, (2007), claims that time management plays a crucial role in the decision making; thus employers always insist on having employee with this skill. Employers mostly need an employee who might take the initiative and have the capability to make a sensible business decision. In this case, time management allows for decisive actions since it clarifies options, results and excellent choices. Employers stand to benefit from reduced supervisions and having a highly supportive working environment dedicated to outcomes.

It has been argued that getting organized is one of the most effective ways of completing tasks on time. Cemaloglu & Filiz, (2010) posits that to be organized is also a benefit of proper time management. Therefore, rather than leaping in and working on your assignment, with planning and organization you stand a better chance to see the entire picture and know the area that you should focus. Employers tend to value employees with vision and skills to plan particularly when it comes to matching the work schedule to individual skill sets and preferences. When an employee is organized, he can lower the stress level and open more opportunities for better work practices and increased productivity.

Employers further value those individuals who can work under pressure to maintain consistency and productivity. In a high-pressure environment, time management, therefore, employees who are capable of handling stress and thrive in stressing environment forms a great team that can efficiently focus on the organizational goals (Misra & McKean, 2000). These are employees who tend to enjoy working to deadlines and lead others in the areas of work satisfaction, team spirit, and even productivity. Such employees are thus able to accomplish more tasks within a limited time, improve business reputation, deliver a better quality of work and increase company revenue.

The skills learned in this essay related to time management is of great importance to my personal and professional life. Practicing is critical to ensure that I learn and incorporate the skills acquired gradually. I will first try applying the time management skills in my day-to-day activities such as preparing a to-do-list (Claessens et al, 2007). I will ensure that I strictly follow and comply with the content of the list and evaluate how successful I might be in using the skills. I will also apply the same skills while in school by planning for my time and allocate various activities a certain amount of time and try working within the set duration. In school, I will develop a dedicated study time by setting up a time devoted to homework (Misra & McKean, 2000).

In my professional life, I will apply the skills of time management through developing a to-do-list and balance the available time on various activities at my workplace. In my to-do list, I will place the most critical task at the top of my list and handle them first. I will introduce all things that I wish to do on my list so that I may have items that I am looking forward to. Finally, I will also practice time budgeting by determining time I spend on various activities. Having a proper time management skills in my school work is of great importance. It is evident that I need excellent time management skills to complete my daily to-do list.

Time management skills will help me to prioritize my work at school. It will further help me to get this down within time. Arguably, once I have mapped out my time and tasks, I will be able to figure out the amount of time I can put into the task which will ultimately help map out other fun activities in the class. Time management is crucial because while in school, I will be able to accomplish more tasks with much less effort. Studies have shown that once you take control of your time, you stand a chance to improve your overall capability to focus (Misra & McKean, 2000). With increased focus, there comes improved efficiency. As a student, time management skills will help in enhancing my decision-making ability. I will be able to eliminate all pressure coming from activities that I feel I do not have enough time for them. With time management skills, I will be able to avoid subjecting myself to stress while at school because I will have a clear picture of demand of my time.

In conclusion, time management skills are essential in the modern day; therefore, it is crucial that we develop time management techniques to plan for the available time efficiently. Employers have been keen on identifying the individual who shows strong time management skills. Arguably, time management is not taught in school but has become a critical part of our everyday life and work. Employers have shifted their focus to hiring employees who can prioritize and even manage their workload and deliver the anticipated outcome. With effective time management, an individual can accomplish more tasks in less time, lower the level of stress, create more free time and boost our career prospects.


Cemaloglu, N., & Filiz, S. (2010). The relation between time management skills and academic achievement of potential teachers. Educational Research Quarterly , 33 (4), 3.

Claessens, B. J., Van Eerde, W., Rutte, C. G., & Roe, R. A. (2007). A review of the time management literature. Personnel review , 36 (2), 255-276.

Misra, R., & McKean, M. (2000). College students' academic stress and its relation to their anxiety, time management, and leisure satisfaction. American Journal of Health Studies , 16 (1), 41.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Time Management Skills and Its importance to Employers.


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