10 May 2022


Training and Development Strategy

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 1698

Pages: 5

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Nowadays, the market has become very competitive. Companies compete to ensure that their products fetch enough revenues from the market. They also strive to make sure that they attract competent employees and retain skilled personnel. In order to meet such demands, firms need to keep their employees satisfied. Nonetheless, in some instances, companies may be forced to take actions that would demoralize the employees. For example, the firm used for this assignment manufactures various electronic devices. Initially, the company used to employ local labor in its operation. Due to an increase in the manufacturing costs, the company opted to substitute local labor with foreign labor. Presently, the company is using the Asian markets as the assembling point of its products. This action forced the firm to retrench some of its employees. The sacked employees accused the company of valuing profits than their welfare. Apparently, the decision by the company was meant for the benefit of both the employees and the firm. However, it demoralized the employees. Consequentially, the productivity of the company declined due to lack of commitment from the employees. The discussions herein shall focus on a training program that ought to be embraced by the organization to ensure that the firm regain its productivity after change implementation. 

Why Conduct Training?

It is believed that working in a company that is undergoing change is very challenging for the employees. For instance, the laying off workers that was evident in the company under this study was demoralizing to some of the employees. The majority of them has lost confidence about their position in the organization, and as it is expected, their commitment to the organization declined. According to Nadeem (2016), a drop in the level of confidence will be apparent in various phases of human resource development. The author also adds that a decline in confidence will result in a bad performance. As such, firms need to ensure that they conduct regular training in order to empower and make the employees committed to organizational success. Training, notably, is regarded as one of the ways in which a comprehensive agenda of the company would be communicated to the employees.

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Apparently, the company needs to adopt a Staff Self-Evaluation Program. This kind of initiative is vital as it makes the employees develop a feeling that the training is meant to empower them. The SSEP will serve to ensure that the personnel is properly managed. Besides, is essential in turning the employees to be self-motivated such that they will be willing to work under little or no supervision. Importantly, the focus will be laid beyond both the extrinsic rewards as well as fundamental commitment of the task force within the firm. 

The UN (2015) noted that it is important for organizations to establish policies which would guarantee regular employee evaluation. The policies ought to enhance employee productivity. Notably, organizational performance relies solely on employee productivity. Therefore, adopting SSEP would help the firm to identify the vital skills that the employees are missing that would be important in realizing organizational success. In the next sections, this paper will highlight on the ethics that act as the guidelines for this training program. Other areas that this article will cover will include training needs assessment, the budget for the training program and the legislation for employee training and development.

Training Design

The training design will be based on the needs of the employees. Notably, prior to launching a training program, it would be substantial for the organization to identify the employees’ training needs. After the identification, a training program ought to be initiated to respond to the needs. In that respect, SSEP a crucial tool that would help the organization to ascertain the employees’ productive potential. As mentioned earlier, the workers' productivity is directly proportional to organizational performance. This is an implication that a decline in corporate performance signifies a decrease in employees’ productivity. Therefore, the organization ought to measure the performance of its employees in order to establish whether it is attaining its coveted goals. 

Nadeem (2016) stated that companies ought to make sure that the task force acknowledges the importance of being productive and committed to organizational success. As such, the company’s strategy ought to be geared towards ensuring that conscious employee awareness, proper feedback, and performance measurement processes are in existence. The analysis process is essential in making the employees responsible for their actions. Besides, the organization needs to use the same evaluation criteria to find out whether there was a decline in production costs after the implementation of change. 

Job Training

The vocational training seeks to ensure that the employees get the necessary skills that would be vital in their partaking (Khan et al., 2011). In order to conduct this type of training, it would be paramount to carry out an assessment of the training need. 

Training Need Analysis

This kind of evaluation is paramount for the firm. It will help in identification of the deficient skills among the employees. Through the assessment, the company will be in a position to understand the employees’ know-how about their performance as well as the organizational goals. The workers’ response during the evaluation will be integral when setting training to address the needs. As such, the following training requirements criterions ought to be used:

Interior Self-Evaluation (ISE) : This type of training naturally motivates the employees to be committed to attaining organizational success. Notably, the ISE is the best method to measure employee loyalty to the organization. UN (2015) stated that reliability could be determined by measuring the intrinsic commitment of the employees on various programs that the organization will initiate. It is important to note that loyalty is an automatic process that can be gauged by how the employees sacrifice themselves to ensure that organizational success is attainable. This is an implication that loyalty is not an aspect that can be forced. In that respect, the company in this study needs to ascertain whether the employees still resist the implemented change. That information would help the leadership to establish the loyalty of the employees.

In case loyalty was lacking, the training program would be designed to encourage the employees to be committed to organizational success. During the training program, the trainers should elaborate to them that the initiated change was beneficial to both the workers and the company in general. Therefore, the training program should seek to win the loyalty of the employee since that is the crucial factor when it comes to establishing cooperation within the organization. Importantly, the organization needs to understand that a loyal employee will not only cooperate but also will become a responsible worker within the organization.

Exterior co-operation Evaluation (ECE) : The ECE is important since it helps in boosting interdepartmental corporation. Communication is essential in facilitating this process. It can either be bottom-up or top-down. Nevertheless, these two training programs should urge the employees to embrace the idea of innovativeness as one of the strategies that can be used to boost cooperation within the organization. In so doing, the firm will be able to realize organizational success with ease. Apparently, the company under this study opted to retrench workers in order to increase their revenues. This would prove to be a short-term remedy if it was not done cautiously. 

It ought to be pointed out that, improving the competitive ability is the surest way of increasing revenues collected by a company. Notably, the competitive ability is a subset of employee satisfaction. A competitive firm ensures employee satisfaction by empowering them. The empowering of employees is the key to innovativeness. Therefore, the company’s leadership is supposed to make sure that the employees are empowered through training. That would make the employees understand precisely the vision and mission of the organization. 

Delivery Style

One of the best strategies for training organizational workers is by face-to-face. This method is the best as it well known for its ability to motivate the employees. In addition, this approach provides the trainers with a chance to respond to the fundamental needs of the employees. Nadeem (2016) stated that this type of training program helps in building the confidence of the employees. The employees will also agree with the trainers on a common agenda that would be discussed during the training. In addition, issues pertaining to low productivity, differences, as well as the lack of self-awareness can be resolved with ease in such training. That is because this training method limits the employees and the instructors to a common goal which is to improve organizational productivity.

Legislation for Employee Training and Development

The law asserts that companies need to provide training on three elements. These are discrimination, workplace safety, and sexual abuse. Having ventured offshore, it is apparent that the firm will be working with a diversified taskforce. This positive element would boost the competitiveness of the enterprise. However, the firm needs to ensure that the employees are informed on the antidiscrimination that applies at the workplace. This may include laws that prohibit any form of discrimination such as race, gender, and age among others. Sexual harassment is also another aspect that the training needs to cover. The training on this issue ought to include all members of the management, supervisors, and the employees. Importantly, the training will tell the employees what sexual harassment entails and the legal implications of such acts. Finally, the training needs to cover workplace place safety. The law requires firms to train their employees on this aspect. Thus, the employees need to be informed about the importance of their safety and the legal framework that would help them respond to injuries that are encountered at the workplace. 


The training that ought to be conducted by the firm under study needs to cater for salaries of the trainees and the materials that would be used to facilitate the process. That would include writing materials, pamphlets, and refreshments. The fact that the training will be done within the organization, no additional costs would be incurred for transportation, hiring computers, projectors as well as the conference hall. This is an implication that, the budget will be dependent on the population of the employees. Besides, the number of trainers plus the number of training sessions that will be held will influence the cost of the training. If three trainers are used to serve 120 employees, three times in a year the budget would cost up to £10,000. 


Training and development are essential in boosting the competitive ability of an organization. As aforementioned, the modern market is competitive in many aspects. Thus, firms need to ensure that they can meet the ever-changing demands of the market. Nevertheless, for the company to realize its productive potential, it needs to embark on employee training and development. This may prove to be expensive in the short-term, but in the end, the organization will realize sustainable success. The proposal herein is paramount since it will help the firm to have an insight on the aspects that ought to be considered during the training session in addition to the merits that the training will offer to its employees. Essentially, the practice that is advocated by this article seeks to ensure that the company empowers its employees so that they can work innovatively.


Khan, R. A. G., Khan, F. A., & Khan, M. A. (2011). Impact of training and development on organizational performance. Global Journal of Management and Business Research , 11 (7). 

Nadeem, M. (2010). Role of training in determining the employee corporate behavior with respect to organizational productivity: Developing and proposing a conceptual model. International Journal of Business and Management , 5 (12), 206. 

United Nation (UN). (2015). Inspection and Evaluation Manual . United Nation Office of Internal Oversight Services Inspection and Evaluation Division (OIOS-IED). Retrieved from https://oios.un.org/resources/2015/01/OIOS-IED_Manual.pdf.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Training and Development Strategy.


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