3 May 2022


Understanding Organization's Culture

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Academic level: College

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Words: 1130

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Part one

One of the merits of the proposal is that it will save time for both parties which take part in the survey process. Time in an organization is very critical and is one of the resources which need to be utilized well. The study as indicated takes only ten minutes of the employee’s time and this is very convenient for the participants. Another merit is that the survey will use only a few numbers of the employees. This means that all most of the functions of the organization may not be jeopardized within the ten minutes survey since only a fraction of the employees will be participating in the study. Other staff will be busy with their work as they are represented by their colleague in the research. This is very advantageous on the part of the company. The last merit is that the result of the survey may give the management a glimpse of the organization culture and values and the extent to which they are perceived or followed by the employees. This can be used to make the organization even better. 

The proposal on the other side of the coin has some notable disadvantages. First, the small staple survey always has issues with the result reliability (Denscombe, 2014). It always leads to high variability which can lead to coverage bias. This, therefore, means that the organization may not rely on this result. It also means that the proposal may give an organization a wrong impression on the status of their values within their boundaries. Alternatively, the variability of a small sample is always questioned. The variability means how far the result is from the reality. It is achieved through broad survey cross-section. It, therefore, means that the organization may not get the accurate picture of the level of the value perception from the results. 

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Part two

What is meant by organizational change?

Change in an organization is the current dynamic, and the competitive business environment is inevitable. This is the sole reason why the organization operating in such environment need to have a high degree of flexibility to ensure that they are ready to embrace any change within the operational environment. Organizational change is all about evaluation and organization review as with the aim of modification of its structure and the business process to ensure that it suits a particular condition. The existence of a small business in the environment means that they have to compete with the big organization within their environments (Cameron, & Green, 2015). This, therefore, means that they have to do things differently to ensure that they match the competition. They are hence obliged to have a high degree of flexibility to ensure that they act according to the situation within the environment.

What are some of the main challenges when it comes to organizational change?

Achieving a favorable shift in an organization is not a walk on red carpet. The change has various problems and obstacles which must be addressed for it to be achieved. The first challenge begins at the planning stage. Planning for change is very tricky, and any mistake at planning phase may render the entire process unachievable. The organization change program must be taken step by step or its risk falling apart and causing more losses than benefits. First, the change team has to ensure they know where they are, and where they want to be in the future. Most importantly, the change team must know or have a clue on how to reach where they want to be and have the required resources on how to pursue their change journey. Alternatively, they have to understand what changes they need and where exactly within the organization should the changes take places (Anderson & Anderson, 2010). A good example in the case study given is that the Founder of the company Henry Ford knew that he has to make some changes at the CEO level to rejuvenate the entire company. Another challenge facing change is lack of consensus. Change must be supported by the leading officials since they have a powerful influence on the juniors. It is, therefore, mandatory for one to win their hart of the directors and the senior managers and administrators to ensure that change is accepted in the organization. This, therefore, means that the individual has to fight to explain planning step, the cost, benefits, and challenges and change implementation strategies to win such person's support. Next challenge is communication. Change acceptance depends on the level at which the change has been communicated, and people are made aware of its importance and challenges. Lastly, there is change resistance. Change resistance is a situation which arises where change is imposed, and the staffs are not happy with it. Change resistance occurs where the issues mentioned, that is lack of support, poor planning, and inadequate communication all faces change. 

What are some ways that organizations can improve the likelihood of success in their change efforts?

Change in an organization can be managed successfully. An organization need to ensure that proper strategies to manage change are put in place to ensure that their change effort is fruitful. First, they need to win the support of the staff to ensure that they reduce the possibility of the change resistance. The organization needs to make sure that those people within the organization who are likely to resist the change are on the right side of the change. They should be talked to, and the improved strategies and the benefits explained to them well. If possible, they should be made the change agents (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). The next strategy is to focus on communication. The organization change management team should ensure that change is well communicated to those who may be directly or indirectly affected by the modification. They should clarify the strategies and ensure that benefits and reasons for the change are known. The next is step is to focus on the training. The management team ought to make sure that those who are likely to be affected by the change are well trained and prepared to take the change. Last, the change team should ensure that the change process is monitored and report on its progress are assessed and filed. This is dome to ensure that the change process is in line with the change objective and the resources needed. 

Do you think Ford made a right decision in focusing more attention on smaller fuel-efficient cars? Why or why not?

The rationale for the change which made the company focus on the small cars which are energy efficient is the demand. Based on this reason, the change was perfect. The organization exists purposefully to suit the needs of their people in order to make a profit. To be able to satisfy the demand in the market, the organization need to be flexible enough to change with the tastes and preference of the people who keep on changing on a daily basis. During this period, customers demanded small cars which were fuel efficient and therefore big cars such as the mercury were not in the market. This, therefore, forced the organization to change to suit the demand. The change was inevitable and was one of the best moves the company could initiate at that time.


Anderson, D., & Anderson, L. A. (2010). Beyond change management: How to achieve breakthrough results through conscious change leadership . John Wiley & Sons.

Cameron, E., & Green, M. (2015). Making sense of change management: A complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change . Kogan Page Publishers.

Denscombe, M. (2014). The excellent research guide: for small-scale social research projects . McGraw-Hill Education (UK).

Goetsch, D. L., & Davis, S. B. (2014). Quality management for organizational excellence . Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Understanding Organization's Culture.


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