9 Sep 2022


Unit Cohesion in a Profession of Trust

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As a military concept that was implemented for purposes of efficiency and effectiveness in the squads, unit cohesion is termed as the affiliation between soldiers. Through the application of its demands, unit cohesion ensures that militants stay committed to each other and loyal to the constitution and the unit despite any present challenges. Besides bonding, unit cohesion is a tool that is observed to be a motivator among soldiers and guideline for the team leaders. While there are ground rules applicable to all soldiers, it is evident that different leaders have their tactics and strategies that enable them to impart discipline and excellent performance among the combat. The main reason to this is the fact that it is the responsibility of the leader to ensure that every soldier in their team adheres to the set rules and conditions for purposes of the victory of the whole team. In this paper, we shall highlight the level of unit cohesion within our squad. The critical areas of focus shall be in the identification of who we are the standards and discipline within the team, the professional climate, and our winning spirit. 

Who we are, why and How We Fight 

To accomplish every assigned duty to precision, proper training and discipline are instilled in members of the unit. While every individual has different capabilities, the group ensures that all the members of the team have the skills and knowledge required to meet the responsibilities allocated. With this in consideration, every soldier trusts each other to do what is right. Moreover, unit cohesion is founded on trust and association with each member on peaceful grounds. Hence, the ability to relate to each other by care and love instills confidence among team members. It is mandatory for every unit member to perform in a specific manner, hence the oath taken to serve colleagues, the unit, the community and the constitution ensures that expectation of doing what is right are met to the latter. 

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A trusted army professional is expected to live by the outlined ethics at all times whether or not they are on duty. Therefore, in my squad, this rule is strongly agreed upon since we are soldiers at all times. One may be called on duty even on their day off. Hence, every ethical practice taught to the team must be applied at all times. On the other hand, our squad is founded on responsibility not only for the unit and colleagues but the society. Therefore, while service of the soldiers will be directed to the colleagues, leaders and the group while on duty, the ground army ethics also dictates professionalism and excellent morals towards the society especially while off duty. As highlighted by Major Brendan McBreen (2002), the morale and teamwork are enhanced through a good character that is exercised according to the army ethics. 

I agree with the belief that we are trusted army professionals primarily because of the competence, and the ability of the leaders in charge to lead by example. Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, the discipline and knowledge instilled in every soldier ensure that they adhere to the right morals and army ethics (Chretien, 2007). On the other hand, every soldier is aware of what is expected from them giving the team the ease to outline responsibilities in every defined specialty. Moreover, a more significant percentage of the squad members have been certified with the Army Profession certification based on their character, commitment, and competence. The attitudes are dictated by the army ethics. Hence, the similarity in behavioral is a prevailing norm in the team. Moreover, the squad believes that we are an honorable servant in defense of the Nations because of support and protection of the constitution. Besides, as distinguished servants drive of national defense is driven by the commitment to deal with any form of enmity and harm directed to the country. It is our responsibility to ensure that the security of the nation is not jeopardized in any way. The bonding impacted by the unit cohesion has promoted a sense of belonging amongst squad members making them develop the need to own their responsibilities in defending the nation at all costs. While every individual is expected to meet the measures elaborated in facilitating national defense, the key motivator is founded on the importance of security of the country and its citizens ( Chretien, 2007) . As a responsibility of the squad, every member is capable of applying all combat skills and tactics to support and promote national defense as outlined by the army ethics. 

The outcome of honorable service promotes stewardship amongst squad members hence, the aspect every member understands their responsibility to each other, duty or properties entrusted in their care is neutral. The main reason as to why is because we know the difference in character amongst team members despite a foundation that is leveled ( Chretien, 2007) . With this in consideration, different outcomes are expected from squad members because of varied perspectives and habits. On the contrary, the squad outlines ways in which each member is expected to deliver their duties, relate with colleagues and perform. Hence the existence of the assumption that all squad members understand their roles towards their colleagues and the properties placed under their care is slightly unbalanced. 

Standards and Discipline 

Unit cohesion enhances friendship among team members in the military hence impacts unity and care in the squad. Consequently, we agree that the team members trust each other to perform their duties with discipline and to standards. Different units are entitled to various roles that are defined by one group and allocated to another after completion. Therefore, every member is mandated to promote trust and believe in the job delivery towards their colleagues with the application of discipline and the set army standards. Discipline is a fundamental element in the promotion of unit cohesion hence is a mandate from all team members. With clear rules, all members can serve the unit with excellence thus can be trusted. On the other hand, certification for honorable service catalyzes the need to strive for excellence in the delivery of duty and performance. The squad members are therefore challenged to keep improving on the job delivery and apply any diverse methods that are in line with the ethics of the army without jeopardy of quality (Chretien, 2007). To promote excellence in the performance of team members, squad leaders emphasize on awarding individuals who show improvement in areas of their weakness and maintain stable achievements in the areas of their strengths to keep motivating them to do more. 

The team understands that squad members have different capabilities and their various skills are expected to encourage team members for purposes of achieving one’s potential and meeting the goals of the unit. While there are set standards and allocation of the army ethics that are used as guidelines in performance, incorporation of diversity in the group encourages others to exercise the things that they are good at. On the other hand, various squad members have distinct ways in which they deliver their responsibilities to precision. As a result, we agree on the need to set excellent examples to others promoting the army ethic primarily to facilitate growth and perfection in the responsibilities allocated. Besides, the setting of a good example in the team is not limited to the leaders alone but is expected to be implemented by everyone within the squad since as mentioned earlier, distinct capabilities are depicted in the camps (Ben-Shalom, Lehrer & Ben-Ari, 2005) . The desire to be respected dictates that one must do unto others what they expect to be done to them. Respect for others is obligatory to every unit since it is a factor that promotes cohesion in the team. The practice of respect for others also ensures that the self-esteem in team members is boosted and therefore encourages the ability of others to consistently apply discipline and army standards. Understanding one’s strength and weaknesses facilitate the ability to take pride in finishing outlined mission properly (Ben-Shalom, Lehrer & Ben-Ari, 2005) . The desire to keep doing what is right ensures that squad members appreciate themselves and others hence focusing on delivering every mission beyond expectation and owning their actions. It is essential for the squad to feel proud of their responsibilities since the security of both the country and its citizens relies on them. Standing on the pride of the army foundation cement the unit’s abilities to concentrate on areas that suit the needs of all missions bestowed upon them. Therefore, a sense of pride in mission accomplishment highly contributes to the desire to offer nothing but the best. 


The spirit of stewardship in our squad is neutral. For instance, while unit cohesion enhances bonding in the team, some individuals are naturally antisocial. Furthermore, the experiences faced in the missions allocated to the unit have been reasons for post-trauma and depression which interferes with the relationship of the squad members towards other society members. Despite the expectations highlighted to the members, various factors have contributed to the difference in character and handling of particular situations. Leaders understand the difference in the backgrounds which team members come from and are the number one reasons why habits and behavior in the group are different. As a result, support for each other through coaching and counseling is limited to specific individuals. The mentioned activities require individuals who are both naturally skilled and trained professionally. On the other hand, counselors and individuals who can coach are expected to be empathetic, patient and understanding. Such attributes are limited to some individuals within the group hence support for each other regarding counseling and coaching may be provided by specified individuals. In the case of caring for other’s morale and well-being is relative. The stereotype that soldiers are influential people and hence can handle anything has promoted the inability to mind the welfare of others. In such instances, very few individuals tend to care for their colleagues and impact their morale. On the other hand, the need to be certified creates competition among team members hence some may intentionally compromise the excellence of others because of the need to stay ahead of them. Contrary to this, some individuals are driven by the superiority of the group which is promoted by support and care for each other. Besides, some of them possess the skills and knowledge required in coaching and counseling others which supports the morale and well-being of team members. 

Collaboration and success of the group is the essential factor in facilitating the consistency in the state of each. Tolerance of violation of the army ethics is forbidden, and hence team members are not allowed to go against the standards of the unit which dictates how tasks are delivered. Despite the set rules, some soldiers do not adhere to this requirement for various reasons. With this in mind, penalties for individuals who do to follow the guidelines of the army ethics are outlined to ensure that order and discipline are maintained in the unit. Besides, a significant number of soldiers have been identified to be consistent in following the rules highlighted in the Army ethics. As mentioned earlier, antisocial behavior among soldiers is a common practice yet on the other side; some individuals develop close ties and friendship in the unit. Therefore, the tradition of caring and supporting other families and their concerns is relative. Some prefer living a private life while others are open books and enjoy the presence of others in their lives. It is clear that the involvement in other people’s personal or family concerns has a disparity that focuses on the character and choices of team members. Despite the difference in preference of someone’s social life, squad members believe that we are soldiers for life hence are always accountable for the decisions and actions that are in line with the Army ethics. As observed earlier, squad members ensure that they remain discipline whether they are on duty or not supporting the notion of ‘soldiers for life.’ Retired squad members have been allocated with other responsibilities that are not necessarily directly attached to field missions but promote the stability and application of wisdom and strategy in the team. Age does not limit squad members to exercise the army ethics even outside the units since the national defense is not limited to country borders, diplomats, and national ceremonial occasions. Therefore, the discipline and standards taught and instilled in squad members are expected to be practiced at all times which is the case in our team. In consideration of the diversity and practice of discipline among members, a majority of the team members take pride in living by the army ethics since the belief of ‘soldiers for life’ is engraved in the character and daily lives of the squad members. The ability to live according to the army ethics at all times has boosted the sense of pride among individuals within the group promoting cohesion and understanding. In consideration of the country’s defense allocated to the military, the challenges and victory that comes with it is has promoted through the pride among members. 

Esprit de Corp – “Our Winning Spirit” 

It is evident that unit cohesion promotes the morale in the group and motivates individuals to pursue more in their delivery of their responsibilities. Esprit de corps is the willingness to win and stay on top. According to Richard Martin (n.d.), challenges, setbacks, and adversity are inevitable while on a mission. Besides training squad members on the ways to combat or subdue an enemy, various strategies are allocated to ensure that multiple situations are handled smartly. The adversity that includes lack of water and food may seem simple, but it affects the performance of the soldier hence tactics that involve making use of the available resources for survival are effective. On the other hand, some plans may be foregone because of the unanticipated setbacks the gets the team unaware. Despite these challenges, the spirit of winning among team members ensures that victory is achieved at all times. Failure is also inevitable, but persistence and pressing on promotes the group’s ability to focus on nothing but success for the team and the country. To ensure that victory is maintained among the squad members, the standards set must be adhered to and practiced with excellence. On the other hand, current squad members must ensure that the honorable services, sacrifice, and tradition of former members of the armed forces are honored. It is through their abilities and strength that the army exists, hence acknowledging their efforts and service delivery ensures that their performance is up to standards and follows the army ethics (Manning, 1991). Furthermore, in the quest to facilitate honor for former soldiers and overcoming challenges, the squad believes in the army customs, traditions and courtesies since they play a significant role in ensuring that goals and missions are accomplished as expected. In support of this, we had earlier identified that the team members find pride in delivering their roles and applying the army ethics which is also essential. 

While victory is vital, demonstration of a winning spirit is outlined from the commitment that every member has towards the squad. Implications of the winning spirit maintain the ability of the members to focus on the goal’s set and stay in line with the standards of the Army ethics. Moreover, persistence and consistency in the group influence the winning spirit which is depicted through cooperation and shared responsibilities. Furthermore, mutual support for team members facilitates the growth in the team and the rest of the unit. Contrary to the winning spirit, pride in the army ethics, the notion of soldiers for life and honor for former members of the armed forces, sometimes the demands of the duty interfere with the personal lives of squad members. For example, most families have to spend less time with a service member hence sometimes create misunderstandings and disputes within them. For instance, a father who stays away from the family for years because of the service he has for his country end up missing most of the developing stages in their children. The children, on the other hand, lack a father figure in whom they can share their joys, fears, and life experiences. In the case of female militants, most of them have to forgo marriage and conception because of the demands allocated to them and the rest of the team. Women in service are safer marrying fellow militants rather than civilians. The primary reasons to this are the fact that a military spouse understands the demands bestowed on their partner and hence despite the marital needs, it is easy to stay together for long as opposed to military spouses married to civilians. The issue is contrary to some service men and women who commit to their duties and keep off social responsibilities. They find it easier to stay focused on their line of job and hence decide to remain unmarried or committed to any romantic relationship. That way, some choices that involve both duties and family will not face conflicts because they have one direction to face. Sometimes it is possible to feel the conflict in between being loyal towards group members and doing what is right. Most of the times, such conflicts are influenced by the need to stay faithful to both parties and not be seen as a villain by either. 


Unit cohesion has impacted excellent performance among squad members because of the elements outlined. Besides bonding, military service men and women have the opportunity to contribute by use of their distinctive talents and capabilities. Moreover, diversity is encouraged despite the strict allocation of army ethics. Discipline is emphasized for purposes of ensuring that missions are accomplished to perfection. While challenges and setbacks are inevitable, the spirit of winning among squad members impacts the character of persistence and consistency to meet set goals. It is evident that teamwork facilitates the glory of the squad which is shared among all. 


Ben-Shalom, U., Lehrer, Z., & Ben-Ari, E. (2005). Cohesion during Military Operations. Armed Forces & Society , 32 (1), 63-79. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0095327x05277888 

Chretien, J. (2007). The importance of militaries from developing countries in global infectious disease surveillance. Bulletin Of The World Health Organization , 85 (3), 174-180. http://dx.doi.org/10.2471/blt.06.037101 

Martin, R. (n.d.). The Secrets of Morale and Cohesion . Retrieved November 6, 2017, from Evancarmichael: http://www.evancarmichael.com/library/richard-martin/The-Secrets-of-Morale-and-Cohesion.html 

McBreen, M. (2002). Improving Unit Cohesion: The First Step in Improving Marine Corps Infantry Battalion Capabilities . USMC. Retrieved from http://www.2ndbn5thmar.com/coh/mcbreen2002.pdf 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Unit Cohesion in a Profession of Trust.


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