27 May 2022


Using an Internet Browser

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Academic level: High School

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 303

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When moving from one OS to windows, one needs to create a Microsoft account. Windows 10 mostly use Microsoft account for a wide range of features. Information from Microsoft account is used to create, buy apps, edit, make Skype calls, share files in one drive as well as share documents with office 365. A Microsoft account is connected to achievement, Gamertag, and other account information. The account enables users to flow freely from one task to another and make the most of every moment. Microsoft account gives users access to Microsoft services as well as enable them to work together. 

Steps in Creating Microsoft Account 

First, click on the start button in windows ten followed by a click on the setting command. When the setting screen appears, click on the set for an account. 

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On the “your account” pane, there are options to sign in Microsoft account. Alternatively, click on the loop to that option. 

Immediately the sign in with Microsoft page pop up it asks the user for a Microsoft account. If the user has an account, it only requires the username and the password. 

If the user does not have a Microsoft, account the pane allows him/her to create one by clicking the link to create an account at the “sign in with Microsoft.” 

Immediately the “let’s create your account” pops up giving the user an opportunity to enter the user name, email account, a password, country and the date of birth. One can use an existing email account or may decide to create a new one through the link “create a new email account” and then click next. 

The next screen allows the user to add security information and enter a mobile phone number. In completion, click next then turn off the checkboxes on the next screen and later click enter. 

From the screen that asks for the current password, the user is required to enter the existing windows password and go through the next few screens until the new windows are set up ready for use. 

Source: https://www.cnet.com/how-to/how-to-use-a-microsoft-account-in-windows-10/ 

A screenshot of Microsoft account in windows 10 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Using an Internet Browser.


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