2 Oct 2022


Using and Improving Federal Student Aid Data Systems to Support Policy Analysis

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 1199

Pages: 5

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For my research proposal, I chose International Relations and National Security Studies as offered at the University of Virginia. The results also showed that over fifteen other public institutions also offer the same degree. The following is a proposal for a full research project using the information gathers primarily from College Scorecard (2020). Statistics show that students who enroll have a 93% graduation rate after four years that cost them $20k annually (College Scorecard, 2020). Additionally, once employed, the students expect a salary between $27k – 86k annually. 

This data is valid and highly reliable based on how College Scorecard (2020) accessed and collected it. According to Soldner & Campbell (2017), the main data source comes from federal reporting the institutions submit, data that is also public record according to the Freedom of Information Act. This data, therefore, includes but is not limited to all applicable federal financial aid and tax data. The National Student Loan Data System, for instance, is the tool used by the federal government to disburse federal aid and is, therefore, a highly reliable source of information. However, College Scorecard (2020) stores and displays statistics from the last two years. Therefore, however valid and reliable the statistics are, they are either out of date or too shallow to present any trend. Further information would be needed beyond the website to substantiate other research questions. 

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Research Questions 

For instance, the COVID19 pandemic has halted conventional teaching for all learning institutions. As a result, most colleges and universities have resorted to online classes to deliver learning materials, continue teaching, and even assess the students. However, the change in the delivery and testing mechanisms is bound to impact the performance of most students. College Scorecard (2020) has yet to collect statistical data relating to the following research questions 

As compared to before, how many more (or less) hours do students have to spend studying and doing homework? 

What is the impact of the new delivery mechanisms on the quality of teaching and student performance? 


Data Collection 

Facilitating research into these questions, two approaches need to be taken. First, the online platforms, such as the course management systems have featured that log student data, like participation in forums and course discussions as well as the time spent learning (Romero et al. 2013). Other course management systems even track time spent on a lesson and assignment as a contribution towards the course's minimum requirements to earn the credits (Fallon & Brown, 2016). This information, while valuable to finding answers to our research questions, will be accessible with the permission of the respective colleges and universities. Therefore, through my university, I can utilize existing relationships to gain access to all requisite information. 

Secondly, other information could be gathered by sending out electronic surveys for the students to fill out. Such an approach will help to answer the research questions in the following ways. The data from the course management system will provide current statistics, while student surveys will ask the participants the amount of time they spent on studying as well as doing homework. A simple comparison will provide answers as well as further insight into a new trend if any is developing. The questions for the student survey would include: 

Why did you pick the program? 

Before COVD19, did you live on campus or not? 

Is your current residence or environment conductive for online learning (If not explain why)? 

Before COVID19, how much time did you spend studying and doing homework per week (under 5 hours, 6 – 10 hours, 11 – 15 hours, over 15 hours)? 

Currently, how much time do you spend studying and doing homework per week (under 5 hours, 6 – 10 hours, 11 – 15 hours, over 15 hours)? 

Do you feel you are getting to the best quality of education (academic or training) with the current delivery system to achieve your desired future level of income? (Explain) 

Will your institution help you find a job after you graduate? 

What do you think your desired job will be like in a post-COVID19 world? 

Data Analysis 

From the sample survey questions, both qualitative and quantitative data will be collected. As the proposed research will be a cross-sectional study, quantitative data will be analyzed by finding simple means, standard deviation, and variances. Qualitative data, on the other hand, will undergo thematic analysis, which includes coding and categorization. On the other hand, it would be essential to perform a statistical test on how the change in time spent studying and homework influences graduation rates for the course. This will be done by positing the following hypothesis: 

H1. Changes in time spent studying and doing homework through online delivery will impact the course's graduation rate. 

Correlational tests will be conducted on the two variables to establish statistical significance. In this case, the confidence levels of 0.05 will be used. However, disparities are expected in the data collected and subsequent analysis due to threats to internal and external validity. 

History, for instance, is a threat to the internal validity of the research methods as unrelated events and influences could impact the outcomes. Because the researchers would have no control over the student environment, personal factors, and behaviors like procrastination that were previously controlled in school settings would impact the outcomes. On the other hand, the biggest threat to the external validity of the proposed research methods is sample bias. The bias can come about in two ways. First, the sample size might be too small to be representative of the entire population of students taking the course. 

Secondly, the selection method would threaten the study's external validity. Even if I use simple random sampling to select survey participants, I will only get the results of those who bothered to fill in and send back the survey. As a result, I would be using data from a subset of the originally random (and possibly representative) sample, resulting in a sample bias. 

Ethical Standards 

First, before participating in the research study, all survey participants will have to sign an informed consent form. The form will be their acknowledgment that they will be participating in the cross-sectional study of their free will and without financial or other incentives provided by the researcher. The consent form will also tell the participant what the study will be about, its objectives, and how the findings will be used. Additionally, as they will be participating in their volition, the participants will be given the option to withdraw from the study at any time. If they decide to withdraw after filling out and sending the survey, then they will have to communicate with the researcher through a specified means. All the contact details will be included as part of the consent form. 

Secondly, protecting participant privacy and confidentiality will be of utmost priority. This will be done in the following ways. First, even if the participant enters their personally identifiable information, such as name and address, they will be coded to prevent leakage. Secondly, the survey will be available online for a limited window. This is done to prevent any unauthorized access by hackers to the machines hosting and storing the data. Thirdly, once the window has closed, all data, especially participant responses, will be copied to a secured drive or flash drive before deleting it from the server. No backup of the data will be stored in any format online, such as on the cloud. Fourth, when stored on the flash or offline hard drive, the data will not only be password protected but also encrypted. This will ensure that in the case of unauthorized access or loss, the data will be secure, thus protecting participant privacy and confidentiality. 

Fifth, apart from all authorized personnel, such as researchers, no one will be allowed access to the data or raw findings. Should an exception occur, these entities will only be granted access after obtaining written consent from the respective participants? Finally, after the study is over and the final research paper has been written, all the data will be purged from all storage mediums. When applicable, the storage medium, especially flash drives, will be destroyed physically by smashing or burning them. 


College Scorecard. (2020). Search | College Scorecard. Collegescorecard.ed.gov. Retrieved 25 August 2020, from https://collegescorecard.ed.gov/search/?completion_rate=0.5..&cip4=4509&cip4_degree=b&cip4_degree=a&page=14&sort=name:asc. 

Fallon, C., & Brown, S. (2016). E-learning standards: a guide to purchasing, developing, and deploying standards-conformant e-learning. CRC Press. 

Romero, C., López, M. I., Luna, J. M., & Ventura, S. (2013). Predicting students' final performance from participation in online discussion forums. Computers & Education, 68, 458-472. 

Soldner, M., & Campbell, C. O. L. L. E. E. N. (2017). Using and improving federal student aid data systems to support policy analysis. Resource document. Institute for Higher Education Policy. http://www. ihep. org/sites/default/files/uploads/postsecdata/docs/resources/using_and_improving_fsa_ data_systems. pdf. Accessed, 7. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Using and Improving Federal Student Aid Data Systems to Support Policy Analysis.


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