5 Jun 2022


Ways of Promoting Conflict Prevention and Resolution

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Brunei Darussalam is a small state located on the north Coast of Borneo Island in Southeast Asia. Nations that surround the country are Malaysia and Sarawak. The country attained its independence in 1984 being among the last states to break from colonial ties. Today, Brunei has a prosperous economy filled with domestic and foreign investment. The state has a strong defense team which embarks on maintaining a strong security position within the country. The security measures and peace regulatory guidelines have over the years enabled Brunei Darussalam to contribute to regional and international peacekeeping operations. Mostly, Brunei participates in most UN peacekeeping mission, and particularly those of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. Also, .the nation engages in international peace monitoring mission. It aids countercheck a country peace stability level. Some of the monitoring mission were done in the southern Philippines. Nevertheless, Brunei has an enormous potential of promoting conflict prevention through undertaking other roles in managing and resolving the conflict. 

Some of the major roles Brunei Darussalam can take in conflict resolution is through establishing a working formula with local peace organizations within the countries or regions prone to conflict and war. A good work relation with local institutions will aid Brunei to attain facts on the core reasons of the conflict. According to Sommardahl (2015, p.418) proper education on the emerging issues facilitates appropriate interventions and mechanisms be applied when solving conflict. It enables Brunei to optimally impose conflict resolution strategies that best suit the issues at hand. Through that, Brunei secures a lot of expenses in assessing suitable mechanisms for solving the nation’s crisis, as the local organizations can collect the key findings and advise them on which conflict resolution method is preferably suitable. Affected countries get an opportunity to restore the peace and unity among the people. 

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Additionally, sending of military troops in the conflict-prone nations is another mode Brunei can contribute to conflict prevention and resolution. When war breaks in a country, the army and rebel forces deter in a fight with the aim of securing and overthrowing the government respectively. Also, it may involve a scenario of ethnicity like in the genocide occurrence of Rwanda in 1994. In the Rwandan genocide, the United Nations deployed its military forces to save people’s lives and restore peace. Though many people died, some got a second opportunity to live due to the UN military intervention according to (Jessee, 2015, p. 60) . Brunei Darussalam would substantially resolve a conflict by voluntarily sending its troops to combat war and restore peace within individual nations. It offers an upper boost to the security forces present which gears to the elimination of the rebelling forces and troops. Security levels enhance while conflict resolution is upheld. 

Nevertheless, assisting with dialogue is another crucial role that Brunei Darussalam can take in preventing and resolving conflicts. Dialogue is a significant aspect of any conflict whether big or small. It provides a forum in which two opposing parties can adequately address issues facing them and creates an alternative mode in which parties involved formulate a sustainable plan that iron outs their differences (Haynes, 2017, p. 82) . There various methods of dialogue forums such as mediation and arbitration talks that can be undertaken by Brunei in promoting peace. The commonly used means is an intervention which involves a person trying to assist parties to end a dispute without imposing a binding decision. In a scenario of political war, Brunei can seek mediation talks with the involvement of the individuals arousing political tension to help resolve their issue and formulate a consensus. Besides, Brunei adhering to its mediation act, it will significantly impact the affected nation in restoring of peace and harmony. 

On the other hand, arbitration is another mode of dialogue that Brunei can utilize. It involves a dispute being presented to a chosen third party upon which his decision is the determining factor. The undertaking of arbitration creates a neutral formulation for the groups at war. It will upon Brunei Darussalam head of state to widely consult on the best possible mechanism to apply which will be equal to all parties. Individuals engaging in war are forced to abide by the decision imposed thus turn down the heat among its supporting members. Dialogue hold a unique approach to solving conflicts. It's a high time that Brunei Darussalam integrates an approach as one of its primary functions in conflict resolution. 

Trade is another significant role that Brunei can use in implementing conflict prevention and resolution. Trade among different nation promotes mutual friendship and international social ties. Brunei, over the years, has had a substantial amount of trade agreements which boosted its economic status. Brunei has maintained a good working relation with its partner trading nation. Brunei Darussalam can utilize a business approach in the war zone countries. Brown (2007, p.99) upholds that trade commitment among fighting nations will create the awareness that both countries can rely on each other. Zimbabwe, for instance, faces massive economic and financial crisis. It has been brought by the dictatorship rule of President Robert Mugabe who over the years manage the nation in his likeness. That cost the country a huge deal of benefit when the United States government banned provision of foreign aid. Many European countries pulled out from funding the country which led to a political crisis. Brunei Darussalam would significantly impact the other nations by promoting trade which builds a sense of trust and reliability among two nations or opposing parties. 

Every nation has a diverse need of support wanted. In countries where disputes emerge often, there is a high likelihood that they may require support during the national crisis. Brunei can contribute in settling the conflict through offering financial aid and food assistance to the affected nation. The country will be bound by the urge of wanting to restore previous conditions to facilitate a safe, habitable environment for every individual. The provision of support during the crisis creates a sense of security and trust for the war zone nation. These countries end up feeling well appreciated thus promotes good friendship ties with Brunei Darussalam. It will impact on the individual or nations engaging each other to think about the repercussion first before aimlessly undertake bad actions. It will be a matter knowing what importance war or fights hold in the society- that is none. The provision of support will in the end help resolve emerging conflicts. 

Brunei Darussalam can also establish a military base in strategic nations to operate in protecting the country with the war zone territory. In Kenya, the US has set up a military base in Naivasha where our army is offered a training ground with an expected return of enhancing security. The establishment of the various military base in different regional designations helps ensure the safety levels are boosted in affected nations. Goertz (2016, p.156) supports the motion that heightening of safety provides a way of dealing with noncompliant groups. In most cases, they are arrested and detained to enable them to learn their lesson. A military base will facilitate Brunei get a good exposure of what challenges can significantly affect the individual countries. Suitable solutions will be drawn up which facilitate dealing with the issues accordingly and subjecting them to the right treatment. The involvement of local community programs is essential as it will assist provide comfortable living conditions. The creation of military bases makes Brunei Darussalam acquire an upper hand in managing conflict crisis and triggering issues. 

Nevertheless, publicizing of problems that affect a particular country would greatly assist Brunei in resolving conflict problems. Media today holds an important domain in the world. News now is seriously taken with much weight and concern compared to a decade ago. The technological advancement in modes of passing information has progressively enhanced the media fraternity. The use of media to communicate an individual issue affecting various countries will lead to more international concern. Bodies such as the United Nations will hold a significant position in trying to eliminate various routine activities that occur in the countries highlighted (Tint, 2010, p. 380) . Interventions and assistance will be disposed of thus facilitate Brunei Darussalam overcome its pressing desires. Media has significant potential over the world. The upholding good communication on a truth basis enables the various organization to assists in meeting the expected outcome. It is upon Brunei to regularly utilize the media to pass dire information concerning achieving peace. The digital age of technology will progressively grow to means which will offer conflict resolution approach by use of mobile phone technology in the future. 

Another role Brunei can undertake is monitor security condition of within individual nations. Safety is a key drive in ensuring there is a conducive surrounding. The regular monitoring of conflict levels with a geographical locality offers a breaking marker that exhibits the potential of a conflict emerging. In a case where there are political actors, time is adequately provided for them to exchange words against each other. It provides a scenario in which a conflict risk can be easily assessed. Through monitoring, Brunei will have a capability of prejudging various situations before they occur. Hailu (2012, p.70) dictates that it prepares the country adequately whereby different mechanism and strategies began being placed in avoiding a conflict risk emergency case. Here Brunei will have to deploy individual in the form “spies” and create a security radar which shows regions that may most likely be hit by the tensions. The implementation of suitable approaches follows up. Brunei Darussalam will optimally apply the right measures put in place to restore a nation peace. The government needs to put its considerations on upholding a monitoring program. 

The building of schools and technical institutions is another significant role that Brunei Darussalam should take. In conflict zone regions many children do not get an opportunity to go to school. People remain behind closed doors for safety purposes or migrate to other countries as refugees. It is beneficial that when curbing the war crisis, it’s equally important to sensitize the community on the benefits of educating the young generation. Lack of showing the significance to citizen’s leads to a repeated scenario in which young people end up engaging in gang violence (Sommardahl, 2015, p. 422) . The conflict remains instilled in a child’s memory which usually has adverse effects. It’s a mandate that Brunei builds schools to show the community as a whole the importance of enabling young kids to get access to education. Educating one child marks the beginning of a change in the society. Instilling the proper morals in a child will aid in reducing instances concerning dispute or war within the community. The people will have the ability to know what is wrong and what is right in the societal perspective. 

Job creation on the hand is a beneficial approach that can be utilized to reduce the prevent conflicts from occurring. Unemployment is a crucial factor that has over the years continued to challenge nations especially those in the third world genre. Youths being the highest majority of people who are not employed demonstrates the potential capacity that goes wasted every day. Many who end up engaging in drugs find themselves gang activities where many lives are lost. In an occurrence for a political movement, they hold the largest capacity of hooliganism with each own group support to it favorite person. For Brunei to adequately deal with the issue of rising conflict, it needs to substantial take part in programs that enhance or create job opportunities in the affected nations. Investing in ways that the individual country would strengthen employment through advocating farming practices and encouraging youths to take up jobs that come their way will aid in curbing the unemployment. Many children will secure an opportunity of working in different designation which promotes living standards in the country as many will abilities to afford a decent life. 

It’s upon Brunei Darussalam to push the government of the affected states to look for means for investment and development. The promotion of investment considerably alters the nation’s condition as more industries are set up. These industries require labor to produce efficiently. Thus youths need to be sensitized no the emerging opportunities properly. Brunei constructing an industrial firm in such countries will substantially boost the economic levels of the state and that of Brunei. It’s a matter of time peace solving nations also grabbed the bulls by its horns and also proved their willingness in preventing and curbing conflict. Its set's a good example to other esteemed countries to appreciate and encourage peace in dispute prone societies and regions. 

Microfinancing over the years has played a significant role in resolving conflicts and upholding peace. Most foreign nations aim at providing finances to facilitate the affected country to move forward. Brunei Darussalam may take up the microfinancing activity in dispute affected states. It enables individuals in the country to have access to soft loans which makes them engage in the income generating activity (Mahjabeen, 2008, p. 1087) . The society gets an opportunity to participate in businesses and earn income. Through credit provision, the government can generate revenue which improves the economic status of the nation. Sound recording systems of data may be established to ensure adequate information is stored concerning those acquiring the funds from the government. Brunei will have enormously impacted the country as a whole as the microfinancing act will foster idle minds to make a living for themselves and pay less attention to the political conflict. Entrepreneurship will mark the thriving potential the economy has. Additionally, health care service provision will improve. The microfinancing role will help bridge conflict between the government and the people thus uphold love, peace, and harmony. 

Creating social welfare programs is another fundamental part that Brunei can undertake in conflict prevention. In the early history, communities through engaged in local Barraza’s or small social gathering to address emerging problems facing the community. Nan (2011, p.250) argues that the social welfare meetings have helped the society grow tremendously. The revolution of the world towards technology lowered the cultural aspect view. The restoration of the community social meeting would require Brunei Darussalam to construct social halls. The social hall will picture a central point of a particular region where citizens can meet regularly once or twice a month to air out their grievances. The promotion of social welfare programs will give a profound position of maintaining peace and solving disputes amicably. Brunei’s much engagement in peacemaking gives this way an upper chance of preventing conflict and resolving those that escalate in real time 

Nevertheless, integrating of people in community-based programs has over the years indicated to have a positive effect on managing conflict. It may involve making the communities work together thus break ethnic ties. Brunei engagement in this role with affected nations will offer an excellent support system for the country. The programs will encourage people to work together in peace with no discrimination thus bridge out the societal problems that hinder the nation’s dynamic growth (McQueen, 2007, p. 80) . Brunei Darussalam has indicated to hold a crucial contribution not only in the social terms but also in the economic and political dimension. Though a small state, it has upheld key measures in the world in varying sectors such as market and security. The world is gradually changing, and the time has come for the universe to draw much of its attention in upholding peace. The digital age needs to formulate strategies to end and resolve issues in countries such as Iraq to enable people to work together unison. 

In conclusion, it is a fact that Brunei Darussalam, is a thriving economy that is geared to ensuring conflict prevention and resolution. Brunei Darussalam has played a significant role in promoting peace among Southern Asia countries. The country has a huge capacity of encountering other functions of enhancing dispute resolution such as advocating for education among conflict-affected nations to the young generation. It Promotes trade. Trade holds an important sector in many countries in which continues to boost friendship levels. Encouragement of Brunei in a trade agreement among disputing countries indicated the capacity in different states could mutually benefit from one another. Establishing a Monitoring security for peace is another role Brunei can do to ensure that there are adequate measures for upholding unity. There are many roles that Brunei Darussalam can undertake it all matters with what their primary goal is. It's time for other nations to mimic Brunei portrays servant ship to other people and countries. 


Brown, O., 2007. Trade, aid, and security: an agenda for peace and development . London: Earthscan. 

Goertz, G. P. F. &. B. A., 2016. Managing Territorial Conflict and Promoting Peace. The Puzzle of Peace, pp. 151-182. 

Hailu, S., 2012. Promoting collective security in Africa the roles and responsibilities of the United Nations, African states, institutions, and Western powers . Lanham, MD: University Press of America. 

Haynes, J, 2017. Conflict, Conflict Resolution, and Peace building. Religion and Development, pp. 75-100. 

Jessee, E., 2015. Rwandan Women No More: Female Génocidaires in the Aftermath of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. Conflict and Society, Volume 1 (1), p. 60. 

Mahjabeen, R., 2008. Microfinancing in Bangladesh: Impact on households, consumption, and welfare. Journal of Policy Modeling, 30 (6), pp. 1083-1092. 

McQueen, D. V. &. J. C. M., 2007. Global perspectives on health promotion effectiveness . New York, NY: Springer. 

Nan, S. A., 2011. Consciousness in culture-based conflict and conflict resolution. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 28 (3), pp. 239-262. 

Sommardahl, M. D., 2015. Education for Peace. Promoting Peace through International Law , pp. 416-430. 

Tint, B., 2010. History, memory, and conflict resolution: Research and application. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 27 (4), pp. 369-399. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Ways of Promoting Conflict Prevention and Resolution.


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