15 Apr 2022


Week 5 Discussion Question – Survey

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 263

Pages: 1

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The post by Shanay Fitts is effective and efficient as it acknowledges the differences and similarities in the country's other citizens. Fitts mentions the ideal of personal lifestyle choices. It is a good idea to know that people have a private space, and we should be ready to accept that by all means. But she mentions one of the things that bring us together, which are the Christian values. Fitts perfectly articulates the connection between Christian values and the life choices that organizations and gay couples make. Fitts is the focus not to banish or give a stand on what should and should not be done. Instead, she respects that people, including organizations, can make an informed decision of their own on the matter at hand. She only provides what she personally right and thinks should be the solution. 

But the part of making the decision or choosing a path to follow is in the hands of the various individuals. Fitts suggests that there is no need to have laws and policies in place that ill makes us respect each other on the matter of sexuality. I support the idea as sexuality is a personal choice. All we have to do as citizens is not to judge others' sexuality and accept them in their nature. Also, LGBTQ people are in no position to make the society of individual people perceive them in a manner that they want. The perception of people varies, and they should be ready to accept that as the situation. Fitts correctly concludes the post with a recommendation of what should be done in the future. The conclusion is a better way of giving the reader an idea of a possible solution. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Week 5 Discussion Question – Survey.


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