13 Sep 2022


What Are Natural Rights?

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Academic level: High School

Paper type: Research Paper

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The natural rights concept is key in America’s initial documents used in the founding of the country. Natural rights refer to the undeniable key rights that cannot be removed by the government. The founding fathers battled and seeped to accomplish something progressive with natural rights. They sought to make a huge country steered by its citizens, as opposed to a few dictators in the top leadership. Numerous men were exceptionally involved in building up this eventual fate of natural rights protection for the United States, yet foremost among them were Thomas Paine and John Locke ( Do, 2020). As philosophers applied the idea of natural rights to the common world, the emphasis moved from rules concerning singular conduct to cases of rights that people could make against the state. A portion of these rights, particularly those relating to people's connection to their Creator, was vital, and in the expressions of the Declaration of Independence," unalienable." 

T he 1 st Amendment and Natural Rights 

Even though the First Amendment was initially third on the rundown of the Bill of Rights' unique proposition that Congress submitted to the states for endorsement, it was the primary amendment to manage individual rights. Nearly regardless, the First Amendment rights are believed to be major since they manage matters of expression, thought, and conscience. The First Amendment guarantees the people’s right to worship in two provisos. The first clause is that of establishment which restricts the government from authorizing the use of an official church. The other clause is that of free exercise which allows people to choose how they want to worship (Campbell, 2017). Clauses comparative with the press, speech, petition, and peaceable assembly are intended to advance conversation and discussion concerning governmental approaches that suit a conservative, or representative, type of government, and seemingly to advance the person's improvement character. Maybe, therefore, courts were delayed to perceive rights encompassing commercial speech. 

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The 9 th Amendment and Natural Rights 

The Nation's Founders perceived that the Bill of Rights and a conventional Constitution could not completely ensure Americans' natural rights that emerge from their reality as free individuals. In this manner, they incorporated a particular assurance of those common rights as the ninth Amendment in the Bill of Rights. The "specific rights" referred to in this Amendment plainly incorporate those predefined in different Amendments in the Bill of Rights ( Ostler, 2016). Those others held by individuals embrace all naturally incorporating or concentrated, basic liberties of a free people, for instance, the unalienable privileges of life, freedom, and the quest for joy recognized by the Declaration of Independence. Other regular rights incorporate free affiliation, travel, education, communication, work, thought, property and privacy as well as defense of family and self. 

By listing specific exemptions to the award of power, it would defame those rights which were not set in that specification, and it may follow by the suggestion that those rights which were not singled out were proposed to be doled out under the control of the general government, and were thus uncertain. By the Tenth Amendment ideals, the authorities for tending to and participating in the activity of characteristic rights under the ninth Amendment are among those not appointed to the United States by the Constitution (Paul & Mishra, 2017). They are earmarked to the States or the citizens. The power to exercise all natural rights belongs to the individuals who may organize to improve such rights' advantages, either local or statewise. 


Locke’s and Paine’s ideologies as well as those of other founding fathers were acknowledged by the developing United States, a nation where all residents wanted a certain something: a land where natural rights were definitely normal, not the governments favors. The Constitution and the first Amendments remained to understand this and shield residents from an overbearing government. The Founding Fathers deified Locke and Paine's ideas in the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution records that will always remain to ensure the people’s natural rights regular privileges in the United States. 


Campbell, J. (2017). Natural Rights and the First Amendment. Yale LJ, 127, 246. 

Do, T. M. W. (2020). The historical development of the concept of rights. International Human Rights, Social Policy and Global Welfare: Critical Perspectives, 15. 

Paul, N., & Mishra, M. S. (2017). Concept of Human Rights. ODISHA REVIEW, 11. 

Ostler, D. L. (2016). Rights in America, Bills of Attainder and the Ninth Amendment. Duane L Ostler. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). What Are Natural Rights?.


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