27 Oct 2022


What Christians Believe About the Bible

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Academic level: High School

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 386

Pages: 1

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What Christians believe about the Bible is a handbook that describes the various aspects of the bible and how the students of the scripture interpret it. It reminds us that we are all the students of the Bible, although we all face a lot of challenges when trying to study it. It also provides various ways to explore the bible effectively. The book also acknowledges the differences in Christian's opinions concerning the Biblical scriptures. Some claim that they possess the truth about the text and not just mere opinions and points of view. 

Faith integration is the contextualization and application of the bible, where people develop knowledge of the text and be able to relate it with daily life in combination. Chapter 2 of the handbook provides the brief history of the text from the Jewish times through the Old Testament to the New Testament and the general letters and revelation, the Canonization of the Scripture and its translation to English. 

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As a frequent reader of the bible, I relate what the handbook tries to put across about the guide with my own life. Sometimes I face a lot of challenges when trying to comprehend the scriptures and applying it to my daily life. The way people interpret the bible in indeed in different ways. It happens most, especially when I get the message differently from what I study and what the preachers in church relay. There is also a challenge in the integration of faith to life in practice. Sometimes I tend to lose my faith as I continue to learn more about the bible. 

The integration of the Old Testament with the New Testament is also a challenge to my faith. This is because there are things that were done in the Old Testament and were accepted while they are abominable in the New Testament, although the bible does not clearly show the transition (Mears, 2016). 

The chapter about the Canonization of the scripture is the one that I found interesting. I want to study more about it and capture knowledge on the nature of the Scripture after canonization and translations. Some of the questions I always ask myself in the pursuit of understanding the Bible includes: Do the biblical concepts of the Old Testament really have a relation with those of the New Testament? What will finally happen to the world with the ever growing diversification and differences in people's opinions about the Bible? 


Mears, H. (2016). What the Bible is All about NIV : Bible handbook. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc... 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). What Christians Believe About the Bible.


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