9 Sep 2022


What factors influence interim and eventual interest in politics?

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Academic level: College

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Quintelier, E. (2013). Engaging adolescents in politics: The longitudinal effect of political socialization agents.  Youth & Society 47 (1), 51–69. doi:10.1177/0044118x13507295 

Research Question 

What factors influence interim and eventual interest in politics and political issues in adolescents and young adults? 

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Method Used to answer research question 

The research utilized self-reported data based on a three wave panel study. A collection of 3,025 Belgium youth gathered from a larger sample of 6,330 individuals were surveyed three times between the ages of 16 and 18. To arrive at a sample that represented a reasonable cross section of the nation, the youth were randomly picked from 112 different schools. The focus of the experiment was the nature of interactions that the individuals has both voluntarily such as friends and associates and involuntarily such as teachers and parents. The students were to record this interactions. The initial survey was done at the age of 16 followed by another at the age of 18 and a final one at 21 years. With regard to eventual political participation, the measure was based on a seven types of political participation including wearing a badge and attending a political meeting. 

Summary of Results and Key Findings 

The results showed that the influence of a parent or a teacher who has strong political inclination was much weaker as compared to the effect of a peer or an association through choice. Further, gender had little effect of development of political association neither was social factors. Further, an early onset of political inclinations did not necessarily result in heightened political activity in future as most youths who were influenced into politics earlier plateaued later and were caught up with by their peers. Attention to the media such as listening to the news also has an impact to the onset political interest. 

ASA Ethical Principle Used 

The ASA ethical principle used was A.4.b., which regards Personal Values. The researchers only sought to evaluate but not seek to change the personal values of the participants. 

Statement on Utility of the Article 

Political activities are important to our society more so having just come from an acrimonious election and the article will help me understand what influences my political interest and/or inclinations. 

Bursztyn, L., Egorov, G., & Jensen, R. (2017).  Cool to be Smart or Smart to be Cool? Understanding Peer Pressure in Education  (No. w23020). National Bureau of Economic Research. 

Research Question 

How do youths whose circumstances allow for them to be seen as doing well and children who are not doing well but desire to be seen as such affected by peer pressure. 

Method Used to answer research question 

Using a broad spectrum scientific research method, the researchers based their study on entire school populations as opposed to individual students. The susceptibility for youths to make belief that they are successful is higher in schools with children from poor families while the desire to be seen as successful is higher among children from affluent families. The study was undertaken in three LA California schools from demographically different populations some rich and some poor. The concept was to check from the students to see how they will act in activities where they are sure to be noticed and judged by their peer. The idea was to see if the youths will be anxious to please and impress their peers. 

Summary of Results and Key Findings 

The high end children and the lower social stratum children all showed the same desire to be seen as successful. The high end students would be well dressed and having the right gear but would still go out of their way to try and impress their peers. The children from the poorer neighborhoods may not have been impressive in looks and gear but tried their best to overcompensate for what they lacked in order to be seemed to be doing well too. The results showed that all students are susceptible to peer pressure whether they are trying to be cool or are already cool as the heading for the article suggests. 

ASA Ethical Principle Used 

The ASA ethical principle adhered to is C.5. Nondiscrimination. Dubbing someone a minor as poor is an element of discrimination hence the studies were limited to schools not individuals and neither the schools nor individuals were mentioned by name to avoid culpability for discrimination. 

Statement on Utility of the Article 

The article will help me understand in which areas of my life I am susceptible to peer pressure and in what way so as to be able to avoid negative peer pressure. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). What factors influence interim and eventual interest in politics?.


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