16 Sep 2022


What is Complex Trauma? Everything You Need to Know

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Academic level: University

Paper type: Coursework

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The most important concept that I learnt in this week's reading is about complex trauma. I learned that complex trauma is a result of many repeated events that are traumatic to an individual. One in four girls and one in four boys experience Complex trauma. This shows that many people in the society have complex trauma but do not know ( Buehler, 2009) . The disease has a number of complications. For example, some people suffering from the disease lose control over their sexual behaviors. In addition, Complex trauma also leads to emotional dysregulation, interpersonal hardships, and also negative social cognitions ( Giourou et al 2018) . Complex trauma, therefore, also leads to personality disorders. Complex disorder should thus be addressed as early as possible by ensuring that all healing stages which include; the stabilizing stage, memory processing stage, and rehabilitation and personal integration stage are completed. 

Another important thing that I learnt is that marriage sex can be a source of pressure to both partners. For example, Audrey and Peter are in a situation that they both do not feel comfortable about the kind of sex they are having ( Schnarch 2009) . This may be as a result of underlying problems in their childhood that have not been dealt with, for example family matters. It is thus very important that the therapist chooses not to side with any of them but to give the couple an opportunity to chose what they want. The therapist identifies that the sexual problem had even led to Audrey saying that she has no feelings for Peter. So, their marriage was at stake since in marriage sexual desire for each other is integral. In a marriage that lacks physical intimacy partners become more of roommates and this may even affect their social life. 

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Buehler, S. (2017). What every mental health professional needs to know about sex (Second edition. ed.). Springer Publishing Company, LLC. 

Giourou, E., Skokou, M., Andrew, S. P., Alexopoulou, K., Gourzis, P., & Jelastopulu, E. (2018). Complex posttraumatic stress disorder: The need to consolidate a distinct clinical syndrome or to reevaluate features of psychiatric disorders following interpersonal trauma?.  World journal of psychiatry 8 (1), 12. 

Schnarch, D. (2009). Passionate marriage: Keeping love and intimacy alive in committed relationships. New York, NY: W.W. Norton. 

Sherif ,(2020) Are you in a sexless marriage? (n.d.).  Verywell Mind https://www.verywellmind.com/sexless-marriages-2303254 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). What is Complex Trauma? Everything You Need to Know.


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