The image of Imago dei is Latin for the ‘image of God’. It creates the foundation for man’s understanding on the significance and purpose of life (Kandiah & Swithinbank, 2017). Man is created in the image of God in that he is provided the ability to actualize the unique qualities that God has endowed upon him. He is able to reflect God’s image in his spiritual, moral, and intellectual nature. Professions in healthcare can be described as a talents and gifts from God since they are provided with the opportunity to work on his creation. Through the concept of Imago Dei, healthcare professionals understand that life is sacred and they are obligated to attempt to postpone human death (Orr, 2015). Religion mandates medicine to try to maintain the quality of life by trying to control and cure disease.
Response to Gertrude Gwumasi:
As indicated, the book of Genesis provides a clear explanation of ‘made in the image of God’. Every single person in the world, regardless of his or her ability or disability, carries the image of God. Therefore, nurses should treat all people in the same manner without bias. For centuries, healthcare has been intertwined with medicine. The church has always been involved in helping the sick and poor to advocate God’s message on equal treatment for all.
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Response to Nancislyn Gonzalez:
The concept of Imago Dei seeks to explain the divine connection that lies between God and man. Therefore, human beings are expected to portray God’s dignity and regard for life (Tarus, 2016). Nurses should always look through any problems they encounter while attending to difficult patients. This allows them to serve without judgment and achieve the ultimate goal of improving the quality of life. Image of God is described through the connection that exists between the physical body and spirituality; therefore, dignity is upheld by caring for the body.
Response to Crystal Delgado:
Most theologians in history have always looked at the concept of the image of God in terms of the relationship that exists between the mind and body (Kandiah & Swithinbank, 2017). The example of Luke 17:33 shows that healthcare professionals are expected to act in a selfless manner by performing all their actions with the patient’s well-being in mind. Nursing is a gift from God and should be used to do his will and continue with his divine mission of protecting all life.
Kandiah, K., & Swithinbank, H. (2017). MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD. Tearfund, 3-79.
Orr, R. (2015). Incorporating Spirituality into Patient Care. AMA Journal of Ethics, 409-415.
Tarus, D. (2016). IMAGO DEI IN CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY: THE VARIOUS APPROACHES. Online International Journal of Arts and Humanities, 18-25.