26 May 2022


Why do we study Biology?

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Academic level: College

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Words: 1366

Pages: 5

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Biology is a branch of science which centers on the study of life and living organisms. Basically, that entails the study of life, how life is protected, how living creatures survive at the cellular, anatomical, and molecular levels, the ecological interrelationship between organisms, and the evolutionary patterns related to organisms. Generally, biology is concerned with everything involving a form of life including origin, reproduction, behavior, and growth. As such, biology assists in the scientific understanding of how nonliving and living interact with one another. Moreover, it encompasses other research fields which are related to life sustainability, including ecosystem, causes of diseases, environment, medicine development, food quality, human body study just to mention a few. This definition alone can reveal how important the study of biology is. However, this paper focuses on explaining deeper the reasons why it is significant to study biology. 

Reasons for Studying Biology 

There are many reasons explaining the significance of studying biology. According to Tomasovic (2014), one of the reasons is that biology helps in understanding human bodies. From physiology to genetics, the many biology branches have a lot to tell learners’ concerning what makes up the human body, how the body works, and how it can be affected by what people consume, the air breath, and every other facet of the surrounding of humans. Besides, biology assists in teaching how to prevent, eliminate or even cure illnesses as well as how to lose weight, or become faster or stronger. Specifically, in helping to understand the human body, biology helps in treating diseases, thus it is the cornerstone of all modern healthcare forms. For instance, the significance of biology has produced the field of pharmacology, a scientific branch that is typically medicine, which deals with creating and researching everything from pain relievers of over-the-counter to drugs prescription. Second, is the field of immunology studies the immune system of humans and how this immune system reacts to all sorts of various threats (Tomasovic, 2014). Third, pathology which deals with disease diagnosis and what causes them, as well as the things these diseases can do to the body, and virology deals with the study of viruses and how they can harm the body. Additionally, biology plays a significant role in the study of DNA and genetics, which assist to explain the predisposition of particular diseases in the human body. 

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Moreover, in helping to understand the human body, biology plays a vital role when it comes to proper nutrition. This is possible through knowing how the body of humans work and what positively reacts to it. In regard to this, nutritionists are capable of devising the perfect diet that the body needs, whether it is concerned with weight loss or gain, or fueling heavy exercises (Tomasovic, 2014). Consequently, this proper nutrition contributes to the general health of the body, which is the major biochemistry concern. For instance, it is the aspect of nutritional biology that makes learners aware that sugar provides a spike of energy but results in a rough crash afterward due to the way the body digests it and turns it to something the body can utilize (Tomasovic, 2014). Similarly, people are also aware that this sugar can create fat deposits that are unwanted as well as posing danger to the teeth. 

Nonetheless, in helping to understand the human body, biology assists in sport or exercise science (Tomasovic, 2014). For instance, athletes who compete are capable of the amazing feats of strength and speed because of the understanding of the human body through anatomy and biology branches. Because of this knowledge, scientists have used it to create training methods which help boost the sports stars to heights that are incredible (Tomasovic, 2014). Nurse (2016) adds that exercise psychologists investigate why and how muscles react to stress; discover why dehydration takes place in the body; and what provides marathoners with energy. Furthermore, Nurse (2016) adds that by understanding the human body through the study of biology, learners are able to know the reasons behind particular changes in the body. For instances, the changes during growth and development. This knowledge further adds to the health of people as they will be able to understand themselves better. 

Second, besides helping in understanding the human body, biology helps to shape various careers (Nurse, 2016). Biology assists in shaping or opening up various professional careers such as a doctor, environmentalist, psychologist, nurse, engineer, teacher, scientist, and many other professions related to science, studying the scientific aspect of life and other living organisms. In all these careers, biology forms the core concept in helping people excel in these areas, thus enabling people to achieve their dreams (Nurse, 2016). Even beauty therapists and beauticians require an understanding and learning the basic significance of biology because they majorly deal with nails, skin, and fingers, which are essential human body parts. 

Third, the study of biology helps in providing answers to problems that are large-scale as Mills (2017) assert. This is to mean, the study of biology assist in the understanding of the environment and as such, offers a solution to issues of the environment without sacrificing or compromising (Mills, 2017). For instance, biological ideologies help to offer solutions to food shortages as they can be utilized to create long-lasting and efficient methods of food production to sustain life (Mills, 2017). Also, the knowledge of biology can help offer a solution to environmental issues like pollution, which currently has become a menace in different parts of the world. 

Furthermore, Tomasovic (2014) adds that biology helps in environmental conservationism through an understanding of the environment. For instance, through understanding how nature actually works and what makes it flourish, people are capable of pinpointing the ways that might cause harm to it and search for methods that are environmentally friendly of doing things. For example, ecology studies plant, animal, and environment relationships, thus assisting people to understand how the things other animals or human do can help or hurt Mother Nature (Tomasovic, 2014). Similarly, conservation biology measures the rates of extinction and analyzes how every species fits within the ecosystem to determine which animals are crucial in retaining the balance. 

Also, by helping in understanding the environment, biology gives people the knowledge of how to use natural resources and food harvesting according to Tomasovic (2014). For instance, Agrobiology deals with identifying the best conditions of soil to deliver nutrients for healthier growth of crops, which can have a substantial impact on crop yields of farmers. Botany, another biology branch which deals with the study of plants, helps in identifying which plants are edible in the first place. Besides, botany plays a big role in raising livestock such as chickens and cows, which adds to the production impact of farmers (Tomasovic, 2014). Additionally, freshwater and marine biology teach people the types of fish available in different waters and which ones are edible too. 

Fourth, Mills (2017) accentuate that the study of biology paves way for investigations of science. Biology paves way for people to perform scientific investigations, which are very beneficial in new things discovery, through the scientific method. Additionally, scientists carry out fieldwork, having explorations and expeditions into lands that are unknown to gather information regarding life. In this case, it is through the importance of biology that scientific investigation provides people with vital information concerning living organism existence on earth. Besides, it is through these scientific investigations that scientists continuously look for solutions to completely eradicate various environmental issues which persevere until today (Mills, 2017). Regarding the use of natural resources, Tomasovic (2014) alludes that through the study of biology, learners study the best ways to propel the energy and material needs of humans, as well putting them on the path of finding ways to maximize out of what people have and even identify alternatives which can work as well. For instance, using corn to produce ethanol fuel as a potential supplement or substitute to the oil used in powering cars. 

Fifth, the study of biology assist in answering the necessary questions concerning life, such as, where and how life began, and where humans originate from according to Charles Darwin evolution theory (Nurse, 2016). As such, even though there are various explanations regarding the origin of life, those explanations have not been accepted fully due religious beliefs and principles. However, biology has been consistent in its explanation of the origin of life despite lacking strong evidence and thus, its theories remain to be significant in the present day (Nurse, 2016). Finally, Mills (2017) assert that biology assists in teaching learners the basic life concepts. For instance, it teaches about food consumption. Thus, it may seem an obvious thing to people but it is through the interpreting and understanding the human body and what it takes to sleep comfortably and eat as well. 

From the above discussion, it is evident the significance of the study of biology pertains. Basically, everything to do with the study of biology revolves around life, which the most significant thing to humans in this universe. As such, I can allude that study of biology is essential to the lives of humans. Therefore, it is important not underrate biology just as a subject but to regard it as an essential subject especially for students who have dreams of pursuing careers courses related to biology such as medicine. 


Mills, B. (2017, April 20). Importance of Biology: 10 Key Reasons. Lifepersona . Retrieved October 9, 2018, from https://www.lifepersona.com/importance-of-biology-10-key-reasons 

Nurse, P. (2016). The Importance of Biology Education. Journal of Biological Education , 50(1), 7-9. 

Tomasovic, N. (2014, May 22). Importance of Biology: How the Study of Life Affects Ours. Udemy . Retrieved October 9, 2018, from https://blog.udemy.com/importance-of-biology/ 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Why do we study Biology?.


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