29 Sep 2022


Why eating healthy is the best way to prevent most diseases?

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Academic level: University

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 389

Pages: 1

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Student 1 

Eating healthy is one of the best lifestyle practices of reducing obesity and lowering the risk of getting cardiovascular disease. While you may know that consume some foods may increase your risk of heart disease, it is often difficult to change your eating behaviors. Whether you have been eating unhealthy food for years or you simply want to adjust your diet, there are various steps for heart-healthy tips (Casas, Castro-Barquero, Estruch & Sacanella, 2018). After knowing the kind of foods to eat more and the ones to limit, you will be on your way towards a heart-healthy diet.

First, it is crucial to control the food portion you consume. The amount of food you eat is just as vital as the type of food eaten. So, you should control the portions of food you eat. Besides, as you have mentioned, you should eat more fruits and vegetables, as they are great sources of minerals and vitamins. Likewise, it is important to eat whole grains, since they are good sources of fiber and other nutrients which are crucial in the regulation of heart health and blood pressure ( Kromhout, Menotti, Kesteloot & Sans, 2002) . Other ways to keep a heart-healthy diet include reducing unhealthy fats, eating low-fat protein sources, reducing sodium consumption, planning ahead, along with treating yourself occasionally.

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Casas, R., Castro-Barquero, S., Estruch, R., & Sacanella, E. (2018). Nutrition and cardiovascular health. International journal of molecular sciences, 19(12), 3988.

Kromhout, D., Menotti, A., Kesteloot, H., & Sans, S. (2002). Prevention of coronary heart disease by diet and lifestyle: evidence from prospective cross-cultural, cohort, and intervention studies.  Circulation 105 (7), 893-898. 

Student 2 

Essentially, your best weapons to fight heart disease are a healthy lifestyle and diet. It is true that one way to reduce cardiovascular disease and encourage heart health is by eating health and regulating the amount of food intake, as well as reducing the quantity of food consumed ( Rus, 2019) . Some tips for heart-healthy diet include controlling your portion size, eating more fruits and vegetables, eating whole grains such as whole-wheat flour, whole-grain bread and oatmeal, limiting unhealthy fats, eating low-fat proteins products, reducing the amount of sodium in your diet, planning ahead on what to eat by creating daily menus, and having an occasional treat.

In addition to healthy diet and lifestyle, regular physical activity may help you in maintaining your weight, keeping off weight which you lose, and help you in reaching heart and physical fitness ( Johal et al., 2017) . If it is difficult to plan regular exercise sessions, you should look for ways to create short bursts of activity into your daily routine, such as taking stairs rather than the elevator. Ideally, your activity must be spread throughout the week.


Johal, S., Jamsen, K. M., Bell, J. S., Mc Namara, K. P., Magliano, D. J., Liew, D., ... & Ilomäki, J. (2017). Do statin users adhere to a healthy diet and lifestyle? The Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study.  European journal of preventive cardiology 24 (6), 621-627. 

Rus, V. A. (2019). The Role of Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in Preventing Chronic Diseases.  Journal of Interdisciplinary Medicine 4 (2), 57-58. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Why eating healthy is the best way to prevent most diseases?.


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