25 Aug 2022


Why is it important to have an outline when presenting?

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Academic level: University

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 371

Pages: 1

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Having an outline when presenting is always important for a couple of reasons. First, an outline guides the presentation so that we equally distribute time to the things we are addressing. A typical presentation to a company I have been at for three months includes a brief introduction stating the purpose of the presentation, highlighting what inspired and uplifted me, what I think needs fixing, and lastly, a vote of thanks. On the outline, I will indicate a rough time slice for each section so that I do not dwell so much on one. Outlines also help us remember key ideas and help us respond to upcoming issues. For example, when you realize that a previous speaker has already addressed an idea you intended to talk about, you will cross it out on the outline to avoid repetition and redistribute the other points. 

One should never dwell on talking about themselves a lot when presenting. In the setting introduced above, it would be wrong to limit the presentation to my experience alone, which technically ignores the audience. It is good to consider multiple perspectives and people, including asking the audience some questions and contributions. One must also avoid randomly presenting ideas. To prevent this, I will first read my outline to prepare my mind to follow the order. Inappropriate content such as jargon and obscene language must also be shunned because they ruin the message. 

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To be authentic, one has to avoid reading the presentation from paper, word-to-word. Instead, presenters should communicate naturally and freely. Occasional use of humor and puns might also help build authenticity and likeability. Besides, the speaker should adequately use facial expressions and gestures, informing the audience of the presenter’s emotional awareness (Gallo, 2020). In the scenario above, I will shrug to indicate when I was lost because I was new to the place. I would wear a happy face to illustrate appreciation for the help I received and so much more. 

The presentation would be more formal if I were a mid-level manager. For instance, since I would be using more instructive language, I would limit puns. Similarly, I would talk from a position of authority, unlike in the scenario above, where speculation and uncertainty are acceptable. The reason being, as a leader, people expect confidence, conviction, and assurance. Lastly, I might be compelled to reinforce the message with presentation slides (PowerPoint) for analysis and projection. However, that is not an absolute necessity when presenting at an organization I have been with for three months. 


Gallo, C. (2020). “What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation.” Harvard Business Review . https://hbr.org/2020/01/what-it-takes-to-give-a-great-presentation 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Why is it important to have an outline when presenting?.


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