31 Aug 2022


Working as a Team: how to make sure the organization produces consistent messages

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 264

Pages: 1

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As the manager, I would have to understand that there is not objective form of directing the creative process that will result in the best work possible (maximize ROI). It is called creative work because it lies in a space with interpretable rules (Goldberg, 2019). Therefore, I would give the designer as much leeway as they desire, provided they meet certain constraints (items I would like control over). First, any message created would have to be aligned with the organization’s brand expectations and culture (Porcu et al., 2020). Secondly, I would like to have control over the times and deadlines, with feedback from the designer, of course. Lastly, I would like control over the budgeting and expenses that will be required to fuel the creative process. 

On the other hand, I would prefer to work with collaborative model where feedback on any content or writing copy is acceptable to all stakeholders. In other words, I would create an abstraction, where the job of the designer is to be as creative as possible and my job is to apply the constraints. Therefore, there would be no limit on the number of revisions and resubmissions required of the designer as part of the creative process. However, this comes at a risk of exploiting the designer, who can quit midway or charge exorbitantly. Therefore, though I prefer unlimited revisions, I would go with the evolutionary approach. 

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In the revolutionary approach, we would start with several ideas, compare and select the best, create variations of the best, and then select the best variant. When performed after three iterations (revisions or resubmissions), we will already be approaching the best creative message to use. 


Goldberg, A. E. (2019).  Explain me this: Creativity, competition, and the partial productivity of constructions . Princeton University Press. 

Porcu, L., del Barrio-García, S., Kitchen, P. J., & Tourky, M. (2020). The antecedent role of a collaborative vs. a controlling corporate culture on firm-wide integrated marketing communication and brand performance.  Journal of Business Research 119 , 435-443. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Working as a Team: how to make sure the organization produces consistent messages .


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