25 Apr 2022


Why do some managers hate the performance evaluation?

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The performance management systems are meant to assist the managers in doing their work well. However, most of the managers within the corporate sector hate these performance evaluation systems. This hatred stems from various far-reaching reasons. In most cases, managers complain that it is a time as well as energy consuming process. Moreover, most managers observe the fact that they do not know a lot of the employees hence it becomes difficult for them to carry out the evaluation. The managers may have never had any contact with the employees whom they have to evaluate (Adler, Campion, Colquitt, Grubb, Murphy, Ollander-Krane & Pulakos, 2016). Another reason that is cited by most managers for their hatred of the performance evaluation is the lack of the requisite expertise and skills for this particular task. Some of the managers lack quality training on the way of carrying out the performance evaluation of employees. They are only given the criterion of doing it without deep training and preparation. Therefore, managers hate performance evaluation of employees because it is a process that causes them huge anxiety and frustration.

Traits displayed by an effective manager in the workplace

There are specific traits that distinguish an effective manager from the rest. The first trait displayed by an effective manager is the ability to develop teamwork in the organization. The manager focuses on the team as the point of evaluation in order to establish the systemic problems of the organization. An effective manager does not just pay all his or her attention to the individual performance of each employee. The renowned management expert, Edwards Deming, advised against the focus on individual performance since it makes managers to fail in establishing the real systemic problems within the organization (Aguinis et al., 2011). Such a mistake by the managers makes even the talented and dedicated employees to miss the chance of delivering excellent work.

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An effective manager initiates active engagements with his or her direct reports in order to get meaningful information and have discussions on the setting the best goals for the organization and improving the performance of the employees. An effective manager does not relegate the responsibility of engaging his or her direct reports and performance improvement to the human resource management alone. 

Moreover, an effective manager displays the trait of good skills of communication. An effective manager does not use irritating language against his or her employees, but converses with them using some sense of respect decorum. A good manager must be able to build relationships through his or her style of communication. The effective manager has a communication style that comes with great interpersonal skills, which enable him or her to build good working and social relationships among the workers. 

Finally, an effective manager must show leadership ability. The effective manager leads the employees in the right direction and implements decisions that bring good results to the company. An effective manager is able to inspire trust and delegate responsibility as well as assign tasks to the employees.

A profile for a manager who may struggle with the evaluation process

Yes, there is a specific profile for managers who struggle with the evaluation process. Managers, who concentrate on individual worker performance and ignore the important output of the team, really struggle with the process of evaluation. To establish the systemic problem of the organization, the manager has to focus on the team performance evaluation. 

Moreover, managers who view the evaluation process as a tug-of-war within the organization always struggle to evaluate employees well. These managers who fail in the process of performance evaluation often leave the work of appraisal to the human resource department. Since they let the human resource department to initiate the process of evaluation, design the forms and send out reminders without their input, these managers end up simply resisting carrying out the evaluation choosing to keep on procrastinating. It becomes like a war between the human resource department and the managers. Such managers are bound to struggle with the process of evaluating employees. They do not focus on the designing of the evaluation forms so that they get the information about what top evaluate. 

Key elements of a successful employee evaluation process

An effective and successful employee evaluation process gives the workers a clear and understandable set of goals on the way to achieve improvement. The evaluation process is strictly a review of what is done by the employees. Therefore, a successful evaluation process completely avoids including concepts and things that are new to the employees. It is generally a very fair and objective process. Moreover, an effective and successful evaluation process entails good, accurate and up to date records about the work of employees. 

A manger prepares for the evaluation process by identifying the issues to be discussed first. The manager then should assemble all the relevant data and records about the performance of the employee. The manager can arrange for a meeting with the employee where the evaluation is then done. 

An evaluation form

Personal career objectives ………….

Any challenges about the present job position ….

What is your work performance since the last appraisal? …..

What are some of your goals for improving performance and productivity? …..

Do you need more experience or training? ….

What kind of help do you need from your supervisor? ….

What can you list as your highest achievements during this appraisal period? …


Adler, S., Campion, M., Colquitt, A., Grubb, A., Murphy, K., Ollander-Krane, R., & Pulakos, E. D. (2016). Getting rid of performance ratings: Genius or folly? A debate.  Industrial and Organizational Psychology 9 (02), 219-252.

Aguinis, H., Joo, H., & Gottfredson, R. K. (2011). Why we hate performance management—And why we should love it.  Business Horizons 54 (6), 503-507.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Why do some managers hate the performance evaluation?.


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