12 Jun 2022


A Managerial Approach to Marketing

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The role that marketing plays in facilitating the operations of an enterprise cannot be overstated. Through marketing, a business is able to engage with its customers (Doorn et al., 2010). The engagement involves informing the customers about such issues as the products that the firm sells and their prices. Thanks to marketing, a firm is also able to communicate its vision, mission and strategic objectives to its customers and other objectives (Ashley & Tuten, 2014). The mere fact that marketing plays different roles does not necessarily mean that all firms which adopt marketing will find success. For marketing initiatives to be successful, a firm needs to integrate certain established principles and procedures in the initiatives. For instance, before launching a marketing campaign, it is critical for a firm to first define the target audience. This allows the firm to ensure that the marketing message will resonate with this audience. In the design of their marketing initiatives, firms should also remember to shed light on the features that distinguish their products from those of competitors (Xu, Frankwick & Ramirez, 2016). For example, a firm can focus on the affordability or quality of its products in an effort to stand out from the competition. Adilson’s Cakes wishes to launch a new product. This is a new company that wishes to establish itself in the highly competitive cake-making industry. Effective marketing will undoubtedly facilitate the successful launch of this product. To ensure that this product captivates the market, the firm needs an elaborate marketing plan. In addition to being a tool for promoting the new product, the strategic plan should also capture the values and mission of this establishment.


The product or service that a firm wishes to introduce into a market is the center of a marketing campaign (Xu, Frankwick & Ramirez, 2016). As noted in the introduction above, the marketing campaign should shed light on the features that set the product or service apart from alternatives. Adilson’s Cakes wishes to introduce a new product that is “ready to go”. Essentially, this means that the product has undergone all the necessary production processes and is set for release into the market. Given that Adilson’s Cakes is a recently-established company, this new product will shape its momentum. This product is a new flavor of cake called Adilson’s Delight. The cake is not entirely original as it borrows the design of some of the cakes that some of the existing companies in the cake industry already make. However, Adilson’s Cakes understands that simply copying existing products is not sufficient to captivate the market. For any new product to be successful upon its launch, it needs to offer customers something new; something exciting (Balachander et al., 2017). The key feature of Adilson’s Delight is the addition of chocolate drip and intricate decorations. After a basic analysis of the market, Adilson’s Cakes has learnt that the cakes that other firms offer are rather plain and have failed to interest customers . It is hoped that through Adilson’s Delight, the company will appeal to the new generation of customers who turn to such foods as cakes for thrill and excitement. In addition to the decorations and the chocolate drip, the cake will be available in a variety of sizes. The different sizes will allow the company to market this cake to a number of different clients. One of the key pillars of successful marketing is offering customers choice (Heny, Budi & Mukeri, 2015). Firms which allow their customers to choose from a wide range of products are more likely to conduct successful marketing campaigns. Given that it is both fresh and diversified, the new product from Adilson’s Cakes will undoubtedly captivate the taste buds and the eyes of the target market. In the following section, a discussion on the rationale for deciding to bring Adilson’s Delight to the market is offered.

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If a firm is really committed to creating an effective marketing campaign, it must ensure that the campaign is driven by clear objectives and a solid rationale. Firms should not pursue campaigns that are without direction or inspiration. Moreover, marketing campaigns need to be developed in the pursuit of clearly defined goals and strategies (Ashley & Tuten, 2014). The decision to market Adilson’s Delight stems from the need to present a fresh product to the market. Most of the firms in the market that Adilson’s Cakes is targeting rely on rather traditional approaches. The cake-making industry is undergoing some changes. If Adilson’s Cakes is to be successful in the industry, it needs a proper marketing initiative. Intense competition is one of the changes that the cake industry is witnessing. New firms such as Adilson’s Cakes are entering the market and causing the competition in the industry to intensify. For example, in the last year alone, 12 new cake-making companies have set up operations. Most of these companies are family-owned and focus their efforts on niche markets. One of the essential roles of marketing involves enabling companies to cope with challenges in their industries. Through marketing, a firm is able to redesign its strategies so as to better meet the needs of its customers. Additionally, marketing is an effective tool for rebranding and presenting a new image to the market (Armstrong et al., 2015). Through the marketing of Adilson’s Delight, Adilson’s Cakes seeks to establish itself as an innovative and responsive player in the market. This marketing initiative will enable the company to bring freshness and creativity into the industry.

Objectives/Mission Statement 

A direction-less marketing campaign is bound to fail. No campaign that lacks clearly-defined objectives can have a meaningful impact on the performance of an organization. Firms that wish to achieve success through marketing should begin with a development of mission statements and specific objectives (West, Ford & Ibrahim, 2015). The marketing of Adilson’s Delight will be accompanied with a mission statement that captures the purpose of this new product. The mission statement for this campaign reads as follows “Through Adilson’s Delight, we endeavor to bring joy and inspire laughter.” This statement is concise yet it manages to reflect the purpose that the new product seeks to fulfill. The statement is an example of effective marketing through words. As they design mission statements for particular products, firms need to ensure that these statements resonate with their overall mission and vision. Adilson’s Cakes’ mission is “to create value for customers through innovation and warmth.” Through this statement, Adilson’s Cakes manages to remind its customers of its core business. The statement reflects the company’s commitment to innovative solutions and attending to the needs of customers. Adilson’s Cakes’ mission statement is clearly consistent with the statement that it has developed for the purpose of marketing Adilson’s Delight. Since there is consistency between the two statements, it is fair to expect that the marketing campaign will facilitate the promotion of the new product while allowing the firm to make a mark in the industry. The case of Adilson’s Cakes and its new product underscores the importance of mission statements. As already pointed out, the statements convey the key operations and values that guide organizational function. Therefore, through its mission statements, Adilson’s Cakes is poised for a successful marketing initiative.

Mission statements go a long way in driving the success of an organization (Karatepe & Aga, 2016). However, to be more effective, the statements should be accompanied with clear and specific objectives. In recognition of the value of objectives, Adilson’s Cakes has developed a set of goals, which govern its everyday operations. Expanding the reach of its products is the main objective that this company wishes to attain. Adilson’s Cakes strives to ensure that its products reach as many people as possible. Currently, the firm plans to focus on cakes and sweets. These products are heavily diversified in a bid to capture the attention of different segments of the market. For example, in the few months that it has been in operation, Adilson’s Cakes makes wedding and birthday cakes. These cakes are further diversified through different designs and ingredients. Thanks to the diversification, Adilson’s Cakes hopes to place smiles on the faces of customers from different demographics. Adilson’s Delight will serve to add to the diversification that the company has achieved. This is because this new product involves a fresh design and new ingredients. Pursuing efficiency is another general goal that influences the operations of Adilson’s Cakes. Today, firms operate in highly competitive markets. The intense competition is compelling the firms to explore avenues that facilitate enhanced efficiency (Schaeck & Cihak, 2013). Cost minimization approaches enable firms to become more efficient. Adilson’s Cakes will use sustainable and environmentally friendly ingredients in the development of its cakes. As a result, the company expects to minimize the cost of production while making a meaningful contribution to the effort to conserve the environment. Overall, Adilson’s Cakes’ objectives help to provide direction.

Marketing Objectives 

In the discussion above, the general mission and objectives that Adilson’s Cakes pursues have been examined. For its marketing campaign, the company needs a new set of objectives. These objectives should represent the particular goals that the firm wishes to attain as regards the new product. In a previous section, it has been made clear that no marketing campaign can be effective if not accompanied with specific objectives. As they design and implement marketing initiatives, firms should identify specific and attainable objectives (Oh, 2015). These objectives should be sufficiently clear to allow for the implementation of specific measures which allow organizations to attain the objectives. Acquiring a market share of at least 2% is the main goal that Adilson’s Cakes will seek to achieve. Adilson’s Cakes is a new firm and has yet to establish a sizeable clientele. The marketing of Adilson’s Delight will seek to enable the firm to become a more significant and influential player in the market.

The share of the market is one of the numerous parameters used to define the marketing objectives of particular companies. In addition to this parameter, revenue targets are another objective which guides marketing campaigns. Firms should set revenue goals which are attainable, realistic and ambitious (Oh, 2015). Moreover, the revenue targets should be such that the firm is able to make some profit. Adilson’s Cakes hopes to record $300,000 in revenue over three months following the introduction of the new product into the market. This goal is both specific and reasonably attainable. If it is achieves this goal, Adilson’s Cakes can conclude that the marketing of Adilson’s Delight has been a remarkable success. When determining revenue targets, companies need to rely on data. For example, a firm may examine data on the financial performance of other products. Other cake makers that Adilson’s Cakes competes against have been recording enviable sales. For example, the average revenue in the industry is $360,000. This figure can be used to determine if Adilson’s target is realistic. Since the target is lower than the current average, the target revenue can be attained with ease.

For the most part, marketing objectives focus on the product in question. However, there are firms which pursue objectives that seek to enhance the overall company performance and position. Brand management and gaining a stronger foothold in an industry are some of the objectives which push the general organization to new heights. Marketing is a useful tool for firms which wish to create and safeguard a particular image (Scholz, 2014). For example, through marketing, a firm may wish to present itself to its customers as being on the cutting edge of the latest trends and technology. Adilson’s Cakes is creating a marketing campaign for Adilson’s Delight for the purpose of brand management. Through this new product, the firm hopes to challenge the market to recognize its creativity and modern take on cake making. Through Adilson’s Cakes, the firm will aggressively present a new image; one of innovation and responsiveness to market dynamics. Overall, the different marketing objectives will set the stage for a successful introduction of the new product while facilitating the general operations of Adilson’s Cakes.

Target Market 

One of the pillars of effective marketing is identifying a particular market at which the product being marketed is to be targeted (Ferrell & Hartline, 2007). As they develop a profile for their target market, firms are able to understand the needs of this market. Identifying the target market also informs the pricing of the product. Companies should ensure that their products are priced such that they are within the reach of the target market. Another significance of identifying the target market is that this process allows for the adoption of appropriate communication tools. For example, today, young individuals have embraced mobile technologies such as social media. A firm which targets this market demographic would need to integrate social media into its marketing approach. Adilson’s Cakes will focus its marketing campaign on various segments of the market. However, young families will be the main target market. This segment has been selected because it constitutes a bulk of the market that the cake industry serves. When identifying the target market, firms need to give particular attention to their existing clientele. They should strive to ensure that any new product that they launch does not alienate the customers who have been loyal. However, even as they target existing customers, firms should also endeavor to expand their market by targeting new customers. Traditionally, the cake industry has focused on individuals and households. Little effort has been given to institutional clients. The marketing of Adilson’s Design will define a new direction for the cake industry. Adilson’s Cakes will aggressively market the new product to such institutions as those involved in organizing weddings, birthdays and other social events. Targeting this market will extend the reach of Adilson’s products.

Young families and institutions have been identified in the discussion above as the main target markets. The young families have traditionally purchased cakes while the institutions offer an opportunity for growth. While Adilson’s Cakes has a valid basis for focusing on these market segments, it is important to justify the selection of these markets with relevant data. IBIS World conducted research and published its findings on the state of the baking industry in the United States. According to the report, the firms in the industry record highest sales during holiday periods (“Frozen Cake”, 2018). This finding is important as it indicates that families are major markets for cakes and other baked products. In the US, such holidays as Thanksgiving and Christmas are highly cherished among families. This fact suggests that Adilson’s Cakes is wise in its decision to target families. As it targets young families, the company will be able to bring joy during holidays. IBIS World published another report which focused on the trends in the event organizing industry. According to this report, the revenue that the firms in this industry earned stood at $5 billion. The report also projects that between 2012 and 2017, the industry would experience an annual growth rate of 3.9% (“Party & Event Planners”, 2017). The event industry is clearly witnessing encouraging growth. Adilson’s Cakes is set to ride on the wave of growth that the industry is experiencing. Therefore, the identification of firms in the events industry and young families is wise and backed by statistics. Adilson’s Cakes should therefore proceed with its plan of targeting these market segments.

The identification of the target market mainly involves pointing out the segments that are likely to purchase a particular product. However, as they identify the target market, firms also need to give some attention to segments that are unlikely to respond positively to the marketing message. As they do this, they avoid wasting time and resources on a pursuit that does not present any benefits. Today, there is a wave of health consciousness that is sweeping the US and other Western nations (Kang, Jun & Arendt, 2015). In response to such health problems as obesity and diabetes, customers are embracing healthier lifestyles. For example, many are giving up foods with high sugar content. Cakes and sweets are the key products that Adilson’s Cakes makes. These products contain huge amounts of sugar. Adilson’s Delight is not any different. In fact, the huge sugar content is one of the features that the firm will exploit to promote the product. This means that the health-conscious consumers will reject the new product. Therefore, Adilson’s Cakes should divert its attention from this class of consumers and focus it on markets whose tastes and preferences resonate with the new product.


The level of competition in an industry should inform the marketing strategies that a firm adopts. These strategies should be such that they give the firm a competitive edge (Tan & Sousa, 2015). For example, in an industry where rivals use different pricing strategies to outperform their competitors, a firm should ensure that its products are affordable. As they develop marketing programs, companies also need to examine the strategies that its competitors are using. For example, if the competitors are using innovation to gain the attention of customers, a company should also adopt innovation. Essentially, keeping up with trends and movements in the industry enables a firm to develop effective marketing campaigns. The cake industry is highly competitive. In the US, there are various companies that have gained dominance. Joining forces with other scholars, Anne Doolittle (2013)conducted an analysis of the US bakery industry. In their report, they identify Flowers Foods Inc. and Grupo Gimbo as the most dominant companies in this industry. The market shares of these companies are 8.7% and 18.2% respectively (Doolittle et al., 2013). The other firms battle for the rest of the market.

No analysis of the competitive landscape of the cake industry would be complete without a look at customers in the industry. The article that Doolittle and her colleagues authored examines the current state of the customers and the trends that are likely to shape consumption behaviors of the customers. Doolittle and her team note that 99% of all households in the US consume one type of baked products or another. They add that the revenue that firms in the industry earn expected to register a 1.9% increase (Doolittle et al., 2013). These scholars also point out that such establishments as supermarkets account for a significant portion of the market that the industry serves. 59.1% of the revenue that the industry earned in 2013 came from supermarkets (Doolittle et al., 2013). One of the interesting insights that Doolittle and her colleagues share concerns the strategies that small firms use to tackle competition. They state that “small firms are able to manufacture and wholesale their products” (Doolittle et al., 2013, p. 7). What makes this insight interesting is its relevance to Adilson’s Cakes marketing strategy. This is a small firm that has just entered the market and wishes to grow its market share. It is targeting such establishment as wedding and birthday organizers. To derive most benefit from its marketing initiative, it should adopt the wholesale pricing model. The fact that such suppliers as supermarkets account for more than half of revenue is another issue that will facilitate the success of the new product. As pointed out earlier, Adilson’s Cakes will work with event organizers as direct consumers and distributors of the new product. This means that the organizers will serve as an important source of revenue for the company.

For the most part, the trends in the cake making industry will fuel the success of the new product that Adilson’s Cakes is set to launch. However, there are certain realities in the market which will threaten this product. For instance, Doolittle and her colleagues note that more and more American consumers are becoming health-conscious (Doolittle et al., 2013). In response to this trend, companies are creating products which safeguard the health of consumers. For instance, firms are creating products with very low sugar content. Since Adilson’s Delight will contain large amounts of sugar, it is likely that this product will not perform well among the health conscious consumers. While this is cause for concern, it is not grave enough to compel Adilson’s Cakes to abandon the product altogether. The firm should simply focus on customers who love cake regardless of sugar content.

As one examines the state of competition in the cake making industry, they are able to recognize that Adilson’s Delight is a perfect fit for the industry. This cake is produced using innovative processes. Therefore, some portion of the 99% of American households which purchase baked products will respond to Adilson’s Delight. In a highly competitive market, firms which embrace innovation are able to outperform their competitors. Adilson’s Cakes adoption of the latest methods in cake production will undoubtedly enhance the success of its new product offering. Furthermore, the industry is expected to grow (Doolittle et al., 2013). Another factor that is reshaping the baking industry and is likely to influence how Adilson’s Delight is received is technology. Today, cake makers are adopting such technologies as e-commerce and more efficient production techniques(Doolittle et al., 2013). As a result of the adoption of technology, the firms are able to better serve the needs of their customers. Through technology like social media, Adilson’s Cakes will increase its market share, boost sales and attain its revenue target.

Product Features 

No other factor has a greater influence on the performance of a product than the features that the product possesses. Today, consumers are becoming savvier and are responding to products that are packed with useful and interesting features (Norris, 2011). In response, companies are now imbuing their products with features which set them apart and enable them to capture the attention of the market. There are numerous features that enhance the appeal of Adilson’s Delight. As pointed out earlier, the main features of this product are the chocolate drip and decorations. The addition of the chocolate drip is a significant departure from the production processes of cake makers. It was noted in a previous discussion that most of the products that the existing companies make are rather bland and traditional. With the new product, the firm will introduce a new process into the industry. It is important to note that when compared with the products of other companies, Adilson’s Delight is not unique. There are other companies which make cakes with chocolate drip. What allow Adilson’s Delight to stand out are the intricate decorations. Many customers today demand bespoke and unique products that reflect their personalities and values. Through the intricate decorations, Adilson’s Cakes will be able to integrate the personalities and needs of its customers into the product. For example, a couple who are getting married could ask for a decoration that depicts such interests as nature or technology. Basically, the decorations allow Adilson’s Cakes to create different products that appeal to different customers.

Adilson’s Cakes does not operate in a vacuum. It conducts its operations in an environment where there are laws and ethical guidelines that must be followed. As it markets Adilson’s Delight, this firm needs to brace for a number of legal and ethical issues. The promotion of products which present health risk is among these issues. Today, the US government is taking action to promote healthy lifestyles (Whitsel, 2017). For example, it is introducing stricter regulations that are aimed at limiting the inclusion of unsafe ingredients in products. It has been mentioned that Adilson’s Delight contains huge amounts of sugar. This fact implies that Adilson’s Cakes is on a collision path with regulators who demand minimal amounts of sugar. However, Adilson’s Cakes needs not be concerned since the amount of sugar is within the allowed limit. What should cause the company concern is the fact that many consumers are preferring products which enhance their health. Since the high sugar content is a health hazard, Adilson’s Cakes will be alienating an important market segment.

In an effort to woo customers, companies are known to present falsehoods and misleading information. For example, there are firms which make false claims about the power of their product. A company may claim that its product heals certain infections when the truth is that the product does not present this benefit. False advertising has become a scourge in the US. In addition to misleading customers, false advertising also erodes trust and could expose customers to harmful effects (Horvath, Villafranco & Calkins, 2009). The US is committed to tackling false advertising. Through the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the government takes action against firms whose marketing messages are found to be misleading or false (FTC, n.d). The Lanham Act is another tool that the government uses to combat false advertising. This act contains provisions that are intended to encourage fair competition (Palladino, 2011). As it markets Adilson’s Delight, Adilson’s Cakes needs to be truthful and transparent. It should not make any incorrect or false claims. For example, the firm would be committing a serious blunder if it lies about the sugar content of the cake. Overall, the marketing of Adilson’s Delight should be carried out in full compliance with relevant laws and ethical guidelines. This will enhance the image of Adilson’s Cakes while facilitating the success of the new product.

Core Strategy 

When discussing core strategies, individuals ought to demonstrate awareness of the goals and objectives of their businesses. A core strategy is a vital factor, which communicates a company's position in the market focusing on the various aspects that make its products or services unique. There must be a desired audience, which acts as a guidance for marketing approaches (Ashley & Tuten, 2014). As in this case, the idea is to have Adilson's focus its resources in creating products that are in line with customer needs, as well as expectations.

Based on the company's objectives and mission, the core strategy will focus on making optimal use of already available resources, which are aligned with the stated goals. For instance, the company seeks to have a wide array of ingredients, in order to provide clients with a variety of products they can choose. Fundamental in this particular strategy is to consider that while Adilson focuses on producing delicious cakes, these should be healthy and the methods used for production should promote environmental conservation. Notably, consumers have become aware and sensitive to the various effects that sugary foods, such as cakes, have on their health, such as increasing the likelihood for diabetes, heart problems, and stroke (Ashley & Tuten, 2014). Additionally, companies that adopt sustainability practices in their production processes are bound to experience a larger following compared to those that are indifferent to the wellbeing of the environment (Armstrong et al., 2015). Therefore, having this in mind, Adilson will strive to address these emerging consumer preferences, which will be demonstrated through its core approaches in both production as well as marketing. This will also be a major factor when it comes to product and service positioning. For instance, Adilson's cakes will be positioned in areas of regions where consumers demonstrate a high degree of sensitivity towards healthy eating, while the same criterion will be used when it comes to service provision. The company will invest in measures as well as resources, which allow incorporation of sustainability practices when providing services to consumers.

Marketing Mix 

Communication and Promotion 

As the name suggests, integrated marketing involves consolidating all the promotional tools of a product such that they work in harmony to ensure effective marketing of products and services. This particular concept entails a number of sub-elements, which are advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations, and personnel selling.

Advertising. Descriptively, this involves persuasive communication through, for instance, radio and television commercials, with an aim of reaching a broader audience. Based on this understanding, one can understand that a key advantage with such forms of advertising is that they create product and service exposure, in turn realizing brand awareness. This can bring about an increase in consumer following for a company. However, a disadvantage is that they are expensive and might not have an equally sized impact similar to the amount of resources invested in them.

Sales promotion . This involves providing incentives such as free samples, price incentives, coupons, as well as premiums with an aim of accelerating a product's movement from the manufacturer to the end-consumer (Groom, 2008). A key advantage of using this approach is that it promotes a better understanding of the products being sold, for instance, through provision of free samples. Consumers have an opportunity to try out a new product at no cost, which is mostly considered an incentive and a potential factor in changing their buying behavior in terms of product preferences. However, a company should consider that this approach might be costly especially when it is ineffective, for instance, when it comes to lack of clear evaluation of how offering incentives undermines the company's profit margin.

Public relations . This involves management of strategic relationships entailing planning, controlling, evaluative, as well as corrective reactions. As an example, a company might initiate a campaign that demonstrates its awareness to the wellbeing of the environment. The aim of such an activity is to strengthen an already existing relationship with its consumers (Groom, 2008). These individuals are likely to feel that whenever they are purchasing that particular company's products, they are conserving the environment in one way or another. However, while that is a favorable outcome, public relations might also be challenging. Public relations should work in concert with other aspects of IMC such as promotion and advertising, meaning that is not effective on its own.

Personnel selling . This aspect involves a seller's attempt to identify the wants of the prospective buyer, which are satisfied with provision of suitable goods and services. A key advantage of personnel selling is that a company is able to modify the message such that it addresses the various needs of a consumer. While this approach is characterized with a high degree of persuasion on the part of the buyer, it also allows feedback from the consumer, which can be used to revamp already existing products and services (Ashley & Tuten, 2014). However, it is important to note that consumers might not always communicate effectively about their needs leaving the seller guessing about what exactly is needed. In the event that a product or service does not appeal to the consumer, they might give a negative review, which might affect the company's sales and hence profit margin.

Direct marketing . This allows customization of the marketing message, as the seller has direct contact with the client. Similar to personnel selling, this provides a chance for consumer feedback, which is a valuable factor and can help a company create competitive advantage through incorporation of clients' responses (Armstrong et al., 2015). Businesses can use this approach to communicate specific product information, which cannot be made explicit, for instance, through advertising. Therefore, making consumers aware of such information could lead to loyalty, in turn realizing a competitive edge. However, direct marketing is time consuming and requires that a company invest in individuals who have effective communication skills and who have extensive knowledge about the product. Therefore, it might be costly to implement (Ashley & Tuten, 2014).

Following an understanding of the various aspects of IMC, Adilson's would require gain considerably from sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing. The rationale for this choice bases on, for instance, knowledge that through sales promotion, the company will be able to provide free access to some of its products.. Being involved in the production of edibles, free samples would allow consumers a chance to taste Adilson's cakes. This would be accompanied by a description of the ingredients used, their nutritional value, among other things. While sales promotion will be a key component of the marketing campaign, it will only be initiated after the company has established a strong presence in the market. The firm should rely on other marketing approaches since sales promotion can pose a challenge for a new firm. In the event that the sales promotion proves ineffective, the company’s financial position could be compromised as it suffers losses

A direct marketing approach would ensure that consumers are aware of this particular information, which would otherwise not be available through other approaches. Additionally, public relations would be in the form of, for instance, using packaging material that is reusable and environmentally friendly. According to the core strategy, Adilson's will focus on creating awareness about its products appeal to healthy living, which would be effective through the chosen marketing medium. Additionally, the company's focus on sustainable practices could also be made explicit through public relations, thereby increasing the likelihood for growth in consumer following. The internet will be used as a core resource in communicating Adilson's IMC approach such as through social media networks. The company can hold events, such as cleaning the neighborhood, which would bring individuals together. Social media can help create awareness about Adilson's products communicating their appeal to health as well as the company's inclination towards promoting sustainability practices.

After applying such a marketing approach as the one described above, a company will want to assess its effectiveness. The aim is to determine whether some changes are needed to ensure the company's success. Faridyahyaie, Faryabi, and Noubar (2012) conducted a study focusing on various metrics to assess marketing effectiveness. These metrics were market share, profitability, sales growth, customer number, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. Of these metrics, market share, profitability, and sales growth were identified as the topmost factors to consider when one is measuring marketing effectiveness (Faridyahyaie, Faryabi, & Noubar, 2012). Adilson's cakes would use these metrics as well based on the rationale that, for instance, customer satisfaction or loyalty should not be interpreted as a rise in sales as a consumer might be making a purchase once or twice in a month. Therefore, there buying behavior could affect the company's position in the market.


Before deciding the price for any product or service, there is need for a company to consider certain elements both from within as well as from the external environment. As an example, the price should be set such that it covers the various costs of production in turn leading to a certain level of profit. When it comes to external factors, a company should demonstrate awareness of competitors' pricing and how their approaches might affect the company's decision on what price to set for its products and services. As a theoretical framework to explain pricing, price theory considers how the demand and supply of products and services determines how the pricing of these particular elements. Therefore, price theory encompasses various aspects, such as production, allocation, consumption, as well as overall pricing of goods and services (Lockley, 1949). Therefore, important to consider when setting the price for a product or service is its appeal to various aspects such as market demand, supply, consumer preferences, among other factors. Janiszewski and Lichtenstein (1999) focused on a concept called range theory, which they found that a consumer's assessment of the attractive nature of a price depends on a comparison of the market price to the endpoint of the evoked price range. This means that consumers assess products based on their value, as well as noting the price in the market. Through such measures, they are able to have a price range, within which the product or service should fall. Therefore, in the event that a price falls outside their expected range, they are unlikely to make a purchase, which would be a loss for a business. Therefore, Adilson's should consider market price for cakes, the value that these products are likely to bring, as well as the target market. For instance, if the company operates in a highly competitive environment, this will give it less power to decide on what price to put for its products. Range theory should be used as a guide to coming up with prices that are within those already existing in the market, but still demonstrating the value of the company's products.

Distribution Channels 

The choice of distribution channels would depend on the level of demand for Adilson's products as well as the market location. Based on the nature of the business, the distribution channel will center mainly on providing consumers with direct access to the cakes once they order them. This means that consumers will have to come to the shop and make an order, after which they will be served. The rationale for this particular distribution channel bases on the fact that cakes are delicate and are vulnerable to damage if not handled properly. Furthermore, Adilson’s Cakes is a young company that lacks robust distribution networks. Initially, it will require customers to visit its outlet for Adilson’s Delight. Having customers physically visit the store also presents other benefits. For instance, in the event of delivering a product to the consumer, at their home or office, one may encounter traffic, which would mean longer delivery time, and consequently, a dissatisfied consumer. Therefore, to avoid such instances, consumers will be required to come for their products directly at the shop.

Customer Relationship Management 

A CRM approach is vital in ensuring that consumers are satisfied with products and services. One of the ways to invest in CRM is through application of technology, for instance, social networking sites. These can be used to create a network, which connects the company to its already existing as well as potential consumers. Through these sites, feedback about the company's products and services could be solicited. Apart from that, consumers can make orders, which they would find ready after making a physical visit to the shop. Use of such technology would not only ensure that Adilson's stays updated with consumer preferences, but also achieves brand awareness, which would increase the potential for growth in market share, sales, as well as profit.


Marketing is a fundamental tool when it comes to creating brand awareness, which could lead to other potential outcomes such as an increase in sales, market share, as well as profit. Additionally, a company is likely to growth, which would prompt expansion into other regions thereby widening its coverage in the particular industry within which it operates. A company such as Adilson's stands to gain considerably from adopting marketing techniques such as sales promotion, public relations and direct marketing. The company's appeal to health and sustainable living is likely to create a competitive advantage over its competitors. These factors are fundamental when it comes to product positioning, which in turn affects pricing, among other aspects. Furthermore, the integration of technology will lead to effective CRM, in turn realizing increased brand awareness and consumer loyalty. While these are not highly measures of marketing effectiveness, they are important in demonstrating a company's potential in the market. Adilson's should invest in the proposed IMC mix as this would help in advancing its position in the market.


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