15 Dec 2022


The Combination of Eastern and Western Leadership Frameworks

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Academic level: Ph.D.

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Literature Review 

Classical School of Management 

Croft (2015) covers the numerous advantages hybrid leadership has to offer to the healthcare environments. The growth and development of administration among the mid-level supervisors coming from the hybrid clinical backgrounds are considered a factor affecting the quality of patient care, workers' efficiency, and healthcare innovation levels. Croft (2015) differentiates clinical studies from those in business concerning the inherence of hybrid leadership. The author then identifies the similarities between the two types of studies to enable a sufficient explanation of the gap between the two and how it can be bridged. Croft (2015) accurately identifies that many global healthcare centers have an aim of making profits. Significantly, hybrid management moves leadership and professional domains. It also depicts organizations via two-way windows (Croft, 2015). The management systems encourage the professional groups to form a rapport with their managers to further increase their efficiency at the workplace. 

Currie & Spyridonidis (2018) provide light on the explanations of Croft (2015) by placing hybrid leadership in the place of a contributory factor influencing the sharing of administration for the spread of innovative ideas among the staff in a professional setting. Currie & Spyridonidis (2018) demonstrates the flourishing of innovation in the companies. However, the diffusion of the innovations is not sufficient. The absence of diffusion in the innovation degrades the performance in the different industries across the globe. The lack of proper coverage of the healthcare demands of the aging people with worsening long-term conditions but low financial prowess has opened up the opportunities of the implementation of hybrid leadership to join both the eastern and the western leadership in the world (Currie & Spyridonidis, 2018). 

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Kang, Solomon, & Choi (2015) talk about the leadership styles that American chief executive officers (CEOs) apply to their administrative positions and the influence that the leadership styles have on the effectiveness of their work. Kang, Solomon, & Choi (2015) elaborate on a study performed on 105 managers and 39 participating CEOs. The research made use of a multilevel structural equation approach (Kang, Solomon, & Choi, 2015). The results of the study relate the transactional and transformational administration approaches on the part of the CEOs. The findings also link the models of leadership to the managers' innovative behavior. Being contemporary administrative procedures that have been used on the field of management in the recent past and the present, both the transformational and the transactional styles of command integrate well with the hybrid approaches (Kang, Solomon, & Choi, 2015). The innovatory organizational environment is a factor that boosts creativity in companies (Kang, Solomon, & Choi, 2015). 

Mullins & Schoar (2016) compare their analysis with the discussion tabled by Kang, Solomon & Choi (2015) concerning the American style of leadership, with a focus on its opportunities and challenges within the organizational perspectives. Mullins & Schoar (2016) talk of a survey of 800 chief executive officers in twenty-two emerging economies worldwide to show that the CEO management styles and philosophies differ with the ownership and the administrative structure of the companies they head (Mullins & Schoar, 2016). The differences in the management and the beliefs of the CEOs across the various nations featured in the study centrally focuses on their behavior and its effect on their ability to effectively introduce and develop hybrid leadership in their companies. A knowledge gap requires filling, between the leadership styles of the CEOs and the characteristics of the organizations that they head. The founders and the CEOs of the firms with greater family involvement tend to have a greater stakeholder involvement and increased accountability to the employees than the non-family involved firms. 

Klettner, Clarke, & Boersma (2014) give an insight into the development of leadership and the implementation of a responsible business strategy for corporations in the state of the art world. Many Australian companies are using the corporate governance processes and the structures that develop, lead and integrate the corporate responsibility in the hybrid management (Klettner, Clarke, & Boersma, 2014). The Australian corporations have started to embed sustainability in the development of strategies that lead to financial rewards, which indicate the betterment in the financial performance of the companies. The efforts that improve corporate sustainability do improve not only the acceptance of the strategies but also favor the improved durability (Klettner, Clarke, & Boersma, 2014). The responsibility that has been created in the management creates an enabling environment for the implementation of the hybrid approaches of leadership. Therefore, more education is needed for the employees to ensure that they put into considerations the value of owning the organizational activities. 

Chen et al. (2014) deviate their explanations from the American leadership that has been discussed above by explaining the paternalistic leadership and how it relates to employee performance in the Far East. The theoretical framework focuses on the social exchange principles where Chen et al. (2014) use the two most dominant Confucian values. The values are relationalism and hierarchy. Taiwanese research where 27 companies in a conglomerate having 601 supervisor-subordinate pairs were performed (Chen et al., 2014). The results of the study disclosed that benevolence and the ethical dimensions of paternalistic administration are positively related to subordinate progress in the companies. Chen et al. (2014) had in mind that most of the values in the paternalistic leadership are passed from the predecessors to the successors in either positive or negative ways. The model was used to make the research more comprehensible on the importance of trust in the link between paternalistic leadership and the employees' performance in Chinese organizations. 

Carter et al. (2015) explain the combination of the western and eastern approaches of management to describe effective leadership for the global virtual teams. In the current world where technology has influenced the corporate world in a great deal, the establishment and development of virtual teams around the world have been made easier by the interconnectedness of the teams from the different cultures across the globe. Carter et al. (2015) focus on the critical developments in team effectiveness. Firstly is the development of the new team states, which favor team success and acknowledge that hybrid management is a factor that facilitates the teams' performance. Secondly are the team phases, according to Carter et al. (2015), where teams begin from the interactive procedures to achieve their targets. The third stage is the teamwork process where teams have numerous activities that they need to undertake to ensure that they are efficient in their operationalization. The last and most crucial critical development is the functions of the team leadership. 

Behavioral School of Management 

Pugliese (2017) offers a disparate approach on leadership in the current world by having a political stand in the opinion regarding administration. Pugliese (2017) focuses on Japan's hybrid leadership meticulously in foreign and security policies. The administration of Shinzo Abe, the reigning prime minister of Japan, has a continuous balancing to one of its neighbors, China. Pugliese (2017) accentuates the functionality of the Japanese command in prime minister's point of view. A deeper insight into Abe's command follows a hybrid model (Pugliese, 2017). Owing to the approach of hybrid principles in the administration, Japan's leadership has performed efficiently within the United States of America's strategic framework scope concentrated on the Asian countries in the Far East (Pugliese, 2017). Oblivious to the presence of functional confinement that occurs in leadership, hybrid approaches have dealt with such restraints. The outcome has been the improvement of economic sectors in the country. 

Chreim (2015) covers the idea of distributed hybrid leadership in consideration of the administrative practices and configurations present in modern organizations. Chreim (2015) comes up with a comparative case analysis regarding the administrative arrangements that lead to the distribution of leadership in the current business ventures. Chreim (2015) bases the arguments by focusing on the situation of a merger. The practices of the members of two leadership teams from both companies are made to follow a set procedure that counts on their strongholds while at the same time reducing their shortfalls. Both teams emanate from the acquirer and the target company. The teams also have a sound program to compound their practices and reallocate their management roles (Chreim, 2015). The practices of the management teams are magnified due to their importance in determining the part that the organization takes. The results of the comparative case evaluation bespeak that despite the many expectations that have been placed on the success of the distributed hybrid leadership, the incipient leadership makeups in the organizations in the different areas across the world have led to the inchoate setbacks to the simultaneous administration (Chreim, 2015). 

Li & Sun (2015) agree with Chreim (2015) that every contemporary organization relates leadership to employee behavior. Li & Sun (2015) explain how the Chinese corporate leadership and employees' mannerisms are linked concerning business practices. The research focuses on traditional Chinese leadership. Conventionally, Chinese leadership was tyrannical. Hypothetically, Li & Sun (2015) state that the leaders' authoritarian leadership negatively affects the voice behavior of the staff. Cross-Level research of the voice behavior of the workers in fifty-two teams of workers from various Chinese companies in Beijing was performed. The analysis of the data collected brought up the idea that the supervisor authoritarian administration diminishes the ability of the staff to communicate with the managers in case there is a problem that has been identified at the workplace (Li & Sun, 2015). 

Canals (2014) agree with Li & Sun (2015) in the realization that an international business management strategy has appeared to move more rapidly than the leadership development in the various companies across the world. The situation has given rise to a few leadership snarl-ups as the modem leaders try to catch up with the developments in global leadership. The most significant problem associated with the snarl-ups is that the multinational corporations may lack sufficient administrators in their market expansion programs with the required overall abilities in their headquarters and branches (Canals, 2014). Canals (2014), consequently, discusses a set of solutions that can be used to tackle such problems for the companies. The author describes the previous theoretical understanding and the experience of one of the management plans in the global companies. 

Quantitative or Management Science School 

Aritz & Walker (2014) offer a sneak preview of both the western and the eastern corporate administration styles. Aritz & Walker (2014) also view their applications to the business world in the current situations. The international economic conditions have developed inchoate possibilities for the practice of business. Notwithstanding, the business people have to understand the multiple cultural values at today's workplaces. Most organizations in the world have culturally diverse employee bases. Aritz & Walker (2014) add that such a conglomeration of cultures in the organization is likely to advantage the integration of the distributive leadership, which leads to the development, and application of hybrid leadership. The hybrid administration has been the cornerstone of management in most of the organizations in the various countries in the world. 

Gosling et al. (2016) link a hybrid approach of leadership in contemporary business ventures to the importance in the role of supply chain management in business activities. Sustainable supply chain management is a topic that has grown in the emphasis in recent years. Nonetheless, most of the organizations have not had an in-depth consideration of sustainable supply chain management and how it relates to the current leadership positions in the companies. Gosling et al. (2016) carry out a content-based literature review that aims at reviewing the intersections of supply chain management and how they relate to the processes and operations in the organizations. The supply chain managers have gone an extra step in their leadership strategies to integrate the reactive, contributive, and proactive programs that improve leadership. 

Systems School of Management 

Townsend (2015) gives an analysis of the definition of hybrid leadership and its pertinence by having a common approach to the direction of educational activities in the various schools in both the east and the west parts of the globe. Educational environments bear the most significant diversity in the leadership owing to the deviations in their categorization (Townsend, 2015). Both public and private schools exist in the various parts of the world with children of different ages and backgrounds. The categorical variations of the educational institutions have based shortcomings in American education (Townsend, 2015). Townsend (2015) assays to illustrate the idea of hybrid leadership by focusing on the leadership in the school systems. The paper also exemplifies the new type of command by peripherally concentrate on the previous case studies of the school networks. According to Townsend (2015), hybrid leadership has led to the escalation of studies regarding educational leadership. 

Meyer & Xin (2018) talk about the necessity of having a mixed system of administration in the different organizations around the world. However, Meyer & Xin (2018) place their focus more on what they consider the next big pitfall for many Emerging Economy Multinational Enterprises (EMNEs). The challenge manifests itself in the alignment of human resource practices with their strategic ambitions. More often than not, the human resource managers do not possess the globally recognized abilities that would help them cope with the issues that are being experienced in their companies (Meyer & Xin, 2018). The deficiency in the globally recognized talents has been a significant impediment to implementing regulatory strategies in the human resources departments. Among the solutions, that Meyer & Xin (2018) discusses to address the setback is to fill administrative roles with the managers who display a significant level of internationally recognized responsibility. Through that, the problems in the human resource departments will be solved for good. The authors, thus, highlight the importance of hybrid leadership in the corporate practices of the organizations. 

Leih & Teece (2016) talk about the field of education, specifically higher education, as they explain the entrepreneurial diversity that leads to the efficiency of hybrid leadership in organizational scenarios. They present a study that explores the link between leadership at the campus level and the corporate level dynamic capabilities that enable the administration of the research universities (Leih & Teece, 2016). The authors observed that the presence of the on-campus leaders that relate strategic thinking and the development of capabilities that enhance the competitive advantages of the university and its ability to spearhead development. The university level of education has a more diverse student body than the other levels of education in the curricula of the various parts of the world (Leih & Teece, 2016). Therefore, hybrid leadership approaches may favor the application of the leadership strategies on the students. 

Contingency School of Management 

Tian, Risku & Collin (2016) explore a meta-analysis of research performed between 2002 and 2013 on leadership distribution. The authors imply that the delivery of management is among the goals of hybrid administration worldwide. Analysis conducted between 1996 and 2002 was found to have inadequacies. The insufficiency was to be covered by the 2002-2013 studies. The former studies were incapable of establishing and adequately explaining the idea of distributed leadership. The research also failed to sufficiently describe the applications that were tied to distributed leadership regarding the business world in the present times. Tian, Risku & Collin (2016), hence, endeavor to probe the concept of distributed leadership and its elaborated application to the contemporaneous activities in the world such as business practices. From the evaluation, distributed leadership has been identified as the most appropriate form of administration for the coeval world issues (Tian, Risku & Collin, 2016). 

M'zungu, Merrilees & Miller (2017) delves into the concept of having a hybrid blend in the market orientation and brand orientation. The article suggests that the combination of the two variables is well identified in the principles that guide the leadership operations in the organizations. The variations in the strategy have, for a long time, served as supporting structures for the managerial decisions. The state of the art business ventures can integrate variant strategic orientations to achieve maximum progress. According to M'zungu, Merrilees & Miller (2017), a study was performed in 2013 to identify a strategic brand orientation approach, which had two methods. The approaches were market and brand orientation, and the brand and market orientation. M'zungu, Merrilees & Miller (2017) describe current qualitative research using small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to find out the strategic hybrid adjustments. The theory of hybrid leadership in the organizations was used to explain the research results. 

Barkema et al. (2015) approach the discussion differently from that of M'zungu, Merrilees & Miller (2017). Barkema et al. (2015) offer the readers a blend of both the east and the west when it comes to leadership patterns and their feasibility. Most of the inflections that have been explained by Barkema et al. (2015) significantly originate from North America dating back to the 1950s and the 1980s. The paradigms were influenced by the cultural, philosophical and research traditions of that time. Distinctions in the discourse subsist between the western and the eastern worlds of leadership. The development of the concept in leadership studies over time offers insights into the conditions that facilitate the development of new models (Barkema et al., 2015). The emergent western plans of attack, according to Barkema et al. (2015), are meant to integrate with the new ideologies that system from the east. 

Cumberland et al. (2016) detail the relevance of globalization in the twenty-first century when it comes to modern businesses. Assessment and the development of global leadership competencies have been regarded as an essential topic in human resource development. The competencies enhance the personality traits, behaviors and the skills of the managers in the various organizations. However, the competencies have not always been implemented in the most appropriate ways in the organizations. Cumberland et al. (2016) attempt to address the gap of the implementation and the correct use of the competencies by assessing the development from the several disciplines in the corporate world, with the most significant one being human resource development. The aim of the study presented was to provide a framework that contributes to the understanding of how global leadership competencies can be generated to implement hybrid leadership. 

Hodgson, Paton & Muzio (2015) talks about the professionalization of particular management occupations. Hodgson, Paton & Muzio (2015) focuses on both project management and human resource management that have been neglected in the recent discussions based on the professions in the various organizations in the current corporate world. The paper focuses on the integration of a new style of leadership to the already existing management styles in the various organizations around the globe. Hodgson, Paton & Muzio (2015) provide an approach that compares the integration of the different forms of leadership to the hybrid management that has been practiced widely in the various parts of the world (Hodgson, Paton & Muzio, 2015). The new corporate professionals have provided opportunities for the focus on the hybrid leadership with the employees being trained to handle operations in a better manner than they have been. 

Wendt (2018) provides a view to a field of research where financial leadership decisions impact the integration into the investment choice that is made in the various aspects of the organization. As the analysts continue with the quest of learning more about the field of hybrid leadership, the existing academic research has identified the repercussions of the implementation of the consistent standards of leadership (Wendt, 2018). Majorly, the modeling of the future fitness and the positive impact of the future-oriented leadership and the creative corporate culture will be an essential aspect of the decision making when it comes to the organizational operations (Wendt, 2018). 

Haigh & Hoffman (2014) focuses on the challenges that the hybrid organizations have caused on their corporate sustainability. The most significant problem so far has been the focus on the dominant beliefs of strategic management. Hybrid leadership approaches have not challenged the current managers to transform their business ventures beyond the unsustainable status quo. Such a challenge has led to widespread confusion on the role of hybrid management in the various organizations across the world (Haigh & Hoffman, 2014). Haigh & Hoffman (2014) believe that more research is supposed to be performed to give more light to the hybrid organizations in the world. That has been identified as a tactical approach to the issue of management with more contemporary approaches than before. 

Vance et al. (2014) offer a modern approach to the development of management talents in various organizations across the world. Vance et al. (2014) note that challenges in the global workplace have exacerbated in the last few years. The authors focus on the fusion of knowledge management and talent management as two aspects of applied research that would create an enabling environment for the studies that contribute to the application of hybrid leadership (Vance et al., 2014). The fusion focuses on the elements of leadership that can be drawn from both the western and the eastern administration styles to come up with an administration style that focuses on the strongholds of both leadership styles (Vance et al., 2014). The hybrid leadership has led to the creation of smart global talent management, which has been linked to the merger of the strengths of approaches. 

Schröer & Jäger (2015) theoretically approaches the various setbacks that affect the leadership in the hybrid organizations. As the wave of hybrid leadership sweeps across modern organizations, the existing leaders have to spend time enforcing their management skills by gaining the education, and ensuring that the implementation is done correctly. Leadership is goal-based at the organizational levels. As such, the hybrid organizations have to ensure that the goals are more specific and clear to both the management and the employees (Schröer & Jäger, 2015). The leaders in such organizations operate at the points of intersections in the different sectors and different parts of the world. Thus, they have to set goals that apply to the communities surrounding them as well. The setting of the proper goals by the managers is the only practical solution that the researchers have found to alleviate the challenges that hybrid leadership brings. 


Aritz, J., & Walker, R. C. (2014). Leadership Styles in Multicultural Groups: Americans And East Asians Working Together. International Journal of Business Communication, 51(1), 72-92. 

Barkema, H. G., Chen, X. P., George, G., Luo, Y., & Tsui, A. S. (2015). West meets East: New Concepts and Theories. Academy of Management Journal, 58(2), 460. 

Canals, J. (2014). Global Leadership Development, Strategic Alignment and CEOs Commitment. Journal of Management Development, 33(5), 487-502. 

Carter, D. R., Seely, P. W., Dagosta, J., DeChurch, L. A., & Zaccaro, S. J. (2015). 

Leadership for Global Virtual Teams: Facilitating Teamwork Processes. In Leading Global Teams (pp. 225-252). Springer, New York, NY. 

Chen, X. P., Eberly, M. B., Chiang, T. J., Farh, J. L., & Cheng, B. S. (2014). Affective Trust In Chinese Leaders: Linking Paternalistic Leadership to Employee Performance. Journal of Management, 40(3), 796-819. 

Chreim, S. (2015). The (Non) Distribution of Leadership Roles: Considering Leadership Practices and Configurations. Human Relations, 68(4), 517-543. 

Croft, C. (2015). A New Approach to Hybrid Leadership Development. In Managing Change (pp. 170-185). Palgrave Macmillan, London. 

Cumberland, D. M., Herd, A., Alagaraja, M., & Kerrick, S. A. (2016). Assessment and Development of Global Leadership Competencies in the Workplace: A Review of Literature. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 18(3), 301-317. 

Currie, G., & Spyridonidis, D. (2018). Sharing Leadership for Diffusion of Innovation in Professionalized Settings. Human Relations, 0018726718796175. 

Gosling, J., Jia, F., Gong, Y., & Brown, S. (2016). The Role of Supply Chain Leadership in The Learning of Sustainable Practice: Toward an Integrated Framework. Journal of Cleaner Production, 137, 1458-1469. 

Haigh, N., & Hoffman, A. J. (2014). The New Heretics: Hybrid Organizations and the Challenges they Present to Corporate Sustainability. Organization & Environment, 27(3), 223-241. 

Hodgson, D., Paton, S., & Muzio, D. (2015). Something Old, Something New?: Competing 

Logics and the Hybrid Nature of New Corporate Professions. British Journal of Management, 26(4), 745-759. 

Kang, J. H., Solomon, G. T., & Choi, D. Y. (2015). CEOs' Leadership Styles and Managers' 

Innovative Behaviour: Investigation of Intervening Effects in an Entrepreneurial Context. Journal of Management Studies, 52(4), 531-554. 

Klettner, A., Clarke, T., & Boersma, M. (2014). The Governance of Corporate 

Sustainability: Empirical Insights into the Development, Leadership and Implementation of Responsible Business Strategy. Journal of Business Ethics, 122(1), 145-165. 

Leih, S., & Teece, D. (2016). Campus Leadership and the Entrepreneurial University: A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective. Academy of Management Perspectives, 30(2), 182-210. 

Li, Y., & Sun, J. M. (2015). Traditional Chinese Leadership and Employee Voice Behavior: A Cross-level Examination. The Leadership Quarterly, 26(2), 172-189. 

Meyer, K. E., & Xin, K. R. (2018). Managing Talent in Emerging Economy Multinationals: Integrating Strategic Management and Human Resource Management. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(11), 1827-1855. 

Mullins, W., & Schoar, A. (2016). How do CEOs See Their Roles? Management Philosophies and Styles in Family and Non-family Firms. Journal of Financial Economics, 119(1), 24-43. 

M'zungu, S., Merrilees, B., & Miller, D. (2017). Strategic Hybrid Orientation between Market Orientation and Brand Orientation: Guiding Principles. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 25(4), 275-288. 

Pugliese, G. (2017). Kantei Diplomacy? Japan's Hybrid Leadership in Foreign and Security Policy. The Pacific Review, 30(2), 152-168. 

Schröer, A., & Jäger, U. (2015). Beyond Balancing? A Research Agenda on Leadership in Hybrid Organizations. International Studies of Management & Organization, 45(3), 259-281. 

Tian, M., Risku, M., & Collin, K. (2016). A Meta-analysis of Distributed Leadership from 2002 to 2013: Theory Development, Empirical Evidence and Future Research Focus. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 44(1), 146-164. 

Townsend, A. (2015). Leading School Networks: Hybrid Leadership in Action?. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 43(5), 719-737. 

Vance, C. M., Vaiman, V., Cosic, A., Abedi, M., & Sena, R. (2014). Smart Global Talent Management: A Promising Hybrid. In Global Talent Management (pp. 29-41). Springer, Cham. 

Wendt, K. (2018). Positive Impact Investing: A New Paradigm for Future Oriented Leadership and Innovative Corporate Culture. In Positive Impact Investing (pp. 1-26). Springer, Cham. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). The Combination of Eastern and Western Leadership Frameworks.


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