29 Apr 2022


A medical school personal statement

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Academic level: Master’s

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Words: 601

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Since I was a child, I have always loved being in social settings and mingling with people because it is through this socialization that my self confidence increases. I have been an outgoing person all my life. I have grown loving the experience of working for and with people. The interest of reading newspapers and socializing on the social media networks grew in me. Through this intensified socialization, I always heard of medical malpractice. I would always hear of patients who lost their dear lives because of medical malpractice. The issue of medical malpractice started featuring commonly in the daily news. This issue of medical malpractice is what generated the interest of studying medicine in me. 

It is important the burning desire to pursue medical career was motivated in me by one particular story of a 9 months old boy, who was subjected to a wrong drug injection known as phenytion. This specific case of medical malpractice caused the boy acute ischemia on his left hand. Doctors had to amputate it. This incident made me to decide that I would pursue a career in medicine, physician, so that I improve the situation through a very high sense of professionalism and expertise. I felt I could change the situation by training well and building enough experience to become an acclaimed and accurate physician.

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Moreover, I believe that medicine has many benefits to human life. I have the desire to study medicine because the knowledge I will gain from this course will help overcome the health challenges of people and improve the lives of individuals. There are many people who lose their lives in the hands of rogue medical doctors. Perseverance is a virtue that will enable me to sustain my efforts of ensuring many patients in the hospital get access to health care and become well. Through persistence, I will be able to struggle with the worst health conditions of sick people without giving up until they get well.

As person I always participate in a number of leisure activities. Some of my hobbies include playing chess. Moreover, I do help in contributing to the Google translate. I believe that these are activities, which help me enhance my critical thinking capabilities.

Finally, I have unique qualities that make me an outstanding person who is suitable for the career in medicine. I always develop my personal qualities through engagement with people from all walks of life. Some of the unique qualities that make me different include high willingness to learn, good listening skills, persistence, empathy and knowledge-seeking. I believe that these are qualities, which will make me to be a very effective physician and solve the issue of malpractice. I am determined to lead a very successful career in medicine. I am certain that will overcome the medical challenges that will be in my way. I am currently building my experience as a medical professional through offering voluntary services in emergency room of the nearby hospital in my hometown.

I demonstrated my qualities of having empathy during my voluntary service at the local hospital, where I live. I always served the patients with huge passion since I could always imagine the kind of pain they were experiencing. Most of them would come back to thank me for my humane character after getting well. At my high school when I was a student, I also showed the qualities of generosity and kindness by always helping new students to cope up with the strange school environment. I always was the first friend to many new students in my class and made sure they settled in the institution well. Moreover, at the high school, I served in the Red Cross Club, which always offered humanitarian assistance to students and even teachers within the school. The most common activity that I engaged in during my time in the school Red Cross Club is giving first aid to injured people within the school. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). A medical school personal statement.


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