16 Jun 2022


A Potential Employer: Coca-Cola Firm

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The Coca-Cola Firm denotes a soft drink firm that serves as a producer, distributor, and promoters of non-alcoholic beverages. Coca-Cola is mostly recognized for its bellwether brand Coca-Cola. The business was launched during the year 1886 by druggist John Stith Pemberton as Candler purchased the Coca-Cola brand and method during the year 1889 and then integrated the company in the year 1892 (Wells, 2016). Along with Coca-Cola liquor, the firm presents over four-hundred brands in more than two hundred nations and delivers about 1.6 billion servings on a daily basis. The firm implements the franchised supply system dating back to the year 1889 in which The Coca-Cola Firm simply generated syrup concentrate which they later retailed to numerous bottlers all over the globe who grip a special territory. Atlanta, Georgia is the firm’s main center of operations. Its stock is listed on the NYSE and is a portion of DJIA, S&P 500 Index, and the Russell 1000 Growth Stock Index (Wells, 2016). As stated in the year 2007 Annual Report, the firm had gallon sales of forty-three percent in Mexico, Brazil, India, Japan and China, thirty-seven percent in the U.S., and twenty percent spread all over the rest of the globe. The current paper seeks to evaluate the organizational behavior of Coca-Cola Firm. 

The Span of Control and Organization structure 

According to Noe et al. (2017), structure denotes a pattern of relations amongst members of a company and amongst position in a company. Structure enables the implementation of the management process and forms a framework of command and order via which the company’s activities can be organized, planned, controlled and directed. Coca-Cola Firm’s structure can be described as a tall structure, which is a mixture of both organic and mechanistic models. The company holds the centralized structure, nevertheless, of late; there has been a crusade towards decentralization for non-complicated management in sections. The firm’s focus is on responsiveness (Neeley & Çekin, 2017). The multifaceted incorporating methods are traits of the organic structure. The interviews as well as surveys the firm employed allow info to stream in a bottom-up manner, while the intranet enables data to be shared horizontally. The firm pursues standardization as well as simplification. High standardization plus centralization are connected to a mechanistic structure. 

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Kikuchi, Nishimura & Stachurski (2018) Albrecht et al. (2015), define the span of control as the sum of juniors who report directly to a particular supervisor or manager and comes up in line power. In case the span of control is excessively broad, it is hard to oversee the juniors efficiently and it puts more stress on the supervisor. As of December 2009, the Coca-Cola Firm employs roughly 92,800 workers. Consistent with universal information found from the website of the firm, at the corporate level, there exist at least five hierarchical levels. For instance, if there is a board of Directors, Functions leadership and Operating group leadership, this span of control looks thin for the chief executive officer of this kind of a big company. The chief executive officer is also a Senior Leadership Team member. This group is made up of each leader of the 8 operating teams aforementioned, and similarly has other senior managers in areas such as technology and innovation and marketing. Though there exist just 6 persons who answer directly to the chief executive officer, the chief executive officer is capable of receiving ideas from a broad range of divisions due to this leadership group. Because the group is made up of participants from different segments, the chief executive officer will be capable of obtaining a broad range of data. In general, The Coca-Cola Firm performs a desirable work of handling its pyramid of power (Neeley & Çekin, 2017). Since the company has a tall structure, it is still capable of keeping, to a degree, more organic management style, enabling it to be suppler to altering conditions. 

Human Resource and Management Practice 

Recruitment can be described as the procedure of obtaining a pool of skilled individuals to request for work to a company (Noe et al., 2017). Also, it may be defined as seeking and obtaining prospective qualified applicant for a needed position. In Coca Cola Firm, recruitment of workers observes the regulations and rules to make sure the company gets the right applicant who will satisfy the vision and mission of the firm. The firm advertises the positions on its website and in the Newspapers and shortlists the applicant who satisfies the company’s needs. The Managing group interviews the applicants and selects the competent one. Furthermore, the firm endorses the person whose performance is desirable consistent with his experiences and skills (Albrecht et al., 2015). Moreover, from time to time the company uses other recruitment agents or companies to promote and interview the applicants on its behalf. 

With regard to Training and Development, Coca-Cola sets its workers through the official training program in various areas (Neeley & Çekin, 2017). The greater part of it the training entails diversity education, where the company focuses on minimalizing differences and intensifying respecting and valuing one another, in order to help achieve better outcomes. The firm trusts that the training assists in the creation of a work atmosphere which values diversity and influences worker commitment and boosts productivity. Also, the firm employs lots of team training, which facilitates new workers in learning the way to react to some circumstances and to get to understand each other. Also, the Coca-Cola firm offers all fresh hires rules on behavior and worker participation in the political practice in a business rule of behavior. The code is conveyed via the orientation of fresh-hires to make sure all workers will behave themselves with great integrity and honesty level that rules a firm’s culture. 

Regarding the Performance and Motivation, Coca-Cola, by training workers in addition to getting them engaged, the employees have the feeling as if they are a portion of the firm. Furthermore, the salesperson receives a percentage of his or her sales, which motivates the worker to work even hard in ordered to make sure he/she receives more. 

Morden (2017) describes management system as what a company does or a verified framework to oversee its activities, or processes, so as to ensure its services or products fulfil the goals it has set, for instance, meeting the quality requirements of a consumer, abiding by rules, or satisfying environmental goals. Coca-Cola Business is obliged to observe, and it is its policy to observe, applicable regulations in the various nations across the globe where the company operates (Neeley & Çekin, 2017). In numerous jurisdictions, abiding by competition rules is of exceptional significance to the firm, and the company’s operations might come under distinctive inspection by competition rule authorities thanks to the company’s competitive rank in those jurisdictions. The business follows the regulations and rules of all nations where it does business. 

Regarding team working, in Coca-Cola firm, persons work as a team. According to the firm, the employees work as a worldwide team. The Coca-Cola business is formed around two primary assets, i.e., its people and its brands, which is what makes working in Coca-Cola very extraordinary. They trust that work is beyond a station one goes daily. Rather, work ought to be a room of creativity, exploration, interpersonal relationships and professional growing. Work is about being motivated and inspired to realize unusual stuff. The company desires its persons to rejoice in their job and in creating brands other persons like. In any case, it is the joined skills, talents, experience, passion and knowledge of its people which make the company who they are. Coca-Cola’s 92,800 acquaintances across the globe reside and work in the bazaars the company serves — over eighty-seven percent of them outer the United States. Within the geographically diverse setting, the company learns from the individual bazaar and shares that learning swiftly. Consequently, the company’s culture is increasingly collaborative. From beverage idea and growth to merchandising, the firm’s acquaintances are sharing concepts through bazaars and departments in new methods. As a result, the associates are progressively passionate regarding their work and motivated to convert ideas into action. 

Hayes, J. (2018), defines change management as the procedure of realizing the smooth application of change through planning and presenting it methodically, considering the possibility of it being repelled. The three forms of change are transformational, operational and strategic. Operational change involves new procedures, systems, technology or structures which will have a direct impact on working structures inside a portion of the company. However, its effect on persons may be more important than wider strategic change and it must be tackled just as cautiously. Coca-Cola firm constantly changes the Technology, procedure and systems with the intention of satisfying its consumer's requirement (Neeley & Çekin, 2017). For instance, altering their bottle form, and adding more products among other things. 

On the other hand, strategic change concerns wide, longstanding and company-wide matters entailing change (Spee & Jarzabkowski, 2017). It concerns shifting to a future condition which has been set in general with regards to strategic scope and vision. The strategic change relates to the company’s mission and purpose, its corporate philosophy regarding issues such as innovation, quality, and growth and values concerning consumers and workers, competitive positioning as well as strategic objectives for product-market development and for attaining and sustaining competitive advantage. Strategic change occurs in the setting of the social and economic environment, the external competitive and the company’s internal resources, systems, culture, structure as well as capabilities. Its effective application necessitates exhaustive understanding and assessments of these aspects in the planning and formulation phases. The coca cola Firm is constantly forced to change as a result of rivalry from its competitors such as Pepsi. Furthermore, certain ecological issues make the firm to change its method of production and altering the bottle printing technique that is believed to harm the surroundings. 

What is more, transformational change occurs once there exist comprehensive and fundamental changes in behaviors, processes and structures which have an intense impact on how the company operates (Morden, 2017). This takes place when there exists an adjustment in national regulations and policy which necessitates certain structure change. Coca-Cola Company decentralized its organizational structure by dropping about fifty percent of the workforce at its Atlanta head office and shifting the local chieftains nearer to its regional bazaars. Furthermore, in India, making decision has been shifted additionally down to diverse regions of the diverse nation. Coca-Cola Firm applies the incremental technique in making decision. Particularly in the past two decades or so, the board has been very conventional and looking to evade any major changes. Nevertheless, in recent times the board applied the unstructured decision-making concept. This was revealed in the year 2004 via the procedure which chief executive officer Isdell applied when generating the firm’s Growth Strategy after the business showed a sign of deterioration (Neeley & Çekin, 2017). Instead of changing what the firm has been operating, it gauged approximately four-hundreds of their senior administrators what they believed was the problem in the business. Grounded in data obtained from surveys, a hundred and fifty managers assembled to generate answers for the problems, where the options were evaluated exhaustively and concluding resolutions were made by teams. 


In a nutshell, the Coca-Cola Company denotes a beverage firm that serves as a producer, distributor, and promoters of non-alcoholic beverages. Coca-Cola Firm’s structure signifies the tall structure, a mixture of both organic and mechanistic models. In general, The Coca-Cola Firm performs a desirable work of handling its pyramid of power. In Coca Cola Firm, recruitment of workers observes the regulations and rules to make sure the company gets the right applicant who will satisfy the vision and mission of the firm. With regard to Training and Development, Coca-Cola sets its staffs through the official training program in various areas. Regarding the Performance and Motivation, Coca-Cola, by training workers in addition to getting them engaged, the employees have the feeling as if they are a portion of the firm. Coca-Cola Business is obliged to observe, and it is its policy to observe, applicable regulations in the various nations across the globe where the company operates. Regarding team working, in Coca-Cola firm, persons work as a team. Coca-Cola firm constantly changes the Technology, procedure and systems with the intention of satisfying its consumer's requirement. The coca cola Firm is constantly forced to change as a result of rivalry from its competitors such as Pepsi. Coca-Cola Company decentralized its organizational structure by dropping about fifty percent of the workforce at its Atlanta head office and shifting the local chieftains nearer to its regional bazaars. After graduation I would want to work for the Coca-Cola company. 


Albrecht, S. L., Bakker, A. B., Gruman, J. A., Macey, W. H., & Saks, A. M. (2015). Employee engagement, human resource management practices and competitive advantage: An integrated approach. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance , 2 (1), 7-35. 

Hayes, J. (2018). The theory and practice of change management . Palgrave. 

Kikuchi, T., Nishimura, K., & Stachurski, J. (2018). Span of control, transaction costs, and the structure of production chains. Theoretical Economics , 13 (2), 729-760. 

Morden, T. (2017). Principles of management . Routledge. 

Neeley, T., & Çekin, E. (2017). Global Leadership in a Dynamic and Evolving Region: Molinas@ The Coca-Cola Company (A). 

Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2017). Human resource management: Gaining a competitive advantage . New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education. 

Spee, P., & Jarzabkowski, P. (2017). Agreeing on what? Creating joint accounts of strategic change. Organization Science , 28 (1), 152-176. 

Wells, C. W. (2016). Citizen Coke: The Making of Coca-Cola Capitalism. ByBartow J. Elmore. New York: WW Norton & Company, 2015. 416 pp. Photographs, illustrations, figures, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $27.95. ISBN: 978-0-393-24112-9. Business History Review , 90 (1), 134-136. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). A Potential Employer: Coca-Cola Firm.


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