9 Aug 2022


Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 472

Pages: 2

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According psychologist Abraham Maslow, human beings are motivated to satisfy five levels of their needs. These needs are founded and must be met through a hierarchical order, beginning with physiological ones to self-actualization at the bottom and top respectively. It is based on these needs that human beings derive their motivation to engage in any activity, be it work, leisure, spiritual or others (Benson & Dundis, 2003) . The basis for the motivation to satisfy these needs among healthcare professions forms this paper’s discussion. 

Healthcare professions include nursing, medicine, physiotherapy, and pharmacists among others. Healthcare professionals are human beings that are motivated to meet their needs, especially in a fast-changing healthcare environment. Maslow understood that human beings are complex creatures that respond to various stimuli in order to satisfy their needs (Benson & Dundis, 2003) . However, he was categorical that if the needs of the bottom tiers are not met, less energy, capacity and motivation to pursue higher needs is realized. Imperatively, the hierarchy of needs is essential for healthcare workers that serve to satisfy patients’ ad their individual needs as well. These professionals serve both the primarily physical needs and primarily psychological needs in different settings and situations. According to Toode et al (2011), Maslow’s model can be used in the healthcare professions to assess one’s physical, intellectual, social, moral, and emotional being. 

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At the treatment level, a patient’s physiological needs must be accounted for, whether by a doctor, a health social worker, a psychologist, or speech therapist. At higher level needs, for example job security, professional and academic achievements and success, and intellectual growth; rely on the satisfaction of the lower needs ( Toode, Routasalo & Suominen, 2011) . 

However, they remain essential to the overall health of an individual. Imperatively, healthcare professionals like nurses and physicians need to understand that they can only be effective if they encourage their patients to understand their needs based on the Maslow’s model. Again, the model allows the healthcare professionals to look beyond their personal expertise implying that a patient must be evaluated based on all aspects that may influence their wellness. These include the evaluation of their physical health, family and career situation, their communication ability and their family relationships. For instance, the changing healthcare setting has led to the use of evidence-based practice for nurses; encouraged research based solutions to medical problems and allowed increased investment in training of nurses. On this basis, nurses need to respond effectively to healthcare challenges as a result of patients failing to meet any of their needs as posited by the Maslow’s model. 

The Maslow’s model encourages healthcare professionals to seek motivationally driven solutions to satisfy their patients’ needs while at the same time allow them to grow in their professional duties (Skela Savič, & Robida, 2013) . Motivated by the understanding of their patients and the need to treat their concerns in a more systematic way, professionals in the healthcare systems can have better outcomes. 


Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model is an essential organizational framework that can be used in the healthcare industry in the assessment of a patient’s strengths, challenges and necessary interventions. 


Benson, S.G., & Dundis, S.P. (2003). Understanding and motivating health care employees: 

integrating Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, training and technology. Journal of Nursing Management, 11(5), 315-320. 

Skela Savič, B., & Robida, A. (2013). Capacity of middle management in health-care 

organizations for working with people – the case of Slovenian hospitals. 

Human Resources for Health , vol.11, no18. 

Toode, K., Routasalo, P., & Suominen, T. (2011). Work motivation of nurses: A literature 

review. International Journal of Nursing Studies , vol.48, no.3, pp.246-257. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2010.09.013. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.


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