Running head: LETTER OF CONSENT 1
Letter of Consent for Research Study
Dear (Participant’s Name):
You are invited to participate in a research study on the Routine Activity theory and the hypothesis that the lack of guardianship is linked to higher rates of sexual assault. We expect, upon completion of the survey, to show that the lack of a physical presence of an individual or a group around a person increases their chances of being sexually assaulted.
This research will require about 15-30 minutes of your time. During this time, you will be interviewed about your experience with sexual assault and how the presence or lack thereof of a guardian affected the happenings at the time.
Delegate your assignment to our experts and they will do the rest.
There are no anticipated risks or discomforts related to this research and by participating, you may assist others to learn more on sexual assault and the preventive measures that can be taken.
Several steps will be taken to protect your anonymity and identity. The typed interviews will NOT contain any mention of your name, and any identifying information removed. Your participation in this research is completely voluntary and you may withdraw from the study at any time for any reason.
The results from this study will be presented in writing in journals to assist relevant professionals in coming up with ways to reduce incidences of sexual assault. Access to police records on sexual assault cases and even interviewing of sexual offenders would have enabled more accurate findings to be presented since the crimes would be analyzed from different angles thus giving the survey a more holistic approach.
If you have any other questions or comments regarding this research, kindly get in touch using the numbers provided.
I/ We have read the above information regarding this research study on sexual assault, and consent to participate in this study.
Participant __________________________________________ Date _______________
Guardian __________________________________________
Researcher __________________________________________