Accreditation can be defined as a state where a certain institution has met a top level standard of being certified. However, the endorsement is done by an accreditation agency which can be very confusing to some of the people who do not recognize its importance.
How colleges and Universities are accredited
Accreditation can be done depending on the college levels, their academic qualifications and meeting the requirements of the certifying institutions. The accreditation requirements, for instance, of a school taking vocational culinary and a medical school are different due the variation in curriculum. However, it is certain that each and every school no matter how diverse the institution is have certain principles that guide their accreditation (Roscoe & NAFEO Research Institute, 1989).
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The accreditation of schools is done in a number of ways and is considered to be a very important aspect. However, the accreditation is done with very important and credible agencies that are very effective; for instance, the government of the United States is not involved in the accreditation of schools but in other ways has appointed bodies to take care of the transition.
Accreditation of schools is a very important task that should be compulsory for all forms. Accreditation may not mean a lot to everyone involved but a relevant exercise that gives students priority when it comes to looking of Jobs. The validity of the type of education one acquires from a certain institution is very important.
Roscoe, W. J., & NAFEO Research Institute (U.S.). (1989). Accreditation of historically and predominantly Black colleges and universities . Lanham, MD: University Press of America.