9 May 2022


Adult Learning and Development

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Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Assignment

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Pages: 12

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Today, an increasing number of adults are embracing learning and skills development. These adults are driven by a number of motivations. On the one hand, there are some adults who wish to achieve professional growth and learning offers an opportunity for the accomplishment of this goal. On the other hand, there are adults who simply wish to gain some basic literacy skills. Whatever their motivations, the adults who have registered for classes demonstrate their commitment to lifelong learning. It is unfortunate that despite the resources, infrastructure and facilities available for adult learning, many adults are still reluctant to embrace learning. A number of factors can be blamed for this state of affairs. These factors range from the many commitments that adults are required to honor to the fact that their advanced age means that the adults are unable to grasp concepts and gain skills quickly. Even with these challenges, there are millions of adults whose commitment to learning remains unwavering. Personally, I recognize the value of adult learning. In my quest for personal growth and professional development, I have partnered with fellow adults to pursue learning by leveraging available resources and sharing the knowledge and skills that I possess.


It is understood that thousands of American adults are engaged in various learning and skills development programs (Tamassia et al., 2007). For most of these adults, their hope is that they will acquire the skills and insights that they need to achieve professional growth and become more productive members of their society. I am proud to be among these adults who despite their age, have remained eager to learn. Acquiring chess competency and skill is the primary purpose of a learning initiative that I engaged in as part of this assignment. While I possess some basic skills in playing chess, I have always been desperate in my desire to enhance these skills. This assignment offered the opportunity to fulfill this desire. In exchange for learning how to play chess, I offered to teach yoga to my partner, Dana Love. While I am neither an authority nor an expert on yoga, I was confident that I had basic knowledge that would be sufficient. Overall, my engagement with Dana proved fulfilling and insightful. As will be outlined in the following sections, I was able to improve my skills while helping Dana to master yoga.

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Inspiration for Learning 

As noted in the introduction, adult learners are driven by a wide range of motivations. As is the case with nearly all other endeavors, adult learning is most successful when the adult draws inspiration from some source. The inspiration offers the drive and reminds the learner of the importance of staying committed. This assignment involved an assessment where together with Dana, I engaged in a reflection regarding our reasons for pursuing learning. Dana was primary inspired by the desire to achieve fitness. She shared that for years, she had held the desire to become more fit and safeguard her health. After careful consideration, she identified yoga as the best tool to achieve this goal. Dana’s belief that yoga holds the key to fitness and health is sound and founded on research. Various scholars have established that those who engage in yoga report higher levels of fitness and health outcomes. For example, Maxwell Ruby, Chris Repka and Paul Arciero (2016) conducted a study with the goal of determining the impact of yoga and stretching on the health of overweight women. Their findings indicate that “YS training tended to decrease blood glucose… and is equally effective at enhancing body composition, and aerobic fitness in overweight women” (Ruby, Repka & Arciero, 2016, p. 754). This finding serves to strengthen Dana’s confidence in the power of yoga to enhance her health and general wellbeing. In addition to seeking to improve her health, Dana also hoped to leverage yoga for stress management. This belief is also grounded in scientific evidence. Yoga has been shown to be an effective measure that helps to alleviate stress (Harris et al., 2016). It is clear that in engaging in yoga, Dana was motivated by solid and evidence-based reasons.

Whereas Dana set out to promote her health, I was mostly driven by my wish to participate in chess tournaments. Moreover, I also desired to secure my mental health as I understand that chess is among the interventions that safeguards cognitive function particularly among adults. After conducting a study, Giovanni Sala and Fernand Gobet (2016) determined that there is a direct and significant association between playing chess and the development of cognitive skills. The implication of this finding is that my reasons for pursuing chess were valid. As I age, I expect that chess will be a constant tool for mental exercise and learning.

Methods Used

Different learners have varied responses to different teaching methods. Whereas some learners record the greatest benefit when taught using visual tools, there are those who prefer traditional learning that involves lectures. Yoga classes are the main method that Dana chose to use. That the classes would allow her to benefit from the direct engagement with an instructor was her primary reason for selecting this method. I agree that such traditional approaches as attending classes are beneficial as they allow learners to interact directly with their instructors and other students. Kemp and Grieve (2014) makes this clear in his article. He established that as opposed to internet-mediated learning approaches, face-to-face learning makes it possible for learners to have direct interactions with their instructors. Another reason why Dana selected to attend yoga classes is that she believed that the classes would provide an environment that enhanced accountability and allow her to engage with other students in fulfilling social interactions. I can confirm that physical classes do indeed help learners to stay committed and interact with others.

On my part, I chose to use a combination of learning methods that I found to be effective. Since I learn best when taught using visual aids, I adopted a visual board. Using the board, I was able to visualize the movement of the chess pieces. In addition to the visual board, I also read widely on various aspects of playing chess. Another method that I used involved playing against a computer. I understand that I am not alone in my integration of modern technology into learning. Today, digital and other modern technologies are playing a more central role in the learning process (Collins & Halverson, 2018). These technologies allow instructors to leverage advances to deliver insights to learners in a convenient and faster fashion. I attribute the progress that I have made in developing my chess skills to the combination of learning methods that I use. Thanks to these methods, I have been able to exploit my appetite for learning and draw from my tremendous competitive spirit.


One of the factors that hamper adult learning is inadequate resources. Many adults who wish to acquire skills and knowledge are hampered by such issues as poverty, tight schedules and insufficient facilities for learning. The challenges that adults face in their quest for knowledge is the subject of an article that Baharudin, Murad and Mat authored (2013). In the article, these scholars identify raising tuition fees as among the greatest hurdles encountered by adult learners. I consider myself fortunate that financial resources have not barred my access to education. Thanks to the resources that I have available, I have been able to pursue numerous learning pursuits. The key resource that I continue to leverage is my competitive spirit and unwavering desire for learning. I believe that for learning to occur smoothly, students need to be enthusiastic and dedicated. Apart from my appetite for learning, I also relied on digital technology. I identified this resource through my interactions with my children. These interactions have allowed me to fully appreciate the critical role that technology like computers can play in education. In choosing to use computers, I was driven by a number of reasons. That they simulate real experiences is the main reason. While playing against a computer, I was able to experience the reality of playing chess. Moreover, I find that timed chess competitions cause needless anxiety. This is an issue that I did not experience while playing against a computer. I would strongly advise any individual who wishes to gain a skill to embrace technologies. While I found using computers to be fulfilling and effective, I must admit that digital technologies have their drawbacks. For example, when using these technologies, interactions with an instructor are limited and one is denied the joy and warmth that social interactions with other students offer.

My partner Dana also used various resources for learning. As already noted, she relied on the guidance and expertise of her instructor. In addition to introducing her to such issues as various yoga poses, her instructor also imposed pressure that compelled her to remain dedicated to the learning process. Dana’s reason for choosing to work with her instructor lies mostly in the effectiveness of one-on-one instruction. When learners engage directly with their instructors, the learning process occurs smoothly and without hitches. For example, the learner is able to pose questions and seek clarification. This cannot be said about such other approaches to learning as online education. Apart from her instructor, Dana also used digital content as a resource for learning. Roku is among the platforms that offer digital content that Dana used. After downloading applications onto this platform, she was able to access materials on yoga. Her primary motivation for using Roku is the fact that it offers convenience. While she expressed a preference for attending yoga classes, she indicated that there are moments when attending the classes is simply impractical and inconvenient. Being an adult, she has obligations that demand her attention and input. The convenience that such providers of digital content as Roku offer is therefore welcome and appreciated. Dana found out about Roku from friends whose lives had been transformed by digital technology. After using this platform, Dana agrees that digital technology has revolutionized learning as it has made it possible for busy adults to learn while remaining committed to other engagements such as their jobs.

Helpful Information from Learning Assessment Assignment 

The learning assessment assignment has been as fulfilling as it was challenging. I am able to confidently state that thanks to this assignment, I have gained a deeper understanding of my partner’s learning needs, style and challenges. While it is true that even before the assignment I had some insight into Dana’s learning process, this assignment has helped me to gain a better understanding. Now, I understand that she prefers traditional learning that involves receiving guidance and knowledge from an instructor. I also know that she gravitates towards learning approaches that deliver convenience without sacrificing the quality of education. One of the most intriguing insights that I gained regarding Dana’s learning is that she tends to focus on the bigger picture. She shared that while she recognizes the importance of details, she finds that they distract from the larger and more important issues. I attribute the new knowledge that I have acquired to the assignment. In addition to enabling me to better understand how Dana learns, the assignment has also enhanced our relationship. As part of the assignment, we were supposed to help one another with learning. While she helped me with chess, I reciprocated by helping her with yoga. It is true that neither of us are experts in the respective fields that we were to deliver instruction. However, as we struggled and demonstrated commitment, we cemented our bond and understood the challenges of adult learning.

For the most part, the assignment was rewarding and enlightening. However, I must admit that there were hurdles that threatened to erode progress. There were moments when we became frustrated particularly after observing that we were not making adequate progress. While these moments strained our relationship, they offered us the opportunity to test our dedication to learning. The frustration that we experienced also challenged us to become more confident in our teaching abilities. As we began the assignment, we were deeply anxious and feared that we were not sufficiently competent to instruct one another. For example, I was unable to identify the three main yoga poses yet I had committed to help my partner with her yoga routines. Initially, we encountered serious challenges. However, thanks to the respect and trust that we have for one another, we were able to walk together on a journey that has been tremendously fulfilling.

I have already shared that the assignment was originally intended to introduce us to adult learning. While it fulfilled this purpose, the learning also extended into avenues for which it was not originally designed. For example, through her yoga sessions, Dana was able to gain fresh perspectives into human life and how the universe functions. She has managed to tie her experiences to the essence of the universe. While I am yet to attain this level of consciousness, I believe that thanks to the assignment, my understanding of the universe and the human spirit has improved. Overall, this assignment has enhanced my relationship with Dana in addition to enabling us to venture further into learning subjects of interest.

Knowledge Survey Results

The learning assessment assignment involved a knowledge survey. Featuring a number of questions, this survey was intended to evaluate our readiness and competency to teach. The results of the survey are quite interesting and point to the fact that confidence is as important as competence for those who wish to teach. The following table contains my responses to the various questions posed:

Bloom Level Content Topic: Yoga Postures and health benefits associated with yoga Response


What is yoga?



Define what a yoga posture is.



Name the major yoga postures.



Demonstrate three major postures 



Identify the flow process of each of these three postures



Describe how each of these three yoga postures differs. 


As the table shows, I was confident that I was able to answer such basic questions as the meaning of yoga. However, my confidence dropped to a meager 1 when confronted with more complex questions. For example, on the question of the difference between yoga postures, my response was 1. This means that I lacked confidence that I could answer this question correctly. The results of the survey prompted me to ponder on my capacity to teach. I admit that given my lack of confidence in my ability to respond to complex questions, I am not best placed to help Dana with her yoga postures. However, I think that what is more important is that I had immense trust in my capacity and preparedness. I understood that despite my limited knowledge, I could leverage my close relationship with Dana to help her master yoga.

In the table below, the results of Dana’s knowledge survey are given:

Bloom Level Content Topic: Improve chess skill to compete Response


What are the names of individual chess pieces?



Where do they start on the chess board?



How does each chess piece move on the chessboard?



How does your opponent’s move affect how you move?



Give three different moves that you could do in response to one move by an opponent.



Of those possible moves, which one would be easiest to understand online than on a chessboard 


As can be seen in the table above, Dana’s response show low confidence levels. She is only familiar with basic issues such as the names of chess pieces and did not think that she could take more complex matters like how to respond to the moves that an opponent makes. While I feel that her low confidence levels are disappointing and cause for concern, I think that her responses reflect the challenges faced by instructors teaching technical and practical skills. Chess is a complex sport that demands advanced skills and mental acuity. I must recognize the lengths that Dana went as she helped me improve my chess skills so that I am able to compete. One of the lessons that I have gathered after analyzing the results of the survey is that both Dana and I were inadequately prepared for the challenge of teaching. However, I find that the most important lesson is that we need to keep open minds and allow ourselves to experience challenges that make us anxious and uncomfortable. By taking part in the assignment, Dana and I have understood the limits of our capabilities and recognize the importance of gaining new perspectives and knowledge.

Doing things differently

Offered the opportunity to learn a new skill, there are number of things that I would do differently. Signing up for an actual class is one of the changes that I would make to my approach to learning. I found that Dana was immensely helpful and patient. Thanks to her guidance, I was able to improve my chess skills significantly. However, I think that it is nearly impossible to make up for lack of adequate knowledge and competence. Classes offer the best avenue for engaging and successful learning. By taking part in classroom-based learning, adult learners are able to interact directly with course content and instructors. As part of my efforts to acquire new skills in the future, I will seek the help of qualified instructors who operate from classrooms. This is by no means an indictment of Dana’s capabilities. It is simply an admission that she lacks the skills and knowledge needed to effectively teach chess. Another thing that I would do differently concerns the use of technology. To improve my chess skills, I used such technologies as a visual board and a computer. My assessment of these technologies is that they are incredibly useful as they facilitate learning. When attempting to learn a new skill, I would use technology more extensively. I predict that as technology continues to permeate learning, more and more adult students will adopt it. In addition to helping adult learners to acquire knowledge and build their skills, technology also offers convenience and keeps the costs of learning low. These are the primary reasons why technology will be a key feature of my future learning endeavors. Embracing learning for its own sake is the third change that I intend to make as regards my learning process. I shared in a previous section that my competitive spirit served as my primary motivation for seeking to improve my chess skills. As I worked with Dana, I observed that I was so engrossed in my quest to defeat my competitors that I was unable to fully experience the learning process. Instead of giving too much focus to the end goals of learning, I plan to place emphasis on the learning process. I think that the process is far more important than the outcomes.

Impact of Information on Accommodating Adults

In their interactions with adult learners, instructors and educational institutions need to understand that adults function differently. In his theory of andragogy, Malcolm Knowles captured the essence of adult learning. He observed that for adult learning to be successful, instructors need to outline the purpose that the learning serves (Knowles, Holton & Swanson, 2014). Essentially, unlike children who comply without question, adult learners demand answers and respect. Through this assignment, I have gained information that I intend to apply in my engagements with adults. In particular, this information will help me to become more accommodating and understanding of adults. When serving as an instructor, I will elaborate the purpose of the learning and respond to any questions raised respectfully. Another issue that Knowles’ theory addresses is that adult learning is best executed when it is combined with tasks requiring communal effort (Knowles, Holton & Swanson, 2014). What this means is that adults prefer to work together instead of handling tasks in isolation. As I work with fellow adults, I plan to encourage teamwork and collaboration. I will endeavor to ensure that the adults join forces so as to accomplish common tasks.

The theory that Knowles developed has shaped my understanding of the needs of adults. However, I reserve the most credit for the new perspectives that I have gained for this assignment. As a result of the assignment, I now understand that adults face challenges that hamper their efforts to acquire new skills or improve those that they already possess. Personally, I have work and family obligations that limit the amount of time that I can set aside for learning. Dana has similar obligations. It took tremendous courage and a display of our appetite for learning to improve our skills. I now recognize the need to understand that adult learning is complex and riddled with hurdles. In order to be successful in my interactions with other adults, I must be mindful of the unique challenges that they encounter. Refraining from forming judgments that are based on stereotypes and baseless assumptions is another issue that will shape my interactions with other adults. I now know that an open mind is needed for engaging and fulfilling interactions with adults.

In conclusion, upon embarking on this assignment, I was excited and hopeful. I hoped that at the end of the assignment, I would have improved my chess skills to levels where I can compete against other players. The assignment’s design allowed me to advance my skills while helping my partner Dana with her yoga poses. It is true that the both of us were inadequately prepared for the challenge that we faced. However, our excitement and desperate desire to help one another grow offered us the strength and drive that we needed. The key take-away from this assignment is that despite the hurdles that they face, adults can indeed engage in learning. They simply need to ensure that their schedules accommodate their learning initiatives.


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Collins, A., & Halverson, R. (2018). Rethinking education in the age of technology: the digital

Revolution and schooling in America. New York City: Teachers College Press.

Harris, A. R., Jennings, P. A., Katz, D. A., Abenavoli, R. M., & Greenberg, M. T. (2016).

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A school-based yoga and mindfulness intervention. Mindfulness, 7 (1), 143-154.

Kemp, N., & Rachel Grieve. (2014). Face-to-face or face-to-screen? Undergraduates’ opinions

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DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01278

Knowles, M. S., Holton, E. F., & Swanson, R. A. (2014). The adult learner: the definitive classic

In adult education and human resource development. London: Routledge.

Ruby, M., Repka, C. P., & Arciero, P. J. (2016). Comparison of protein-pacing alone or

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A first look at results from the adult education program and learner surveys. Educational

Testing Service. Retrieved August 28, 2018 from http://www.ets.org/Media/Research/pdf/ETSLITERACY_AEPS_Report.pdf

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