In my report, I was able to incorporate the seven elements and philosophies of methodological research. The pragmatic philosophy was utilized for this report as an effective measure of reviewing methodological approach. Through the use of mathematical models as an effective measure of solving complex methods, the research was able to incorporate quantitative data to support conclusions made. The soft systems approach was also able to establish a holistic measure that in demonstrating the use of the methodology in preventing hard thinking. This practice is effective as it also incorporates qualitative data that will provide explanations to the problem at hand. The systems of education that will be evaluated will experience critical analysis that is best done by the pragmatism philosophy. Mixed method designs also enables a wide variety of data that provides explanations to the problem at hand from different perspectives a measure that is integral to finding the most appropriate solution.
There are various elements that I purposely included in my report as a measure of improving the quality of my review. Evidence-based research intervention whereby the critical evaluation of the challenges facing the system. In this approach, the survey, experiment, and case study elements may be utilized. These elements are critical in the social-technical toolbox whereby they review the challenges encountered in the implementation of the systems and measures that can be used to address them. The narrative inquiry element was also critical in the report as it provided analysis of the challenges that users usually encounter.
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Avinson, D E & Gerald, FG. (1988). Information Systems Development: Methodologies, Tools and Techniques . Blackwell Scientific Publications.