9 Jul 2022


Analytical and Written Communication Skills

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Reasons for Seeking a Counseling Degree 

Licensed marriage and family therapists (LMFT) are professionals who help in solving interpersonal and relationship problems in families, between couples and marriage. They focus on issues such as divorce counseling and depression among other psychological problems in relationship and family context. I am interested in seeking an LMFT program because I am passionate about assisting people prevail over their barriers and go through dysfunctional thinking and conduct in order to live a life that is happy and satisfying. This is one of the major reasons that make me feel and convinced that a counseling degree in LMFT is the right and best choice for me. Families and marriages today are facing a lot of challenges and problems that affect relationships between family members and couples. Families offer members offer one another support emotionally, physically and communally (Benny, 2011). I believe that the value of a family is important in the life of every person. 

Healthy people in families that are healthy are the foundation of a healthy community or society. It is therefore in my interest to help people establish a good environment for all families. A family is the closest social environment. It is in the family that children start the crucial process of socialization and teach (Benny, 2011). It is therefore important that the family environment is conducive. Families today are facing a lot of challenges that have broken and destabilized many. Divorce and remarrying are some of the issues facing families today and their effect on the involved people is in most cases severe. I am of the opinion that some of the issues that affect the stability of families and marriages can be solved amicably through counseling and therapy. Most of these issues can be addressed and prevent the negative effects on children, couples and the entire family. 

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By being a licensed family and marriage therapist, I believe that I can help save marriages and families that might be at the verge of breaking. In addition, I can use the skills and knowledge that will be gained in the LMFT program to help families navigate through the challenges and issues they are facing today. The demands of the current life today are straining families and as a result parents and children need help in order to handle things in a balanced way. 

I have witnessed close people to me who have undergone the divorce process in a very nasty way that ended up with severe consequences such as suicide and depression. I think they would have been prevented if they underwent counseling. Such events make me feel that I should do something to help people facing difficulties in their families and marriages. Broken families leave children at the mercies of the society. In addition, such children suffer a lot and end up in issues such as depression. Besides being passionate about helping adults deal with their family and marriage issues, I am also passionate about assisting children go through the effects of their parents’ marriages and family challenges. Children are the most affected by difficulties experienced in families and marriages. I therefore feel compelled in my heart to purse an LMFT program in order to help them. 

In the modern society, divorce is common (Benny, 2011). I have conducted a literature survey in attempt to establish the state of families and marriages in the society today. From the literature review, I realized that the rates of divorce have increase dramatically over the years. In 1960 for example, divorce was not common. It only affected approximately 9.1 people for every 1000 marriages (US Census Bureau, 2017). In 1975, the number increased more than twice and rose to 20.3. In 1980, the number increased to 22.6. Although the rates of divorce have decreased as seen in the United States Census Bureau (2017) figure of 7.2 for in and 7.5 in women for every 1,000 people in the Northeast part of United States and 10.2 among men and 11.1 among women in the South, the numbers are still significant. Research findings indicate that almost 50 percent of marriages experience divorce. In addition, research shows that the impact of the divorces is devastating for all the people involved. Furthermore, for strained marriages and families who do not end up in divorce, some experience a volatile family environment which has a devastating impact in the long term (Benny, 2011). 

Having a degree in family and marriage therapy equip me with the skills required in helping family members and couples in marriages communicate with one another in an effective way and solve their differences in an amicable manner. I believe that by offering therapy to families and marriages, I can help minimize fighting and the likelihood of divorce. Taking the program will equip me with the knowledge needed to help families and couples. The program will help me developed the skills, abilities and knowledge needed in listening to the problems faced by my patients, help them understand their issues, assist them establish specific goals to achieve, and identify strategies to achieve the goals. Besides, I believe the program will enable me help my clients handle the issues that negatively impact their relationships. Such issues comprise of problems related to managing anger, communication problems, drug abuse, infidelity, problems with parenting and finances (Murphy, 2017). I understand that although a career in marriage and family can be challenging, I believe it is interesting and rewarding. 

Although my main reason for pursing a degree in family and marriage therapy is the passion I have for helping people struggling with family and marriage issues, I also desire to earn a decent living. A career as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFT) pays well too. Family and marriage therapists give a crucial service to the community and as a result earn a decent pay. In 2012 for example, the median annual pay for a marriage and family therapist was approximately $46,670. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, jobs for Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists will increase by twenty-three percent between 2016 and 2026 (Benny, 2011). Therefore, I can use my passion to help other people and at the same time make a better living, improve the lives of the married people and families and improve mine too. 

Reasons why I will be successful in a graduate school counseling program 

I feel I will be successful in a graduate school counseling program because I am a dedicated student. In addition, I am ready and willing to accept different duties, systems, contexts and circumstances. I am ready to accept diversity, and leadership and I think these too are important in being successful in a graduate school counseling program and in this case the Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Program. My passion for the career combined with my zeal to learn makes me feel that I will be successful. I believe that having a graduate degree in an area that I am passionate about and interested in is the biggest reward for me. 

My academic background and accomplishments are another reason that makes me feel that I will be successful at graduate school. I have achieved excellent grades throughout my studies up to my undergraduate level. In addition, I have always emerged as one of the best students throughout my academic life at different stages of school. I am a flexible individual and I feel that this characteristic will contribute to my success in the graduate school. I understand that dealing with work, school, home and other responsibilities require flexibility. Being a flexible person will help me navigate through my studies in a successful way. Graduate school studies are demanding and I feel that my ability to be flexible and multi-task will enable succeed. 

The fact that I am optimistic is another thing that makes me feel that I will be successful in graduate school counseling program. Throughout my studies in the undergraduate program, I identified that being optimistic contributes to my success. I believe that this is the same case for graduate school studies. I am certain that I will succeed and will therefore concentrate my best efforts into the program. Besides, motivation is another thing that I feel will enable me succeed. Studying needs self-discipline which is driven by motivation. My ability to be persistent will make me a successful graduate school student. Throughout out my life, I have encountered some setbacks that were very tough and hard on me. Some of them had a direct impact on my academics but because of being persistent, I was able to navigate through and get to where I am today. I expect that there might be challenges along the way during my graduate school program but I intend to be persistent and complete my studies. 

Hard work is important for success in anything that one decides to pursue. I possess a strong work ethic that has contributed to my success in academics in the past and in my life. I understand that graduate school requires an individual who is ready to work hard. I expect that I will have solid amounts of work to do as part of my studies. I am prepared to work hard or even extra harder in order to succeed and achieve my goal of being a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. I am willing to do whatever the school may require me to do in order to realize this goal. I have the courage to seek for help from my professors, collaborate with other students and use the resources available to ensure that I am successful in graduate school counseling program. I also have access to resources required to conduct research over the internet. I intend to study in an extensive and deep way and research is one of the ways to do so. Furthermore, my ability to build concepts is a factor that I feel will make me succeed in graduate school. I don’t find it challenging to build concepts because I have developed this skill overtime. Concept building is important in research work (Beauchemin, 2017). It requires one to develop high thinking abilities such as analytical, synthesis and evaluation skills (Driscoll, 2018). 

I also possess excellent organization abilities. Organization is crucial for any student who wants to succeed at any school level. Lack of organization can lead to a stressful experience in different areas of life and this includes academics. Considering the fact that I have to manage between family, school and work will require me to be organized if I have to succeed and achieve my goal. This also requires me to be organized in my time, resources and finances. Such organization will ensure that I not only achieve good grades and knowledge but also complete my studies. The support that I receive from family and close family members is another thing that I feel will make me succeed. I believe that this kind of support is a crucial factor for success in graduate school. After talking with my family and declaring my intention to pursue a graduate program in counseling, my family members promised to support me in any way to ensure that I succeed and achieve my goal. 

I am also aware of the fact that I should meet and comply with the supplemental standards of the program and I willing to do so by all means. The supplemental standards require that students participate in making a school environment, practicum, and internship that is positive (Benny, 2011). I have always ensured that I contribute in ways that are positive and constructive in my learning environment. In addition, I have a mastery of language in both written and oral forms. I am bilingual and can communicate in both languages in a fluent manner. I can effectively express myself and interact with other in all contexts. My communication skills are also characterized by the ability to listen and respond effectively. In line with the supplemental standards, I am committed to doing reflection, evaluation and learning as part of a continuous process. 

Supplemental standards require that candidates agree to receive and offer help when required. I am willing to receive help from my professors, fellow students at the university and other relevant people to ensure that I succeed in my graduate school program. In am also willing to offer any help within my ability candidates and those who may need it. I am sensitive towards cultural norms and willing to embrace diversity. I have always appreciated and valued diversity and respect other people regardless of their differences and opinions. Besides, supplemental standards for the graduate program requires a student to value the growth of critical thinking ability, problem solving skills on an individual basis, and the ability to perform at the individual level and with those the student interacts with (Galbraith, 2018). 

I believe that the above mentioned skills in supplemental standards are crucial for success and I am ready to further develop these skills in order to make me a better professional. My passion for marriage and family counseling drives me to search for information on the field. I intend to keep researching for new information and ideas to ensure that I am up to date with current information on counseling and implement evidence based practice upon completing studies. I will also ensure that I observe ethical practices in my association with all the people I come across in the university, complete and submit assignments and exceed the minimal requirements in the program as required in the supplemental standards. 

Counselor Characteristics 

I possess a number of personal characteristics that match with the ones expected of a professional counselor. A characteristic strength in my personality is patient. I critically analyze a situation before taking action. I am not hasty at making decisions and taking action. Patience is required in communicating with clients and helping them solve their problems. My ability to interact with other people is one of the characteristics that fit in the counseling profession. Considering that marriage and family therapists work with people who are experiencing challenges, excellent people skills are important. Counselors should understand how to relate with people and at the same time ensure professionalism and offer assistance in a way that is effective (Beauchemin, 2017). However, I am sometimes carried away by the problems people face while sympathizing with them. This is an area that I am working on so that while I show empathy and compassion to my clients I am not carried away by emotions. A therapist who is effective should be warm, accept others the way they are and show empathy (Beauchemin, 2017). 

Effective communication is a commonly accepted counselor characteristic. It is the center of human interaction and important for counselors in sending meaning to patients and avoid misinterpretation of information (Galbraith, 2018). I am able to communicate effectively both verbally and non-verbally. I am always conscious of my body language and words in all settings. Besides I am a good listener. This is one of the characteristics that have been identified by most people who are close to me. They claim that I am good at listening and as a result most they come to me when they need someone to give advice on an issue they are facing and listen. This is a strength that I have identified in my character. I don’t listen with the aim of looking for chances to jump in. However, I listen with the aim of making something constructive out of the talking Ability to listen is a commonly accepted characteristic of counselors. 

A marriage and family therapist should be able to listen effectively because he/she spends most of his/her time listening to clients (Benny, 2011). Clients pour out their frustrations and talk about their emotions and this requires ability to listen effectively. Before providing opinion during the treatment process, a therapist has to listen to the patient’s encounter. Therapists who are effective listeners make their clients feel that they are understood establish trust and makes them believe that the therapist has the ability to assist them (Murphy, 2017). Such an environment is developed in the initial encounters of interaction as a result of verbal and most important non-verbal communication. During the first encounters, a client is sensitive to cues that show being accepted, understood and therapist’s expertise. However, they also important throughout the process of counseling. 

Being organized is another characteristic of a counseling professional. I have learned the importance of being organized since I was very young and it is a character trait that my parents helped develop in me. I hate disorganization because it leads to stress and inability to accomplish goals. Counseling professional is expected to be organized in practice and this is also expected of marriage and family therapists. The organization includes the ability to keep client’s records, schedule sessions with clients and stay up to date among others. Poor organization for counselors can cause client loss, affect the reputation of a therapist in a negative way and may cause legal problems. 

Counselors are also expected to be critical thinkers. This is an accepted characteristic of counseling professionals. I possess excellent critical thinking abilities demonstrated in the various ways I handle issues effectively. Counseling is not an activity that is straight forward (Driscoll, 2018). Therefore, counselors ought to be critical thinkers in order to handle the issues presented by their clients and identify a solution together with the client. Counselors go beyond facts in order to assess the circumstances of their clients and establish the root cause of the problems (Driscoll, 2018). Despite that my critical thinking and problem solving skills are good, I intend to sharpen them more so that I am able to help my clients develop identify long term solutions for their problems. A counselor is a person who offers hope and optimism to his/her client. It is accepted that a counselor has the ability to keep the clients motivated when they are making positive progress and even in times of relapse or no progress. A counselor should accept the fact that progress may not be evident always and has to keep communicating hope to his/her clients in order to realize the identified goals in the end (Driscoll, 2018). A counselor should be able to gather the strengths and every resource required to assist in solving the problems of the client. 

I am compassionate and able to show empathy to people around me. A counselor should be a person who is able to understand the feelings of clients and share in their points of view (Beauchemin, 2017). In addition, it is expected that a counselor is able to put him/herself of the shoes of the client even though there might be times when the therapist does not agree with the clients’ point of view. A counselor should be able to understand the reasons as to why the client feels the way he/she feels and handle the problem in an efficient and effective manner. However, I need to work on my ability to put aside my personal judgment throughout the therapy process. I at times find myself judging people based on my own point of view and values. This is not right especially when dealing with clients from different social and cultural backgrounds. This can be a hindrance to being effective in my counseling approach. In addition, by judgmental may make clients feel that I am not compassionate towards them and in the end lose them or not help them. It is important that a counselor puts aside personal judgment and put him/herself in the shoes of the patient. In order to overcome this issue, I am careful in the choice of words that I use to ensure that they I don’t the client does not feel judged. However, my ability to show compassion/empathy, communicate effectively, patience, being a good listener and think critically can impact my counseling approach in appositive way. 


Beauchemin, K. (2017). Through the looking glass: reflecting on counselor dreams for enhanced self-care and effective practice.  International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling 40 (1), 52–59. doi: 10.1007/s10447-017-9311-1 

Benny, B. (2011). Ethical issues in marriage and family therapy.  Marriage and Family Therapy . doi: 10.1891/9780826106827.0019 

Driscoll, C. (2018). Placements and mentoring for primary care counseling in today’s NHS.  Psychological Therapies in Primary Care , 142–163. doi: 10.4324/9780429484162-11 

Galbraith, V. (2018).  Counseling psychology . New York: Routledge. 

Murphy, D. (2017).  Counseling psychology: a textbook for study and practice . Hoboken, NJ: 

US Census Bureau. (2017, May 17). Marriage and divorce. Retrieved from https://www.census.gov/topics/families/marriage-and-divorce.html. 

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