26 May 2022


Are You Managing Change or Leading It?

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 588

Pages: 1

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A culture that is compatible to change is significant in any given workplace for various reasons depending on the type of business carried out. The article advocates for various ideas that are essential in creating a workplace culture compatible with any changes within an organization. Some of the things that I believe are the most important in creating a fit work culture are for instance establishing a clear vision for the organization. Research conducted by Rich Maurer evidenced that a total of 71% of all the successful changes that happen within an organization are as a result of an understanding of the organization’s vision by all individuals (Jim 2013). Understanding a vision of a team is serves to ensure that the workers perform their duties with a goal in their minds as well as their expectations. The output of the organization also increases significantly over a given time frame. Furthermore, sustaining any changes in an organization assists in creating a compatible culture regarding the change in an organization. Maintaining any changes undertaken ensures that the employees manage the work pressure they face from various sources. Maurer in his research found out that the leading cause of failure in an organization is the inability of the management team and the employees to sustain change (Jim 2013). For this reason, it is important to formulate strategies to implement changes as well as maintaining the same changes in the organization. Sustaining changes in an organization ensure that there is increased output of either goods or services produced by the business organization. Anticipating for maintenance is another essential factor that can be used to create a culture compatible with the change in an organization (Jim 2013). Therefore, the organization’s management team should recognize that the nature of changes within the organization should not be self-perpetuating. Noteworthy, when creating a culture that is compatible to change, making a strong case is very essential. Maurer’s research as articulated in the article indicated that for successful change to be accomplished in an organization, over 95% of all the stakeholders had a compelling need that they saw in the organization (Jim 2013). Therefore, I believe that any changes done in an organization must be evident-based with a strong case from other companies. The past leaders shared a different vision of change in the organization with different objectives and organization goals. The leadership team used small as well as a long form to share their views about change with us as the employees. The visions were shared in a simplified form that can be comprehended within the shortest time possible. Also, multiple-channels were used by the past leaders as a way of sharing the visions of the organization. The channels ensured that the information feedback regarding the vision is prompt and as accurate as possible. Repetition of the organization’s vision using various channels also assisted in communicating the same vision and also reminding the employees about the future objectives of the organization (Jim 2013).    Some of the things that would have been done differently in the organization to make the workers more proactive to change are through mobilizing all the employees to work extra-hard. Mobilizing the workers ensures that they are motivated as they perform their duties and ultimately improving on the output net profit for the business organization. Also, rewarding the best employees based on their quality and quantity output motivates them to be more proactive in their workstations. A job promotion, as well as a demotion, ensures that the employees are proactive and motivated in performing their duties. Every employee has a goal of being promoted to higher ranks in an organization and therefore, setting reasonable and achievable goals with specific timelines ensures that they work with an objective and the organization benefits at the end. 


Jim Blasingame (2013). Are You Managing Change or Leading It? Journal of Workplace Learning, 12(

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Are You Managing Change or Leading It?.


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