30 Aug 2022


Arizona Health Department

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 312

Pages: 1

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The Arizona Department of Health Services is bestowed with the responsibility of protecting and promoting the health of the children and adults in the state. The department takes the leading role in setting the standards for community and personal health through the utilization of proper leadership, public policy, science, and direct patient care. The department utilizes a number of areas in medical care. These areas include the promotion of health, environmental health, prevention and control of diseases ( Smith et al., 2019) . Other areas include child and maternal healthcare, emergency preparedness, and the regulation of important centres in the health department in the state. Such centres include nursing homes, child care , emergency centres , healthcare providers, hospitals, and assisted living centres . The department aims at promoting, protecting, and improving the wellness on communities and people living in Arizona. This gesture is in line with the mission and vision of the department. 

The resources and services offered by the department that makes it unique as compared to other states such as California include the establishment of the centre for psychiatric excellence where it partners with the relevant authorities to offer better healthcare to the patients with behavioural needs in their health. The centre is strategically located closer to the behavioural centres to help provide live substantive treatment toward ensuring independent life among the mental health patients (ASTHO, 2009). The centre offers a number of services including medical office space, integrated and non-integrated behavioural health services. It also offers emergency psychiatric services that encompass the stabilization and crisis observation services. There is the presence of free standing emergency room for the mental health patients. Other important services include the support on housing and employment acquisition ( Mafi et al., 2019) . They also carry out the issues linked to jail diversion on the delinquent offenders in the state. All these factors are geared toward attaining an overall morality and behavioral transformation in the state. 

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ASTHO (2009). Association of State and Territorial Health Officials. Accessed on 25 th March 2019 from http://www.astho.org/default.aspx 

Mafi, N., Yaglom, H. D., Levy, C., Taylor, A., O’Grady, C., Venkat, H. & Po, J. L. (2019). Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever in the White Mountains, Arizona, USA, 2013–2018.    Emerging Infectious Diseases ,    25 (4), 649-653. 

Smith, G., Beger, S., Vadeboncoeur, T., Chikani, V., Walter, F., Spaite, D. W., & Bobrow, B. (2019). Trends in overdose-related out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Arizona.    Resuscitation , 134 , 122-126. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Arizona Health Department.


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