15 Apr 2022


Armory Show in New York

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Academic level: College

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Words: 279

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The Armory Show in 1913 greatly shocked the American public. It was an unprecedented development in the history of art and the American public found it a game-changer. This particular show significantly changed the perception and views of the American public regarding art beauty. To the American public, this piece of art was an indicator of the start of modernism in the field of art. To many Americans, who had been accustomed to seeing realistic art types such as Rembrandts and Titians saw the Armory Show as an unrealistic and implausible thing. However, the newspapers reacted with sensationalized disgust. An example of a newspaper that reacted this was the New York Tribune, which described it as “freakish absurdities”. Nevertheless, it must be noted that the Armory Show was a big success in the art field. It changed the way art was done henceforth. Modernism was ushered in the field of art by this Armory Show.

Evidence of the massive success of this exhibition is in the vivid memories of them kept up to today. It was a large American exhibition of European modern art origin. It significantly impacted the American art and culture. It has to be noted that before the Armory Show, virtually the whole of the American citizenry was not accustomed to the modern art originating from the European avant-garde. The Armory Show was a huge success because Modern art, Expressionism and Cubism had diverged from the then fine so radically. This Armory Show did expose the public to new language of abstract art and Expressionism. It gave the American artists chance to experience the European avant-garde. Factually, 1300 pieces were displayed at the 1913 Armory Show in Manhattan. These pieces included Impressionist, Cubist and Fauvist work. It is true that this particular exhibition marked a momentous development in the history of the American art.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Armory Show in New York.


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