14 Jun 2022


Benefits and Detriments of Microbes

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 259

Pages: 1

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Microbes are living things that exist all around human beings and that are extremely tinny and impossible for the naked eye to see. Microbes are found in soil, water, and air. The body of human beings may also be a home to microbes, in this case, known as microorganisms. While some microbes are bad for human health, others are good. There are six types of microbes, namely bacterial, fungi, algae, viruses, protozoa, and archaea. One of the most significant benefits of microbes is that they are the primary decomposition agent. Microbes and, in particular, fungi play a significant role in decomposition as they produce a given enzyme from their cells into the dead organisms. The enzymes then digest the organic material of the organism. Microbes have greatly benefited the living organisms and world generally because, without them, the earth would be filled with the dead matter due to lack of decomposition. 

On the other hand, microorganisms are also responsible for approximately 13 million deaths across the world as a result of the infections they cause, which are approximated to be 10 billion every year. Microbes access the human body through the respiratory tract, for instance, the nose or mouth, through the urogenital tract, or breaks on the skin, for instance, through pressure ulcersMac. It then reaches the part of site in the body that it is targeting, attaches to that site and multiplies swiftly while gaining nutrients from the site and avoiding any attack by the immune system of the host. Microbes are responsible for infectious diseases such as measles, flu, typhoid, cholera, and tuberculosis. The presence of bacteria in the body may cause sepsis- a response of the human body to infection. Sepsis has been known to kill millions of people and can result from infections varying from the urinary tract, pneumonia, or influenza. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Benefits and Detriments of Microbes.


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