15 Jun 2022


Roles of Various Microorganisms

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Academic level: College

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Evolutionary change of antimicrobial usage 

Antibiotics refer to an element produced, either wholly or partially, by a microorganism in low concentrations through chemical synthesis. The primary aim of antibiotics/antimicrobial is to kill organisms or prevent their growth. However, antibiotic resistance, changes in bacteria in ways that eliminate or reduce medicines' effectiveness, is a significant challenge in public health. As a result, there have been several advances in antibiotics field as a way of fighting the resistance. With the discovery of Penicillin-R Staphylococcus, an antibiotic resistance, in 1940, penicillin antibiotic was introduced three years later to combat the opposition. Additionally, more antibiotics, tetracycline, and erythromycin were also discovered in 1950 and 1953 respectively. Consequently, the bacteria developed a resistance, Tetracycline-R Shigella, 1952, which lead to a discovery of methicillin in 1960. Two years later, more microorganism changes took place leading to another resistance, Methicillin-R Staphylococcus, alongside Penicillin-R pneumococcus in 1965 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018). Conversely, in 1967 there was an introduction of gentamicin to phase out the opposition. Further disappointments were experienced one year later when Erythromycin-R Streptococcus came in place. The researchers were able to fight the resistance out in 1972 through the use of vancomycin. 

Further resistance was experienced in 1979 when Gentamicin-R Enterococcus was identified. Despite the challenges faced while developing a solution, in 1985 Imipenem and ceftazidime antibiotics were developed as solutions. Later in 1987 and 1988, the medical practitioners identified further resistances, Ceftazidime-R Enterobacteriaceae and Vancomycin-R Enterococcus respectively. Besides, in 1996, Levofloxacin-R pneumococcus resistance emerged. Consequently, a solution was found in 1996 by use of levofloxacin. However, it did not last long as two years later there was an emergence of another resistance, imipenem-R Enterobacteriaceae. Similarly, another resistance was experienced in 2000, XDR tuberculosis. In the same year, linezolid was discovered to fight the new antibiotic resistance. A years later, this solution was countered by Linezolid-R Staphylococcus, another resistance. Likewise, in 2002 Vancomycin-R Staphylococcus was discovered as another resistance. Daptomycin was used as to prevent the bacteria since 2003. However, in 2004/5 and 2009, PDR-Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas, and Ceftriaxone-R Neisseria gonorrhoeae respectively, were acknowledged as resistance to antibiotics. In response, health researcher developed Ceftaroline in 2010 to save more lives. Ceftaroline-R Staphylococcus is the most recent antibiotic resistance to be discovered, in 2011(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018). Due to these changes, antibiotic resistance has been termed as one of the main challenges facing the health field. 

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Mode of action of beta-lactam antibiotics 

Beta-lactam antibiotics refer to a class of antimicrobial that consists of all agents of antibiotic which contain a ring of beta-lactam in their molecular structure. Penicillin derivatives are good examples. They act through synthesis inhibition of peptidoglycan cell wall layer of a bacteria. For example, for a penicillin derivative to produce its bactericidal effects, there must be an inhibition synthesis of a bacterial cell wall. Penicillin mimics the residues of D-alanyl-D-alanine which would bind to the site (LibreTexts, 2015). Through penicillin reacting with serine residue in the trans-peptidase, it inhibits its enzyme. As a result of that process being irreversible, the bacterial cell wall growth is inhibited. Therefore, the cell is prevented from more increase, hence becoming dominant. 

Examples of microbial prevention using antibiotics/antimicrobials 

Antibiotics or antimicrobials are essential in microbial preventions. They are capable of preventing several microbial such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi. For example, tuberculosis, an airborne disease which occurs as a result of bacterial infection is treated using antibiotics. Before the introduction of antimicrobials, many individuals suffering from it could quickly lose their lives (McIntosh, 2018). Gonorrhea is another example of bacterial infectious disease. The disease is transmitted through bacterial infections during sexual intercourse. However, through the use of antibiotics, the disease can be cured. Additionally, through the use of antiviral medicines, the HIV conditions are made less severe (McIntosh, 2018). Due to the above examples, antimicrobials are essential in the health industry. Medical practitioners use it to treat and control bacterial infections. 

The importance of correctly treating microbial infections 

Microbial infections are common in our societies and need the correct treatment once they infect individuals. One of the benefits of taking the right medication is clearing up the bacterial infection. As a result, lives are saved and patients cured, thus enabling them to handle their daily activities. Secondly, patient’s life expectancy and the life quality increases. Consequently, a patient may develop their antibiotic resistance by not treating the microbial infections right (Sieron, 2015). Besides, it poses a high risk of the virus becoming a severe clinical issue. Therefore, caution should be taken seriously, and the proper treatment practiced throughout. 


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (2018). Antibiotic / Antimicrobial resistance (AR/AMR). Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/drugresistance/about.html 

LibreTexts, (2015). Application: The Mechanism of Action of β-Lactam Antibiotics. Retrieved from https://chem.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Organic_Chemistry/Map%3A_Organic_Chemistry_(Smith)/Chapter_22%3A_Carboxylic_Acids_and_Their_Derivatives%E2%80%94_Nucleophilic_Acyl_Substitution/22.14%3A_Application%3A_The_Mechanism_of_Action_of_%CE%B2-Lactam_Antibiotics 

McIntosh J. (2018). Antibiotic Resistance: What you need to know. Retrieved from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/283963.php 

Sieron, A. (2015). Importance of Using Antibiotics Correctly and Completing the Prescribed Dose. Retrieved from https://infectioncontrol.tips/2015/11/13/importance-of-using-antibiotics-correctly-and-completing-the-prescribed-dose/ 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Roles of Various Microorganisms.


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