21 May 2022


Biblical Interpretation Project on Numbers Chapter 12:1-16

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During the exodus and settlement in the desert, Moses faced frustrations due to the problems he met with the children of Israel and his family turning against him. They constantly blamed him for anything unpleasant they passed through or being confused on the decisions they would take. The patience of Moses was even tested by his own brother and sister, Aaron and Miriam. However, God made the two accounts for the disturbance they made Moses go through Miriam was stricken with leprosy while Aaron submitted to Moses meekly interceding for the healing of Miriam. Miriam received the healing, but she had to face humiliation for seven days. The following work will provide the interpretations of Numbers 12: 1-16 and what Moses went through as he guided the children of Israel to the Promised Land and the confessions of Aaron and Miriam. 

Historical Methodology: Verse 1-3

These chapters explain how Aaron and Miriam ganged together and spoke against Moses. Moses was seen to have received favour and honour from God but at the same time, there were lots of affronts and slights from men, and it was doubted on how strange and hard it was and whether it encouraged or discouraged. However, it was hard to think that there would be any disturbance from the religious people such as Miriam who was a prophetess and Aaron who was the high priest and the two had assisted Moses in the deliverance of the children of Israel from captivity 1 . Aaron and Miriam were sent so that they could assist Moses with the Israelites. Moses indicated that his mother’s children were angry with him and Moses said that arguments with relations were grievous. He stated that when a brother is offended, it is harder to be won back in comparison to a strong city. Moses, therefore, feared that if his relationship with his sister and brother were broken, it would be hard to mend it. However, the quarrels between the relations helped in confirming the call of Moses and that his advancements were guided by a divine favor and not collusion with his family, who were against his progress 2 . 

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The quarrel was begun by Miriam, and Aaron supported her without consulting the seventy elders. During that period, the priests were chosen from the people who did not have a mental or physical weakness, yet Aaron is seen to have lots of flaws. Aaron even forgets how Moses pleaded on his behalf during the exodus when he guided the Israelites in making a golden calf and did not turn good to evil. There were two reasons that Moses and his siblings quelled. One of the reasons was Moses’ marriage. There were people who thought that marriage with an Arabian or a Cushite whom they referred in scorn. There was also an Ethiopian woman who was considered to have significant influence on Moses when he was choosing the seventy elders. There were speculations that Miriam and Zipporah might have been having hardships and the private falling out may have attracted the attention of Moses and Aaron. It might have been about the monopolizing of the government by Moses that was the second reason for the falling out between the siblings. It was questioned if only God had to speak through Moses and if it was only Moses who could give the testimonies of the Lord. Miriam and Aaron indicated that God also spoke to them and they thus intended to make themselves equal to Moses 3 .

Aaron and Miriam wanted the form of governance to stop being monopolized so that they could also play a part in the affairs of the people. Despite God having distinguished Moses in different ways, Aaron and Miriam still believed that they could be equal to him. Striving to be the best is wrong as it can set disciples against each other. God noticed how Moses was patient despite the provocation he received from his siblings. Despite the people, he was leading partnering with Aaron and Miriam, and they were at the verge of breaking out, Moses did not give up, and he stood as bold as a lion in the cause given to him by God. Moses had to be meek for the duty bestowed upon him by God so that he could lead the Israelites to the Promised Land. The arguments between Moses and his siblings were a test of his humbleness, a virtue shown by Jesus when he underwent trial but never gave up on his cause just as Moses held on his calling 4 . 

Confessional Methodology: Verse 4-9

Moses did not resent the injury that Aaron and Miriam did to him, and he did not complain of it to God or make any appeals though God resented it. God is able to hear the passion of the people even when they are not talking about them and witnesses the hasty speeches that people make which should be a reason people should speak ill of others and ignore other people who speak ill of us since God listens to it and will act on behalf of his people. When people are quite about their case, God can plead on their behalf. When people are accused innocently, it would be wise to say little things concerning the situation as God is there to listen. There were times when Moses showed jealous for the honor that God had and in return God had to show that there were others who envied Moses due to the reputation he had 5 . 

Aaron and Miriam were asked to stand at the door of the tabernacle were the judges of the old stood and the shechinah stood at the door of the tabernacle in the cloud of glory. Aaron and Miriam stood at the bar as they were judged and they were made to understand that they could not be equal to Moses and were thus not supposed to act as if they were equal. They were also not supposed to set any rivals against Moses as a prophetess of God; they were supposed to assist Moses in his calling. The prophets had a large role bestowed upon them by God, but they were mocked and misused by the people as they were considered intimate to heaven. God appeared to the prophets through dreams when they were sleeping or through visions when they were aware, and through the prophets, God would be known to other people. The people whom God revealed himself to became happy and great. In the present, God reveals himself through the spirit of wisdom and revelation. The prophets are thus asked to prophesy about the grace of God and its kingdom. However, the honor that was bestowed upon Moses was far greater in comparison to that of the prophets and God considered him to surpass all the prophets. To clear the situation of Moses, God cleared him and praised him through a speech and that is why Moses is still praised in his presence and even Christ will confess about the persecution of the righteous before the holy angels and the Father 6 . 

Moses was a leader guided by integrity despite the fidelity trials he faced, Moses never let his faith waver. He served God faithfully after his calling despite the number of times the people let him down. Fidelity, faithfulness, and integrity were the characters that defined Moses as grace is better than gifts, love is more important than knowledge and sincerity when serving God results in honor and is gifted with the ability to speak different tongues. When showing that Christ was greater to Moses, the apostles cited some of these attributes for comparison purposes, since Moses was faithful only as a servant while Christ was faithful both as a servant and a son. God entrusted Moses everything concerning delivering the Children of Israel while the Israelites trusted Moses and every message that God gave them. Moses was an honest man who did not follow his heart desire but honored everything that God told him so that he could promote the welfare of the Israelites. 

Moses could thus not be compared to any prophet as he had clearer discoveries of the mind of God and he even shared a more intimate communion with him. Moses thus received more revelations from God than any other prophet and his revelations were more clear and distinct as God spoke to him mouth to mouth or face to face. The conversation between God and Moses was considered as that between a man and his friends and how they discuss freely without facing any misunderstanding 7 . When other prophets such as Ezekiel and John, God had to send a reproof which predicted either evil or good, and it was done through parables, dark speeches, types and figures and they were conveyed in an intelligence approach. 

Moses had more interactions with God than any other prophet. Moses was not only able to see the presence of the Lord as he first saw in Herob where God first revealed himself but also the angles and saints. The spirit of prophecy in Moses was peculiar which placed him above other prophets. After all the glorification of Moses, Aaron and Miriam were now able to see the person they were insulting. The question that was directed to the two was how they were able to insult Moses who was a friend, a confident and a steward of the house of the Lord. The servants of God are respected people as they should not be insulted or spoken ill of as God listens and would avenge them when his time comes 8 . However, there are some people who presume the servants of God and are not afraid of speaking evil about them. When Aaron and Miriam were being judged due to turning against Moses, God would show his anger through lightning flashes in the cloud and changes of color. However, the clod then disappeared showing that God disappeared from the tabernacle as he was angered by the excuses that Aaron and Miriam were giving due to the disrespect they had shown Moses. When the Lord is removed from the presence of his people because he is not happy with them, the people suffer, and he only abandons his people because of their sins and not recognizing them and repenting. It was the same with Aaron and Miriam who did not recognize their mistakes but made excuses. 

Literary Methodology: Verse 10-16

God bestowed judgment upon Miriam because of going against Moses, his servant. The cloud which was at the tabernacle departed which was an indication of God being displeased by Miriam and she became leprous. When God departs from the life of the people, evilness comes. There is no good which can be seen in the life of people when God is not with them. During that period, leprosy was inflicted by the God directly as a way of being punished due to the sins one committed. There are other figures in the bible who were also struck with leprosy such as Uzziah because he invaded the office of a priest and Gehazi because he lied 9 . On Miriam, leprosy must have appeared on the face so that every person could see what she suffered from because of scolding Moses yet he was a chosen prophet of God. Since Miriam decided to pretend to be a rival of Moses and talk evil of him, God decided that a foul tongue would be the best punishment for Miriam so that she could be silenced. It was a way of humbling Miriam where she required a veil so that she could hide the wounds that were in her body while Moses required a veil to hide his glory. When people are humbled, God uplifts them as he did not Moses, who did not boast of his position even after his siblings turned against him but left everything to God so that he could defend him. 

Miriam was the first to sin and not Aaron, and that is why she was struck with leprosy. God puts a difference between the people who mislead people and those who are misled. The office that Aaron held saved him though not from the displeasure of God, but he was secured. However, Aaron could not be suspended from the office because there were no other priests expect for him and his two sons. Aaron as the high priests were expected to give a verdict on leprosy and he had to face the mortification of judging his own sister after she was struck with leprosy. Aaron punishment was through Miriam as he had to pronounce her leprosy which he could only do through trembling and blushing, yet he knew that he had taken part in the sin that Miriam was being punished for. The judgment that Miriam faced is a warning to the people to ensure that they do not anger God as the punishment would be grievous. If Miriam did not speak ill of Moses, then the Lord would not have been angry with her, and she could have been saved. After Aaron witnessed what had happened and was forced to judge his sister, he became submissive to Moses, confessed his sins and asked for forgiveness. Aaron learned from Miriam, and he decided to humble himself before Moses, whom he was talking ill off and even asked for pardoning as it Moses had the power of God to forgive sin. When he was submitting, Aaron confessed both his sins and hose of Miriam. He addressed Moses in a respectful manner, even calls him his lord and even indicated that he was ashamed of the transgressions they had committed. 


Repentance is recognizing the sins that one has committed and asking for forgiveness. Aaron asked for pardoning from Moses and indicated “lay not this sin upon us. 10 ” As a priest, Aaron was supposed to a gift to the alter but since he knows that Moses was holding something against him, he had first to reconcile himself so that he could gain his status back of offering the gift. Aaron was willing to admit his mistakes faster than Miriam, which would have been the reason that God spared him from leprosy. Aaron went ahead to discuss Miriam’s condition with Moses so that he could feel compassion about her and change the situation. Aaron asked for Miriam’s healing so that she could not die or continue to defile everything she came across. Aaron described what Miriam was passing through so that Moses would have pity on her and help to reach out to the Lord for her healing 11 . 

A petition for Miriam was then done and crying out loud for the Lord had to be done since he had moved from the tabernacle as his presence was seen by a cloud which was no longer there. Moses intercession indicated that he had forgiven Miriam and wanted God to forgive her too so that she could be saved. The prayer of Moses reached to God and Miriam was healed. It is an indication that both mercy and justice can prevail in the world. Before Miriam sinned, she used to serve God and was recognized among the best, but after sinning, she was expelled from her duty. The people who were working with Miriam and Aaron had also sinned, but the presence of God did not depart from them as the cloud was still seen. The journey to the Promised Land through the wilderness of Paran continued after Miriam was brought back from her alienation. 


The book of Numbers twelve shows that those who are in leadership can be faced with lots of problem and rejection, when by family relationships as Moses did. There are people who will always talk ill of others and even insight other people against the leaders and Aaron and Miriam did against Moses. When one trusts God and lets him fight all his battles, God will always revenge on their behalf. Moses was very meek and did not confront Aaron and Miriam. He did not even complain to the Lord, but God says and vindicated him. Miriam was struck with leprosy and Aaron as the priest was forced to judge and expel her. When people sin, there will always be consequences unless they are willing to accept and repent the sins. Aaron humbled himself to Moses and asked for forgives and even asked for Moses to forgive Miriam. Moses called upon the Lord, and Miriam was healed and united with the rest of the Israelites, and the exodus continues. 

Aaron went ahead to discuss Miriam’s condition with Moses so that he could feel compassion about her and change the situation. Aaron asked for Miriam’s healing so that she could not die or continue to defile everything she came across. When people trust in the prophets of God to intercede for them, the Lord can listen to the prayers and answer them. The prayer of Moses reached to God and Miriam was healed. It is an indication that both mercy and justice can prevail in the world. When people call upon the Lord with faith and repenting the sins they have committed, they are heard and God forgives and heals them. Just like God parted from the door of the tabernacle during the judgment, he can also move away from his people when they sin against him and do not repent. When God departs from his people, they experience suffering. 

The patience of Moses was even tested by his own brother and sister, Aaron and Miriam. When people get tested, they should maintain faith and stop complaining to God because he can help them as long as they believe. People pass through a test of humility daily which they pass in their life and just like Moses, they should show humbleness so that God can lift them up and fight for them. 


Ashley, Timothy R.  The Book of Numbers . Grand Rapids, Mich: Eerdmans, 2005.  

Britt, Brian.  Rewriting Moses: The Narrative Eclipse of the Text . London: T & T Clark International, 2004.

Coats, George W.  The Moses Tradition . Sheffield, Eng: JSOT Press, 1993. <http://public.eblib.com/choice/publicfullrecord.aspx?p=436329>.  

Knierim, Rolf P., and George Wesley Coats.  Numbers . Grand Rapids, Mich: Eerdmans, 2005.  

Maciejewska-Sobczak, Beata, Katarzyna Skrzypek, and Zuzanna Stadnicka-Dmitriew.  Siblings: Envy and Rivalry, Coexistence and Concern . 2014.

Olson, Dennis T.  Numbers . Louisville: John Knox Press, 1996.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Biblical Interpretation Project on Numbers Chapter 12:1-16.


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