12 Jul 2022


Biggest Planning Challenges for Staffing Firms

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Academic level: University

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 517

Pages: 2

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A strategic plan is an integral tool in every organization. The organizations use the strategic plans to communicate with their employees about their goals. An organization can use a strategic plan to communicate any changes the members need to embrace. The healthcare organizations utilize the strategic plan in defining their goals and addressing the necessary changes that need to be carried out. The management in the healthcare organization encounters challenges during the development of strategic plans for training that lead to its failure. 

Firstly, the managers can face resistance from the employees when developing the strategic training plan. Some of the employees may not support the proposed changes in the healthcare organization which contributes to its failure. Other employees can resist the changes due to influence from their colleagues. Further, some employees refuse the changes they do not understand their meaning and implications in the organization. The employees can resist the changes in case the organization proposes to increase their responsibilities after completing the training (Walston, 2018) . The training modules can be complicated, and this prompts the trainees to resist the changes. 

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Secondly, the manager can encounter low cooperation and support from the medical employees. The employees cannot support the changes in case they perceive they will negatively affect their occupations. The low collaboration in the organization can result in poor communication between the manager and the employees (Walston, 2018) . The manager can fail to communicate to the employees about the training goals, actions, and changes. The employees might not cooperate during the training, and the organization will lose financial resources for hiring the trainers. 

Thirdly, the manager can have inadequate resources or skills to develop the strategic plan which can lead to its stagnation. The manager might not have enough experience in developing the strategic plans in the healthcare organization. An experienced manager can make plans to overcome the challenges of developing the strategic goals (Walston, 2018) . The healthcare organization can have inadequate employees and resources to support the development of the strategic plan. 

The law or health policies do not influence the planning challenges. For instance, the policies cannot regulate the employees’ resistance towards changes. They do not provide guidelines on employees’ cooperation towards the organization’s changes. The employees have their freedom in the organization. 

Activities to Consider in Planning Challenges 

The manager needs to communicate to the employees on the purpose and goals of the strategic plan. It is essential for the employees to understand the meaning and expectation of the strategic plan. The manager needs to outline the alignment of the strategic plan with the healthcare activities. The employees will support the development of the strategic plan after understanding the meaning and goals. The manager needs to develop a sense of ownership when developing the strategic plan. The employees view the manager as their role model. The medical professionals will embrace the changes to after they also develop a sense of ownership towards the strategic plan (Kluwer, 2013). 

In conclusion, a strategic plan is an essential tool in an organization. Healthcare organizations communicate their goals and changes to their employees through the strategic plan. The manager faces challenges when developing the strategic plan in the organization. The management needs to define the purpose and goals of the strategic plan. Further, the manager must act as a role model in embracing the changes for the employees to accept the transformations. 


Kluwer, W. (2013). Chapter Seven. In When you have to be Right

Walston, S. L. (2018). Strategic healthcare management: Planning and execution

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Biggest Planning Challenges for Staffing Firms.


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