Bloom’s taxonomy can be described as a group of hierarchical stages that classify learning objectives that are educational in nature into different phases of specificity and complexity. Bloom’s taxonomy is used to provide a clear distinction between the cognitive levels of skills and makes use of learning objectives that lead to higher cognitive skills, deeper learning, transfer of learning, and adequate transfer of knowledge. The six levels of Bloom’s taxonomy range from lower-order skills which need less cognitive skills to higher-order skills which need greater degrees of cognitive skills. The six phases of Bloom’s taxonomy are knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. These levels can be applied in the training and application of servant leadership. Servant leadership can be defined as a complex leadership phenomenon that has serving as its main goal. The three levels of Bloom’s taxonomy that relate and can aid cognitive processing of servant leadership include knowledge, application, and evaluation.
The basic foundational element of Bloom’s taxonomy is the knowledge phase. It entails the retention of information such as definitions, facts, a sequence of steps, and methodology. The definition and facts of servant leadership in the knowledge level of Bloom’s taxonomy should thus be assessed. Servant leadership involves serving as its main goal and is different from traditional forms of leadership which had the primary goal of the leader as to ensure that the organization is thriving. Some of the facts regarding a servant leader are that he or she has employee needs placed first puts and the leader performs activities that can help people to perform and develop as best as they can. Instead of people working for the leader, the leader serves the people. Adams (2015) observes that the knowledge phase can be assessed through a straightforward process such short-answer questions, multiple-choice questions, and any other questions that require retrieval of information. After training leaders on servant leadership, their knowledge of servant leadership can be assessed through the use of simple questions.
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The application phase involves learners using knowledge, skills, and techniques that they have learned in new situations. After learning about servant leadership, an effective application of the knowledge will be done in this phase. For instance, the leader can make use of the best practices of servant leadership and apply it to their profession. Zaidi et al., (2018) observe that during training, the application level of Bloom’s taxonomy will be supported through the use of consistent exercises and rubrics. Training individuals on servant leadership to enhance its application will involve methods that can simulate the practical setting such as role-playing. The leader will show a greater cognitive awareness of servant leadership when they show that servant leadership is a lifestyle and they apply it every day and everywhere. The effective application of servant leadership by the leader should also be evident through an improvement in the relationship between the employee and the leader.
The peak of Boom’s taxonomy is the level of evaluation. Evaluation occurs when instructors use learner feedback, reflect on teaching sessions, and assess the results in order to judge the value of sessions. When leaders undergo training on servant leadership, they will apply their training and provide feedback regarding their progress for evaluation. The instructor and servant leader should be able to check, judge, and critique the value of the material and its application or effectiveness in servant leadership. Wilson (2018) observes that the evaluation phase of Bloom’s taxonomy in the redefined level of Bloom’s taxonomy has been changed to creating. Creating involves putting parts together to form a coherent functional role. The instructor should be able to assess training on servant leadership and putting together a new form of training that is better and more effective.
The three phases of Bloom’s taxonomy that were identified were knowledge, application, and evaluation. These phases are related to the understanding, use, and assessment of servant leadership. Leaders can undergo training on servant leadership where they should gain first adequate knowledge. Gaining knowledge will be done through understanding its definition and understanding its facts. The gained knowledge will be assessed through a simple quiz the queries the general knowledge of servant leadership. The application phase involves applying some of the knowledge gained regarding servant leadership. Application of servant leadership by the leader will be assessed by monitoring the various ways leaders apply the knowledge. The use of best practices of servant leadership in its application will mark a successful application. The third phase involves evaluation of the training by both the instructor and the trained leader. It will involve giving feedback, judgment, and critique of servant leadership and the training and later creating new material.
Adams, N. E. (2015). Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive learning objectives. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA , 103 (3), 152.
Wilson, L. O. (2018). Anderson and Krathwohl-Bloom’s Taxonomy Revised: Understanding the New Version of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Retrieved 13.07. 2018.
Zaidi, N. L. B., Grob, K. L., Monrad, S. M., Kurtz, J. B., Tai, A., Ahmed, A. Z., ... & Santen, S. A. (2018). Pushing Critical Thinking Skills with Multiple-Choice Questions: Does Bloom’s Taxonomy Work? Academic Medicine , 93 (6), 856-859.