13 Apr 2022


Building a Leadership Evaluation Model

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 1709

Pages: 6

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Part 1

The Effective Principal Evaluation Model 


The criteria necessary for a successful building principal requires that the Principal establishes and promotes collaborative problem solving and open communication. This is mainly likely to impact positively on students` achievement in school. The head of the school has to learn how to work together with the teachers, parents and students as well. Moreover, communication has to be enhanced at all levels of the learning facility ensuring that the Principal is well aware of the on-goings in the school. Besides, the criteria also demands that the students are capable of acting as change agents by encouraging the initiation of reforms (Maryland Department of Education, n.d.). Moreover, judging from the fact that different people possess varying personalities, it is the duty of the principal to learn how to accommodate all individuals since this is crucial to promoting the successful transition of various aspects within the school.

Concurrently, through the same criteria, the principal should use school records in additional to other data gathered in order to identify the needs being experienced by the institution. This manages to stimulate school effectiveness at all levels of organization. Also, this would involve taking into account the input of every person at school so that they can all take responsibility for their actions. For instance, by assessing the performance of students it can be possible to define areas of improvement. Besides, this can also ensure that a connection is made between current and desired outcomes. Also, data obtained can be utilized in evaluating the competency of educators. 

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Data obtained is also to be utilized in identifying and planning for the changes required in the instructional program. The principal is tasked with the responsibility of establishing goals which align with district and state standards (Maryland Department of Education, n.d.). This may involve enabling the members of staff to project strategies which accentuate the needs of the learners. School improvement is attainable whenever the desired outcome is taken into account. Following the same criteria, the school improvement plan is to be implemented and monitored. This implies that a lot of effort has to be made when collecting data and analyzing information accurately while paying attention to the goals of an institution. 

The improvement at school begins at the classroom level, however, the odds of attaining impulsive improvement without initiating changes in the broader spectrum are extremely low(). In this case, most of the reform efforts are dependent on individual teachers` work and also that of principals (EWA). The educators should work towards assisting the Principal to manage part of the responsibility by ensuring they motivate learners to work towards attaining the set goals. The principal also has to ensure that they not only give authorizations for the changes that ought to be made, but also that they participate in the process (Maryland Department of Education, n.d.). They can, for instance, take up some of the duties handled solely by teachers regularly so that they can manage to reach out to the learners who tend to become more motivated by observing that even the Principal is a team player. 

Further establishment of the criteria to be used requires that systems thinking is utilized to create a clear focus which can be used to attain student achievement goals. The principal ought to avoid coming up with an expansive list detailing priorities which vary regularly (Griffin & Ward, 2006). The problem with this is that it creates confusion among the teachers. The school`s improvement process, therefore, has to be established through well-defined policies and objectives. Also, through the same perspective, the Principal ought to devote time to all the stakeholders within the school. This means that they should be available whenever their intervention is required by both teachers and students. Attentiveness is an element which contributes towards school improvement and effectiveness.

Indicators of Effective Principal Leadership

One of the performance indicators of effective principal leadership is the collaboration with stakeholders. Also, the idea of sharing data gathered on students` performance is a critical factor, in addition to offering some input into solving complex problems being experienced. Also, this kind of leadership requires one to participate in consensus building in a bid to enhance school performance. In this case, the Principal is also liable for communicating the vision held by the school to all its participants ( Maryland Department of Education, n.d. ). In addition to this, it requires that one acknowledges the hard work of others within the institution through rewards and other incentives since this has the ability to nurture the capability of those rewarded and also motivate others to work towards attaining such accomplishment. An effective Principal is also one who models the application of data in decision making. Besides, one has to possess the knowledge to apply technology in the organization of detailed data regarding the performance of students. 

Effective principal leadership is attained when one ensures that the improvement plan for their school is in line with the analyzed data and problem clarification. Also, for a Principal to attain such accomplishment, they ought to facilitate the advancement of improvement strategy which bears clearly established goals. Besides, they also have to ensure that the improvement plan created has supporting strategies (Maryland Department of Education, n.d.) . Also, this defines a leader who is always eager to offer teachers an opportunity to obtain data on the performance of other better performing institutions. Another fundamental indicator is a person who coordinates the development of a calendar detailing activities that advance improvement at their institutions. Also, the ability to utilize scheduled times to communicate with the teachers alludes to effective principal leadership (Great Schools, 2015) . Furthermore, a person who manages to align the school`s resources with priorities for improvement succeeds in attaining this kind of leadership. Additional indicators are the ability to interact with decision makers both within and outside the setting of the school and also ensuring that the set goals align to those established for the region within which the learning facility is situated.

Grading Rubric 

Criteria  Needs Improvement Good  Satisfactory Proficient

Principal establishes and promotes collaborative problem solving and open communication

Principal communicates with teachers only. Principal communicates with teachers and parents.  Communication is initiated across all levels of the school facility by the Principal. The Principal extends communication beyond the school`s precincts. 

Using school records in additional to other data gathered in order to identify the needs being experienced by the institution

The Principal relies on the information they get in the office. Principal utilizes school data gathered on teachers to enhance performance. Principal utilizes school data gathered on teachers and students to enhance performance. Principal utilizes school data gathered on teachers and students in their schools and also better performing institutions. 

Establishing goals which align with district and state standards

Establishes goals which cater for the needs of teachers. Comes up with goals which relate to the students and teachers. Comes up with goals which relate to the students, teachers and also those which align to the projected achievements of the school. Goals established align with all aspects within the school and also those set within the district and state.
Motivate learners to work towards attaining the set goals Motivates teachers to transfer the same incentive to students. Offers motivation to the students.  Motivation offered through commending words for good performers.  Goes beyond ordinary motivation and offers gifts and other incentives to motivate learners. 
Avoid coming up with an expansive list detailing priorities which vary regularly. Establishes a vague list of priorities.  List of priorities devised not clear enough. List of priorities indicates numerous achievements which have to be made.  Creates a detailed list of priorities which accommodates all goals which seek to be attained. 

Part 2

Why the Criteria was selected

The criteria has been selected since it is simple and easy to understand. The detailed nature of the requirements which the Principal should adhere to make it appealing. Moreover, it also takes into account the various factors that administrators and heads of schools encounter. Besides, it focuses on the relationships existent within the learning environment which are bound to affect learning. Communication which is an important aspect of any institution is part of the criteria since it manages to develop relationships at all levels thus resulting in success. The model that has been utilized further focuses on the collection of data which acts as an important guiding aid for the Principal. It can also be used by other instructors besides those in management and still manage to accomplish the same level of success; an element that demonstrates its fundamentality. 

Learning is the chief obligation of any institution. The most effective Principals put emphasis on the resources and policies that favor the advancement of achievement for every student as has been detailed in the criteria. Also it is capable of assisting Principals to realize areas which they should seek to improve in order for achievement to be attained by all students. This criteria also possesses a laser-beam orientation to many important challenges faced and also establishes a means of addressing them.

The model chosen is also detailed and contains specifics regarding what ought to be done in order to attain the highest levels of accomplishments. In addition to this, it bears no bias since it appreciates the faults of the educators and focuses on repudiating social constructs which may seek to undermine the true value of education. It also manages to cater for late bloomers (students who join the school late) making it easy for the educators to have an easy time assisting such learners to get to the same level as the one held by other students. Besides, the criteria is effective since it can continually be used even after the required standards of accomplishment have been attained. 

Research which supports the Criteria 

Research conducted on school improvement in Maryland supports the criteria used in the model established. It also details performance indicators for effective principals and offers the required insight to facilitate improvements within the education sector. Also, based on the same research, the role played by the Principal in improving student achievement has clearly been detailed. This is resourceful since it ensures the Principals are aware of the great accountability they have when managing students within any learning facility (Maryland Department of Education, n.d.)

The same research concentrates on classroom-focused Improvement which when incorporated into the proposed model is likely to facilitate achievement of established goals. Additionally, according to research conducted by Effective Public School Governance (2007 ), it is apparent that by focusing on the aspects mentioned in the model, Principals are likely to attain the greatest level of achievement in their respective schools. In the same study, the researchers discredit the assumption that merit pay is necessary in order to enhance performance. Instead, it has been revealed that by focusing on elements such communication, collection of data on student`s scores and collaboration, it is possible for the Principals to propel an institution to the desired level of accomplishment. 


Education Writers Association. (2003). Effective Superintendents, Effective School Boards: Finding the Right Fit. Retrieved from https://www.wallacefoundation.org/knowledge-center/Documents/Effective-Superintendents-Effective-Boards-Finding-the-Right-Fit.pdf 

Effective Public School Governance. (2007). Best Practices, Government Structures, and Characteristics of Effective School Board Members [PDF]

Great Schools. (2015). What Makes a Great Superintendent? Retrieved from https://www.greatschools.org/gk/articles/what-makes-a-great-superintendent/

Griffin, A. J. & Ward C. (2006). Five Characteristics of an Effective School Board: A Multifaceted Role, Defined. Retrieved from https://www.edutopia.org/five-characteristics-effective-school-board 

Maryland Department of Education. (n.d.) Indicators for Effective Principal Leadership in Improving Student Achievement [Web page]

Maryland Department of Education. (n.d.). Indicators for effective principal leadership in improving student achievement. School improvement in Maryland. Retrieved from http://mdk12.org/process/leading/p_indicators.html 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Building a Leadership Evaluation Model.


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