18 Jul 2022


Building a Training Program

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Employee training is a company’s safety management system and is a critical process that an organization has to take for its success. For the company to improve its production, excellence, and safety at the workplace, it is essential that employees are trained appropriately before starting their work. Sun (2015) posits that training apparently gives the workers an exceptional opportunity to learn their responsibilities and duties correctly, helps to put the firm’s Safety and Health Program into action, reinforce existing ideas and practices and even bring new insights into the workplace. Arguably, the evaluation of the employees’ training development needs of the organization is of paramount importance to determine the overall effectiveness of the program. Every worker at the company importance at the company will greatly benefit from the health and safety training via fewer possible injuries, low stress, and even increased job morale. Arguably, the company’s competitiveness, productivity, and profitability will be improved as the overall production cost per unit, worker’s compensation and the employee turnover reduce. 

Crawford (2015) asserts that employee training is the most suitable way to enable employees to acquire new skills and knowledge, while at the same time improves their working practices. This can impact change in the behavior at the workplace. Therefore, the training program is particularly designed taking into consideration information in a given workplace such as the location. Employee’s supervisors are in a position to identify and even schedule the training program via the use of the discrete Performance strategies. According to Crawford (2015), individuals have the opportunity to pursue specific development strategies aimed at improving individual performance which ultimately plays a role in the overall realization of core objectives of the company. 

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Employee Training Goals 

This training strategy is of great importance to the workers and other personnel in meeting the set standards, approaches and procedures by the firm. This is further aimed at ensuring that the company operates within appropriate requirements that will enable them to achieve their set objectives. The employer will take the initiative to effectively communicate and guide the workers throughout first assignments. The main issues addressed in an employee training program must be similar to all employers (Crawford, 2015). The Excavation Safety Program has been designed to protect the workers from potential hazards that they might encounter during operations in the trenches and the excavations and introduce new employees to the culture of the company. Employees are the critical resources of the company. Cox & Beier, (2014) asserts that workers are the essential part of the company and play a crucial role in meeting the established objectives in addition to the legal and moral obligations such as maintenance and provision of a safe and healthy work setting. Based on this, an employer ought to consider every available logical criterion to provide the employees with relevant information concerning their welfare and roles in their place of work. The current training program will specifically emphasize the following: 

Communicate the necessary standards, practices, approaches and even processes to the workers regarding their assigned responsibilities 

Provide evaluation for future training needs and participate in designing of annual training activities 

Improve the employees’ awareness of their duties and know how to carry out their work safely 

Identifying type of training 

A particular type of hazard that the workers will have to know about ought to be recognized via the complete site health and safety survey analysis in addition to the changes analysis. The injury and accident records might help reveal extra risks and the employee needs for training. Specific cases that might help uncover other risks that might require employee training include employee suggestions, near-miss reports, and even maintenance requests. 

Assignment of Responsibility 


In the process of administering the Excavation Safety Program, the company will undertake the following activities: first, there will be the monitoring of the overall efficiency of the program and provision of an atmospheric testing and required equipment testing (iaff.org, 2006). Next, the employer will be required to take part in the provision of the needed personal protective equipment and the necessary protective systems. Further, the employers will help in the provision of the training to the affected supervisors and the employees and offers the much required technical assistance to the workers. 

Program Manager- 

All the managers ought to fully understand their specific roles and responsibilities in the company’s safety and health program. Evidently, this might demand classroom training and proper communication. Based on the work of Cooper & Cotton, (2000), the subjects will be covered in in-depth periodically. The manager will be thoroughly trained focusing on the critical subject area below: their duty to effectively communicate the health and safety program goals to the employees. Next, the manager’s training will emphasize the significance of the manager’s visibility highlighting their overall commitment to the health and safety program. 

The managers are expected to show an excellent example to the employees by scrupulously following the set rules strictly (Griffin & Neal, 2000). The training will also focus on the manager’s roles including the assignments on the health and safety program roles, offering resources and authority to perform the assigned tasks and at the same time hold the supervisors and the subordinate managers accountable. Finally, the managers will require conformity with the compulsory health and safety program regulations and policies and encourage the worker’s engagement in the optional safety activities like contributing suggestions and participate in the safety committee. 

The concerned person will act as a competent resource for the company about this program and has to ensure that all the procedures described in the program are strictly adhered to. Further, he will ensure that any employee that enters the trenches or excavation are adequately trained and equipped to perform their roles safely, and all necessary tests, inspection, and recording keeping functions are performed. 


At the minimum, all the workers ought to fully understand the safety and health regulations of the worksites, the potential hazard in addition to safe workplace processes critical in controlling possible exposure to dangers and individual roles in any the emergency situation (Cox & Beier, 2014). The company will make sure that all staffs comprehend potential hazards that they might be exposed to and ways to avert and protect themselves from such exposures. All the workers such as the contractor personnel, those working in the excavations must observe the program’s requirement. Staffs are accountable for reposting any form of dangerous practices or incidents that might cause injuries to the company management. The management will commit relevant resources to make sure that staffs receive the required health and safety training throughout the following situations: when the employees are newly hired and when a worker is assigned a need job assignment. 

Moreover, when new work procedure has begun, when new equipment is installed, when the new substance is being utilized or when new hazards have been introduced to the employee (Cooper & Cotton, 2000). All workers must understand that they ate entirely responsible for abiding by the set regulations and most of the accidents will be avoided and eliminated by their safe work practices. Finally, they ought to be conversant with personal protective equipment critical when performing their assigned duties and what they must dot in the event of an emergency. 


The supervisors will be provided with specialized training that will facilitate their leadership roles. All the supervisors will have to be trained to identify any hidden hazard within the workplace under their management and emphasize the continuation of the physical safety of the assigned areas. They will further emphasize workers’ hazard training via the performance’s feedback in addition to steady implementation when deemed essential. As argued by Frazis, Gittleman & Joyce, (2000), the company will ensure that it provides the required resources to enable the supervisors to understand their responsibilities as outlined below: detect and correct hazards within their areas of work before they causes illness or injuries, provide all physical resources in addition to the psychosocial support that will help to promote safe work. 

Additionally, they will be required to offer performance feedback and efficient techniques for recognition and discipline and finally conduct on-the-job training. Cooper & Cotton, (2000) argues that the supervisors are evidently the leading safety and health trainers in the organization. Each supervisor will thus be required to complete the train-the-trainer classes which will equip them with critical training techniques and suitable ways to test the skills and knowledge of the employees. Further, the supervisors will also be provided with training on ways to deliver just and unswerving discipline and recognition. 

Types of Training 

The required rules related to the training will be carried out following the guidelines outlined in the OSHA publication, 2254. The company will ensure that relevant extra training is carried out as considered necessary. The responsible person will make sure that Safety and Health Program training is done in strict conformity with the OSHA standards (Roberts et al., 2002). In a more broad view, safety training would be carried out based on Safety Education where the safety information will be communicated to the workers. In such a case, there would be no need for measurement of capabilities, knowledge or even skills. The second level is specific safety training where particular safety information and instructions on carrying out safety measures and actions will be focused. 

New Employee Orientation 

New Employee Orientation- 

The extent and the format of orientation will entirely depend on the level of complexity of the hazards and work practices required to control them. Orientation will encompass a mixture of the preliminary orientation classroom and on-the-job training (OJT). Based on the job’s nature, the orientation might be comprised of a quick review of the site training demanded by the applicable OSHA standard such as lockout and fire protection. This type of training will be provided by the supervisor of the new employees or even the delegated employee (Sun, 2015). 

For all the substantial tasks involving multifaceted hazards and work to regulate them, the orientation would be primarily planned with utmost care. 

The company will ensure that all the new staffs begin their job with concise comprehension of the probable hazards and practical approaches to use in protecting themselves. All supervisory training would then be accompanied with the buddy systems, where a worker with adequate working experience will be given the responsibility to direct and coach the newly acquired employees until the time when the training would be completed. 

Irrespective of whether the orientation will be lengthy or brief, the supervisor will ensure that before the new staffs begin their job, they will first receive instructions in responding to emergencies (Kotey & Folker, 2007). All forms of orientation training that the new employees will receive will be adequately documented. 

Existing Employee Development 

On-the-Job Training (OJT)- 

The on-job-training apparently related to the values and theories related to work skills that are primarily taught and implemented within their working environment. On-job-training is specially developed to emphasize the formal classroom training. Frazis, Gittleman & Joyce, (2000) posits that all the newly employed staffs need the training to ensure that they undertake their duties efficiently. Therefore, on-job-training is of great importance as a supplement to the formal classroom training. On-job-training assignments might also be offered concurrently with the formal training with the aim of emphasizing and complementing materials covered within the formal training courses. The time that is allotted to achieve and complete on-job-training ought to be well-matched with new employee’s current experience, knowledge, and even skill levels. The new employee’s supervisor should evaluate the ability of the employee to complete the on-job-training (Griffin & Neal, 2000). 

The contract workers will be provided with training to enable them to recognize and understand the company’s specific workplace hazards and any potential hazards. The experienced workers, on the other hand, will have to be trained in the event of installation of new equipment or modification to the existing equipment that might affect their job significantly (San Bernardino, 2016). Further, they will also be trained in case the process changes will create a potential hazard or even intensify the current risk. Finally, all workers will be provided with refresher training which will ensure that they are always equipped with the latest knowledge one potential emergency and ways to act to protect themselves and others. 

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 

All the employees are under the duty to adopt reasonable care for their safety and adopt any necessary protective equipment provided. For all the employees who will require be required to wear specific personal protective equipment (PPE) together with those staffs that will be working in a potentially high-risk environment will demand special training (Sun, 2015). The employer must tell the workers potential risks which demand to wear of the protective equipment such as the gloves, protective clothing, footwear, headgear and even eyewear in addition to training on how to use them. According to Frazis, Gittleman & Joyce, (2000), both workers and the supervisors should be trained on the appropriate selection, usage, and continuation of PPE. Based on the fact that PPE might be burdensome, the workers will have to be encouraged to ensure that they wear them in all situations where significant protection might be necessary. In this case, employee training should start with a comprehensible clarification of why such equipment is of importance to them, their benefits to the employees wearing them and any limitation associated with the gadget. 

All the protective equipment will be provided to the employees freely whenever they are meant to be strictly used in the workplace. Employees will be reminded of the company’s desire with the aim of protecting them and of the company efforts to reduce potential hazards and even offer an appropriate PPE when necessary. Moreover, individual staffs will be familiarized with Personal Protective Equipment that they are required to wear (Roberts et al., 2002). This will be achieved by handling the gadget and putting it on. The training will be comprised of the following, showing the workers suitable ways to put on the devices and ways to check for appropriate fit and maintaining it. A proper fit of the apparatus is indispensable of the gadget and will offer the anticipated protection. The concerned personnel will further perform a continuous exercise in identifying, putting on, and appropriately utilizing the emergency PPE and equipment. 

Vehicular Safety 

All workers that will be driving any car at the job either on or off the company structures will have to be thoroughly trained on safe motor vehicle operation, safe speed about varying conditions, proper vehicle maintenance and even safe loading and unloading practices. The company will notably place more emphasize actively on the overall importance of safe driving in addition to the potential deadly consequence of dangerous driving (Kotey & Folker, 2007). When fueling the vehicles, you should ensure that you turn the vehicle off before you fuel. It is crucial that you must never smoke while fueling the car. Always ensure that you wash hand using clean water and soap in case you spill gasoline on them. 

When you are driving, always ensure to comply with the riving rules strictly. As a driver, you must ever shut all the car’s doors and then make sure to fasten the seat belt prior to driving. You must comply with the traffic signs and the patterns at all times. Always ensure that you observe and retain a three-point contact with the use of both hands and one or both feet and one hand whenever climbing into and out of the car. Finally, you should never leave the keys in an unattended car. 

Prevention of Slips, Trips and Falls 

Majority of the workers often get injured each year as a result of fall accidents. Approximately 66% of the falls usually occur on same level resulting from trips and slips while 34 % are the falls from heights. Some of the typical falls occur from the roofs, ladders and downstairs (Kotey & Folker, 2007). It is evident that trips and slips arise from the unexpected change in an individual’s contact between the walking surface and feet. A good housekeeping, proper walking pace and selection of proper footwear would be of help in the prevention of such fall accidents. 

Housekeeping is the most critical step to be undertaken to prevent accidents from trips and slips. You should immediately clean all spills, replace all the faulty stitches and bulbs and ensure to mark all wet areas and the marking spills. Always ensure to close the file cabinets when you are not using them. Remove any obstacle from the way, sweep the debris from the floor and the working areas should be kept well lit. Failure to adopt good housekeeping would make other critical preventive measures challenging such as training on safe falling and walking techniques (Roberts et al., 2002). 

When walking on a wet floor, always take your time and pay close attention to where you are heading to. It is critical to ensure that you adjust your strides to a suitable pace while walking on a slippery floor. Further always walk with your feet pointing slightly outward. 

In order minimize the potential risk of tripping; ensure to keep the entire floor in good condition. Ensure that the things that you might be carrying do not prevent you from seeing where you are going and other obstructions ahead of you. Always keep the entire areas clean and free from obstructions and use a flashlight when entering darkroom. 

In all the areas that might be wet or oil and the employees often spend significant time outdoors, always use proper footwear to prevent fall accidents. Based on the fact that there is no footwear with anti-slip features designed for all the condition, it is essential to consult the manufacturer. Always wear properly fitting footwear which ultimately will improve comfortability thus improving employee’s safety (Roberts et al., 2002). 

Emergency Training 

Emergency Response- 

The company will train all the employees on ways to train efficiently to potential emergency circumstances. Every worker at the worksite will have to understand: the signal alerting the workers on the need to evacuate, emergency telephone numbers, evacuation routes and emergency exits and how to recognize them. The company management will frequently carry out evacuation drills thrice yearly to ensure that each worker has an opportunity understand the signals and immediately evacuate in the safest and organized way (Kotey & Folker, 2007). The supervisors will frequently carry out the counting of staffs at the gathering point of the evacuation to make sure that all the employees are all accounted for. The company will further include necessary procedures that will help to account for all the visitors, the service workers like the cafeteria staffs and even the contract employees. In those sites where earthquakes or even weather emergencies are considered as the reasonable likelihood, supplemental exceptional instructions and drilling will also be provided (Kotey & Folker, 2007). 

Emergency Medical Treatment- 

In a circumstance where a worker sustains a severe injury that demands an emergency treatment: you should always call for any appropriate help and immediately seek assistance from a colleague. Next, you should make use of the emergency numbers available together with the instructions that are placed on the first-aid kit to ask for immediate aid and transport to one of the nearest neighborhood hospital emergency room. You should also always ensure that you give precise details for the accomplishment of any accident investigation report (blr. com, 2018). 

First-aid instructions 

The first-aid kits are found at the service vehicles and the front office. The staff will be given first-aid training by their supervisors. In every case that requires emergency medical treatment, instantly call or have a colleague call and ask for any emergency medical help. When administering first aid, ensure to use bloodborne pathogen procedures (Kotey & Folker, 2007). 

Wounds: For minor injuries such as punctures, cuts, lacerations or abrasions, the first step is to wash the wound with water and soap and clean thoroughly. Cover the injury with the clean dressing. For significant wounds such as bleeding and deep wounds, the first step is to ensure that you stop further bleeding through directly pressing the wound with the use of a cloth or bandage until you get some emergency help. 

Broken Bones: You should not move the injured except when needed. In the event the injured person must be transferred to another place, it would be vital that you “splint” the wounded area. Always ensure to utilize a board, rolled newspaper or even a cardboard as a splint. 

Burns: Sun (2015) states that for thermal (Heat), you should first gently clean the entire burned areas, but you should not scrub it, and submerge it in cold water. You should never use ice water. Next, blow-dry the whole regions and then cover the area with a disinfected clean piece of cloth. In case of a chemical burn, the first thing to do is to instantly wash out the exposed area with the use of cool chemical water for about 15 minutes. 

Eye Injury: In case of small particles entering the eyes, you should never rub the eyes. Instead, utilize the corner of soft, clean cloth and draw out the particles. You can also hold the eyelids open and wash out the eyes continually using fresh water. According to blr.com (2018), if a particular particle has stuck in the victim’s eye, do not try to remove it instead; wrap both of his eyes using a bandage. If the chemical has caused the injury, irrigate the eyes immediately. You should also sprinkle under the eyelids using clean water for about 20 minutes. 

Neck or Spine Injury: If an employee or colleague seems to have injured her spine or is incapable of moving his leg or arm, you should not attempt moving the person except when it is believed to be necessary. 

Heat Exhaustion: In case of heat exhaustion, the first step should loosen the tight clothing of the victim. The victims should be given sips of lukewarm water. Additionally, you should make the affected individual lie down in a relaxed position, and the feet raised. 

Fire Safety Training Programme 

Every worker will be provided with sufficient fire safety training and every fire safety training sessions will be presented to the workers by a competent person. Two drills will be carried out every year aimed at testing the fire safety training. For the new employees, fire safety training sessions will be provided during the induction programme. Fire safety system’s maintenance falls within the umbrella of the Fire Maintenance Contract. The provision ensures that the support of the fire system and equipment are conducted in full conformity with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 in addition to the Approved Codes of Practice. That type of contract will ensure that the Fire Maintenance Contractors are inducted efficiently for secure work operations are all competent to carry out fire safety systems maintenance such as fire safety signs and notices, fire recognition and warning systems, emergency routes and exits, emergency lighting and firefighting facilities. In the case of the current workers, fire safety training sessions will be provided either in one or two training sessions annually. 

The fire wardens will receive their fire safety training sessions either one or two training sessions annually, but the training will be specific to their duties. Finally, on the part of the managers, fire safety training sessions will be provided once or twice per annum depending on: induction of new staff, responding to fire hazards, liaising with the fire service, and fire safety risk assessment, fire safety policies and procedures, fault reporting procedures and even record keeping. Based on the work of Burke et al., (2006), fire safety training will focus on, what should be done during a fire breakout and the action to take once the workers hear the fire alarm. It will also focus on ways of opening all the emergency exit doors and ways to raise the alarm such as the locations of fire alarm call points. It will also focus on the arrangements aimed at calling for the fire and rescue service and general fire precautions. 

Other areas in which the employees will be trained are the procedures for evacuation for alerting visitors, the guests or the residents and directing the workers to the exit and the assembly points at a place of total safety. The training will also inform the employees where the portable fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment are located and how to use them (Roberts et al., 2002). It is essential to ensure that all forms of fire training are recorded, and this includes the name of the individual given instructions, the instruction’s nature, date of the guidelines and duration and finally the names of individuals receiving the instructions. 

Workplace Safety Training 

Office Safety- 

All employees should never place any material including boxes or trash in the walkways and passageways. An employee must never throw cigarettes, matches or any other smoking materials into the trash baskets. At all times, you must never kick any object out of your way instead; you should pick them. The floors should be clear of any item including staple, clips, tacks or even pencils. You must use the step stool, ladder or even the store items located above your head (O'Toole, 2002) 

Always ensure to straighten or even remove the mats and rags that might be lying flat on the floor. Clean any water within the drink machine and the fountains. All the sharp objects must be stored in drawers including scissors, pens, pencils or even letter openers. All the sharp objects such as the scissors and pencils must be carried with their tips pointing down. All the doors in the hallways must be kept fully open or fully closed. According to Vredenburgh (2002), the employee must make use of the handrails particularly when climbing or even descending stairs. Finally, you must always obey and comply with all the posted safety and danger signs. 

Periodic Safety and Health Training 

In specific work sites, complex work practices are critical to controlling the hazards efficiently. In all another worksite, possible occupational illness and injury are widespread. Therefore, in such areas, the company will make sure that the workers are given episodic health and safety training to enliven their memory and coach them on new control strategies. Additionally, new training will be performed as outlined in the OSHA standard changes or when new standards are provided. In a situation where work environment varies quickly, then a weekly meeting will have to be held as necessary (Gitman & McDaniel, 2009). Such meeting will evidently remind the staff of the forthcoming tasks of the week, procedures essential to protect themselves and others and the environmental variation that might impact them. 

Training Program Monitoring 

In this case, worker’s advancement monitoring via development period is of critical importance to determine the training program’s success. O'Toole (2002) argues that tracking offers vital information to the supervisors with regards to the advantages and overall efficiency of the provided training. Further, it provides essential information on the total capability of staffs to acquire training goals. The training staff and worker's supervisor plays a vital role regarding monitoring the entire processes. Therefore, to achieve efficient monitoring of the organizational training program, the following must be accomplished; the supervisor must ensure that every worker has accomplished the core prerequisite prior to the start of work and appraise the worker’s performance of assigned tasks. 

Next, the supervisor will assess the training outcome with the newly employed staff strictly following all the demanded training activities. Klein & Weaver, (2000) argues that such a review will evidently offer the supervisor with critical information on the overall employee’s progress which will further help in identifying significant areas that require further training. In a situation where the supervisor concludes that the newly acquired employee has adequate experience to accomplish a particular task successfully, then the OJT evaluation might be stopped. Finally, the employee and the supervisor will have to complete training documentation. 

Safety and Health Training Program Assessment 

The assessment of the overall efficiency of the training program will have to be occasionally performed. The personnel from the training department will be responsible for interviewing the supervisors, the managers and the employees who would have taken part in the training program with the aim of determining the overall usefulness of the training and even to get the possible suggestion for enhancement of the programs (Burke et al., 2006). Studies have established that the assessment and evaluation will be critical in determining whether the training program offered accomplished the set objectives of enhancing the safety and performance of the employees. When appropriately created and performed, the assessment might help to highlight the strengths and areas of weaknesses of the training program that might need further improvement. 

Evaluation entails the analysis of the employee attendance at training sessions. In such an instance, absenteeism might be used as a signal of the worker’s problem, but can also show the weaknesses in the content of the training. The management will contrast the pre-and post-training injuries and accidents rates. The period of the time being contrasted ought to be long to allow for the potential variation to come out if the training made a significant difference (Klein & Weaver, 2000). The concerned personnel in charge will determine whether the provided training had achieved the intended objectives through improving the safety and knowledge of the employees. Assessment will further help to point out the strengths of the training programs and potential weakness areas that need improvement or change. 


Burke, M. J., Sarpy, S. A., Smith-Crowe, K., Chan-Serafin, S., Salvador, R. O., & Islam, G. (2006). Relative effectiveness of worker safety and health training methods. American journal of public health , 96 (2), 315-324. 

blr. com (2018). Mandatory EHS Employee Training. Retrieved from: https://www.blr.com/TrainingTips/Mandatory-Training 

Cooper, M., & Cotton, D. (2000). Safety training–a special case?. Journal of European Industrial Training , 24 (9), 481-490. 

Cox, C. B., & Beier, M. E. (2014). Too old to train or reprimand: The role of intergroup attribution bias in evaluating older workers. Journal of Business and Psychology , 29 (1), 61-70. 

Crawford, J. (2015). Inland Vet Supply Employee Training Manual. 

Frazis, H., Gittleman, M., & Joyce, M. (2000). Correlates of training: An analysis using both employer and employee characteristics. ILR Review , 53 (3), 443-462. 

Gitman, L. J., & McDaniel, C. (2009). The future of business: The essentials . Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. 

Griffin, M. A., & Neal, A. (2000). Perceptions of safety at work: a framework for linking safety climate to safety performance, knowledge, and motivation. Journal of occupational health psychology , 5 (3), 347. 

iaff.org (2006). Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program. Retrieved from 


Klein, H. J., & Weaver, N. A. (2000). The effectiveness of an organizational ‐ level orientation training program in the socialization of new hires. Personnel Psychology , 53 (1), 47-66. 

Kotey, B., & Folker, C. (2007). Employee training in SMEs: Effect of size and firm type— Family and nonfamily. Journal of Small Business Management , 45 (2), 214-238. 

O'Toole, M. (2002). The relationship between employees' perceptions of safety and organizational culture. Journal of safety research , 33 (2), 231-243. 

Roberts, M. A., O'dea, J., Boyce, A., & Mannix, E. T. (2002). Fitness levels of firefighter recruits before and after a supervised exercise training program. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research , 16 (2), 271-277. 

San Bernardino (2016). EMS, Special Operations and Training. Retrieved from: 

http://www.sbcfire.org/Services/EMSSpecialOpsTraining.aspx Sun, L. (2015). Employees Training and Development in Chinese State Owned Companies: Case: LQ Coal-Fired Power Plant. 

Vredenburgh, A. G. (2002). Organizational safety: which management practices are most effective in reducing employee injury rates?. Journal of safety Research , 33 (2), 259-276. 

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