25 Sep 2022


Business Ethics in the 21st Century

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Academic level: College

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Words: 563

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The practice of child labor is an ethical issue resulting from globalization of business activities where there are increased opportunities for production of high number of products or provision of services to a large market and the need to address the challenge of labor shortage. Globalization of business activities are ethical problems since business owners have to prioritize on particular values at the expense of others. An approach that has been used to address the challenge of labor shortage and improve operational output and overall high growth rate is the incorporation of child labor However, ethical dilemma regarding the practice of recruiting children to the labor force in spite of the fact that most social and cultural values consider the practice unethical. The implication is that the opportunities for globalization is accompanied by ethical issue in terms of the strategy used to improve labor availability by recruiting children into the workforce. Companies that are determined to achieve these objectives must break some ethical values such as the prohibition of the society towards the recruitment of child workers.

An experience I had that can be used to distinguish between temptation and ethical dilemma is when I saw a group of three people creating an opening in the fence of another person whose homestead was at the roadside during my evening exercise walk. I suspected they had the intent to commit robbery of the person’s property. I was not sure whether I should ask them why they were doing so or continue with my walk. However, I eventually decided to go straight to the person’s home and report the activity. It was established that they were actually robbers who intended to commit a crime, but they entered their vehicle and drove off before they could be reached. The above case can be used to distinguish between temptation and ethical dilemma. In terms of temptation, a person has the knowledge of what is good or bad and has the option of doing the right thing or a wrong thing while in case of ethical dilemma; a person has the option of doing the right thing using two options. In the above case, there was no temptation because there was no option of doing a wrong thing: I could only report the activities of the people or fail to do so. In terms of ethical dilemma, I had the option of doing the right thing by either ignoring the people or reporting them to the owner of the homestead. Temptation does not require accountability for performing an act while ethical dilemma a decision is made based on the extent to which a person tries to promote accountability to the society. In the above case, there was no temptation because I could not be held accountable if I failed to report the incident while in terms of ethics, I could be held accountable for failing to act according to social and moral values of combating crimes within the society.

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A major future business dilemma in the 21 st century is the increase in internet use which leads to the intrusion of privacy and inability of people to achieve confidentiality of personal information. The increase in internet usage has enabled the creation of software and algorithms that leads to unauthorized access to private emails, online databases, and increased capability of money laundering. Research needs to be conducted on the methods through which internet usage can be regulated in such a way that people are able to comply with particular guidelines and policies of use in such a way that people’s privacies are protected.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Business Ethics in the 21st Century.


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