28 Apr 2022


Carbohydrate and Caloric Content of Macaroni and Cheese

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 300

Pages: 1

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Macaroni with cheese contains sugar, fiber and as well as other types carbohydrates. The total amount carbohydrate in a serving of macaroni is 43 g while the amount in cheese is 9 grams. Macaroni and cheese gives a total of 52g of carbohydrates. Depending on the contents of the package of macaroni and cheese, one gets between 230 and 300 calories. A whole package of Kraft macaroni and cheese provides 230 calories.

Food labels provide valuable information about the nutrient content in the food and may help a person who chooses to eat the food decide the quantities to take in a single meal. Labels contain information such as carbohydrate, protein and fat in grams per unit e.g. per 100 g. This information can be helpful for the consumers as they use it in carbohydrate counting and limit the amount of calories they take in per meal or per day. They also help people who have certain metabolic disorders or conditions to choose foods that would not affect their well-being after consuming them. For example, people who have diabetes and those suffering from heart problems may choose foods that are labeled low fat or sugar free so that they prevent development of complications. Using food labels, one can choose the right foods to eat in the right portions. For example, using the caloric information on the food labels can be helpful when choosing healthy foods which are limited in fat and sugar. Food labels contain directions of use of the food; for example, some of the labels contain directions on how to prepare the food and its best storage conditions. Labels also contain special information such as declaration of the foods ingredients that may cause allergic reactions so that whoever uses the foods knows what to eat and what not. Finally, labels indicate the dates that the foods expire and by reading them, a consumer avoids foods that have expired and may cause food poisoning.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Carbohydrate and Caloric Content of Macaroni and Cheese.


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