27 May 2022


Career Goals Business Administration Major

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 389

Pages: 1

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First, I intend to increase the savings of the firm. In a recent evaluation, I noted that there had been a significant increase in the total expenditure which had, in turn, reduced the savings. This is not right for the businesses' future since the future developments depend on the savings that the investment has. The savings help to boost new projects. Increasing the amount of saving means that the company's future projects will be well funded. This will be accomplished by avoiding any unnecessary spending that the company has. I also plan on diversifying the labor force for the contract laborers such as the cleaners to increase the savings. This can be attained by December 2018.

In addition to that, I plan to increase my level of education. This will help in the proper management of the company as well as the personal gain in the increase of salaries. I plan to achieve this by April 2019 by taking part in part-time studies as well as visiting various higher level institutions and evaluating their policies and how they function. This will improve my knowledge and skills in my career which will, in turn, lead to the development of the investment.

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Finally, I intend to increase the level of technology in the company. Using the savings that the investment has, new technology such as smarter computers and better internet connection which will enhance the marketing of the company. It will also increase the ease of access for the business by use of programs such as video conferencing which allow one to access the business from any part of the country as long as they have a proper internet connection. This flexibility will also benefit all the workers since they can attend to business duties from anyplace that they wish (Sharma, 2017). I plan to attain this by the end of August 2019. The above business ideas help in the improvement of the business.

The goals above follow the guidelines for proper goal setting in the following ways. First, they are achievable since the strategies put in place can be enacted to achieve the goals within the specified time frame. They have the proper motivation to achieve them since they are beneficial both to the company and to me. Motivation is essential in achieving such goals. They also have a deadline for which they are supposed to be achieved in (Brathwaite, 2018). These measures enable the accomplishment of the goals.


Brathwaite, S. (2018). 4 Tips for Setting and Achieving Career Goals. Retrieved from https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/10584-achieve-career-goals.html

Sharma, V. (2017). Top 25 powerful advantages of internet for business - KLIENT SOLUTECH. Retrieved from http://www.klientsolutech.com/top-25-powerful-advantages-of-internet-for-business/

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Career Goals Business Administration Major.


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