26 Oct 2022


Characteristics of an Authentic Leader

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In the modern working atmosphere, creativeness and innovation are essential sources for obtaining a competitive benefit. Through the ever-progressing expertise, extreme internal and worldwide competitive demands, indecisive and great turbulent monetary atmosphere, institutions require overcoming innovative competitors and promoting creativeness for survival and prosperity. Besides, institutions also need to find creative strategies to address their own wants. Leadership is one of the major contextual aspects that impact personnel creativeness and innovation. Nevertheless, mounting globalization, stiff competition, and speed of industrial transformation hamper leaders' endeavors in instituting the essential working atmosphere for the personal creativity. Leaders play a crucial role in facilitating and supporting the stirring as well as nurturing of innovation and creativity (Turan, & Erdil, 2013). Leaders could sustain personnel creativeness by making creativeness a job necessity, offering feedback on creative objective progress and rewarding personnel when they attain innovative results. It is stated that the basis of the leadership influence lies in the temperament of the leader and associated exemplary conduct. Between the numerous types of optimistic leadership systems, authentic leadership style is outlined as the most appropriate to be utilized by institutions to further their development and success in the competitive environment.

It is important for an institution to appreciate its personnel wants and advance its leaders and supporters. Leadership necessitates productive exploitation of available resources with every staff personnel viably exploiting the personal resources, like knowledge, innovation, information, and capabilities. Leaders need to organize and dispense assets by taking keen consideration of the requirements of the institution for all possessions to be utilized in the most efficient method. The leadership style of authentic leadership is a mode which could be used to better the institutional wants for further advancement and be thriving in the competitive commerce atmosphere. The authentic leadership theory has over the current years appeared from the dealings of management, morals, and optimistic company conducts as well as study literature (Vrapca, 2015). In outlook of optimistic psychology, genuineness could be outlined as the capability to possess another person's awareness and other characteristics to recognize self and also act grounded on the exact personality. In its original definition, authentic leadership was outlined as a practice that depicts from mutually optimistic psychological abilities and a greatly progressed institutional environment, which consequences in both superior individual-consciousness and self-controlled optimistic conducts on the division of managers and acquaintances, promoting optimistic self-advancement.

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For the provision of a more precise description, a four-element model was later given, which comprised self-attentiveness, impartial dispensation, authentic conduct as well as the authentic relational course. Authentic leaders were then outlined as individuals that possess four major characteristics like the self-decree, self-perception, self-expressiveness and self-concordance. The contemporary survey outline authentic leadership as a scheme of leader conducts which promotes optimistic self-advancement as well as persuade subordinates' approaches and deeds (Vrapca, 2015). Therefore there is a process that connects the conducts and approaches of managers with authentic leadership. It is implied that authentic leadership has the capability to cultivate dedication, fulfillment and follower participation for incessantly enhancing the job performance results through two major features, which comprise individual identification with the personnel and social recognition with the institution. Authentic leaders grounded on their enthusiasm, intention, moral and concrete principles, compassion, associations as well as mentality aim ahead in making a distinction, serving plus strengthening others.

Although there has not yet been a universal approval definition of authentic leadership, researchers, however, agreed that authentic leaders are conscious of themselves, are recognized grounded on their function and performances inconsistency of their principles and ideas. It is outlined that authentic leaders guide in agreement with their behavior, principles, as well as viewpoints. They operate as role examples for their supporters by distributing their principles as well as encouraging individual and proficient advancement (Datta, 2015). Authentic leadership is centered on developing and enhancing the principles, purposes, sentiments, and objectives of followers which would be utilized for institutional success. The forms of associations and behavioral features of workers that are built and incorporated in a system of authentic leadership include empowerment, the obligation to the fulfillment of duties as well as job satisfaction. In authentic leadership there is the creation of an atmosphere where confidence is boosted, employees are supported in performance as well as their strength of establishment, the value is added in making decision and performance is continually enhanced within the institution.

Authentic leadership Elements 

There is a general accord on the aspects of authentic leadership like individual-awareness, self-regulation, optimistic psychological capital, and optimistic modeling. Self-awareness outline being able to know oneself, authentic leaders through introspection observe and evaluate their individual mental situation, their personal views, emotions, and purposes. Hence, they get to identify and acknowledge their essential principles, feelings, personality, and motives or objectives. An individual could get in touch with self through profound commitment in his own identity and his own fundamental nature, as well as by remembrance of essential occasions in life plus individual responses and thoughts of that period (Besen, Tecchio, & Fialho, 2014). It is a routing process through which a person understands his choices, values, wishes, and abilities thus grow an appreciation of himself which guides to the recognition of his awareness and capabilities. According to several literatures, a leader's self-awareness is a starting stage for the authentic leadership advancement.

Self-regulation outlines regulation of a person's own conduct in accordance with his/her identity while upholding an open approach towards the personnel or co-workers. Self-regulation is grounded on four supports namely internalized procedures of regulation, impartial information processing, transparent associations, and authentic conduct. The most important for the advancement of authentic leadership in institutions are transparent associations and impartial information dispensation, consequential in a precise and balanced insight as well as individual assessment. Self-regulation as well gives an evaluation with others in a manner that is principally free of the ego-grounded defense system (Robinson, & O’Dea, 2014). Such self-controlled leaders are as well established enough to be competent in receiving not only the projected accounts but also the report that trembles their long-standing values. Authenticity mirrors the leaders' capability of organizing tasks to themselves, their personnel as well as the general populace, to attain cooperation inside and outside the institution.

When they show openness, self-disclosure, and confidence in close associations with their personnel, authentic leaders depict their genuine within. Relational transparency, therefore, means a presentation of an individual's genuine within. This conduct promotes trust through the employer-personnel association, in which data is shared and actual opinions, as well as feelings, are expressed while lessening the appearance of inappropriate feelings. An essential part of self-control is also to operate in harmony with the commonly approved moral principles and to articulate the optimistic psychological resources (Besen, Tecchio, & Fialho, 2014). This is called the internalization of ethical principles and standards. Persons with higher stages of self-control regulate their own conduct so that it could match the principles of ethics and is responsible towards the personnel. On the grounds of a person's own authentic ethical values, leadership is ethical only if the person's principles are ethical or if they are supposed as so by others. It is a subject of bringing together leaders' conducts and their principles on one side, and leaders' conduct and moral regulations of the society in which they are situated.

The ethical capability of the leader to authentically integrate into the leadership the loyalty to self, to his/her responsibility as leader, to the institutions they function as well as to the community as a whole, is essential in making certain the sustainability of collaboration within and outside the institution. Leaders should adjust to the principles that correspond with the ethical values of the community in which they are situated and operate (Northouse, 2016). Additionally to self-attentiveness and self-control, positive psychological capital, as well as own positive developments, are also outlined as aspects of authentic leadership. These two elements of authentic leadership engage in an essential function in the procedures of self-awareness and self-control, as they strengthen the procedures. Nevertheless, their most significant function is the optimistic modeling, i.e. forming authentic personnel. Optimistic psychological abilities specifically act as a major part in expanding persons, groups, learning institutions, and societies with the objective of attaining a long-term competitive benefit.

There was expressed doubt towards the indivisible incorporation of authentic leadership with positive psychological capital. Nevertheless, positive feelings are a major element of authentic leadership growth procedure, or of optimistic representation, thus authentic leaders cannot be authentically in an adverse judgment. The creation of authentic leadership in this essentially diverges away from the stern following of authenticity, the phrase after which authentic leadership obtained its forename. Positive psychological modeling comprises aspects of optimistic institutional conduct. These are self-assurance, hopefulness, optimism, and resilience. When leaders strengthen their optimistic psychological modeling items, it does not only impact the leaders, there are also the bases for optimistic individual associations and conducts in an institution. This consequence of faithfulness, fulfillment, and performance and as a result of optimistic capital, personnel becomes extra inspired, triumphant, fulfilled and determined.

Positive modeling is a procedure of individual identification of workers with their leader, which in return impacts the leaders' self-control. At this level, authentic leaders stretch the general cognitive conducts systems across all associates of the institution. The employees, later on, assume the optimistic psychological conditions. In the course of positive capital authentic leaders create positive psychological modeling with their personnel through; amplified self-assurance of employees, forming anticipation in them, creating trust, improving resilience, and elevating stage of confidence. As well, authentic leaders support learning with their employees, thus forming the situations for their own optimistic advancement and accordingly facilitating institutional learning. Authentic leaders in this would not try to change the employee into a leader or some kind of custom-fit individual but would seek to persuade the employee by model, as a role replica (Abraham, & Duraisamy, 2015). This could be outlined as a straight influence over the individual identification at the leader-subordinate stage. Positive modeling is recognized as an association at the pair stage and is a significant resource by which authentic leaders persuade their personnel. In an institution, an authentic leader nurtures such an association with more than one subordinate which represents authentic leadership expansion procedure.

The model 

The development of authentic leadership begins at the leader stage, runs through self-awareness and self-control and then frankly persuades the subordinate. The straight effect is outlined as positive modeling, which is the slightest phrase that describes an individual identification at the leader-subordinate stage. Additionally, to features of authentic leadership, the progress of authentic leadership in an institution is as well influenced by the institutional situation. Subordinate results comprised in the institution are practice; additional endeavors; and withdrawal conducts like turnover, absence, and lateness (Dimovski, Ferjan, Marič, Uhan, Jovanović, & Janežič, 2012). The progress of authentic leadership entails compound procedures that cannot be condensed to a simple guidance project in the HRM perspective. It comprises both life objectives as life understandings and continuous procedures amongst the leaders and the subordinates. The authentic leader needs first to attain authenticity in the course of self-awareness, self-control, authentic practices, and authentic associations.

The main aspect of the authentic leadership progress is the personal history or experiences, which evident itself mainly during the procedure of life objectives interpretation. Institutional environment and leaders' optimistic psychological modeling might also be considered as the features of progress in authentic leadership. Earlier described aspects impact the stage of a person's self-awareness, which is in the expression of authentic leaders at a very elevated stage. Such kind of leaders' belief in themselves and are conscious of their core principles, personality, feelings, purpose, and objectives to all of which they are greatly loyal. They comprise also uprightness, sincerity, accountability, emotional cleverness and dependability. They are guided by internal purposes, possessing leadership responsibility into their personality and distinguish themselves as optimistic role example to others.

Authentic leaders consequently act as role replica for the subordinates through self-control and appearance of their essential principles, optimistic feelings, purpose, objectives and as well concern for development and growth of employees. According to the theory, authentic leaders whose proceedings are dependable with their values, they should have a superior persuade over the subordinates. This is due to the fact that subordinates understand their leaders' authenticity as a proof of their trustworthy (Dimovski, et al., 2012). Trust in a leader is build, which consequently guarantees subordinates eagerness to trail their leader. Authentic leadership widens over the authenticity of a leader as it includes also the associations with subordinates, co-workers, and followers that mirror sincerity, frankness, trust, direction to the appropriate goals, and attention on the progress of employees. Authentic leaders in the procedure of positive modeling build optimism and other aspects of positive psychological modeling with their followers, which is made in the course of optimistic individual identification inside the leader-employee association.

Since authentic leadership is perfect in its temperament, leaders' genuineness and their truthfulness should be observable by others. Subordinates assessments of the administrators' features are grounded mostly on straight surveillance and their interaction. Interaction with the leader provides a landmark in existence of subordinates, which amplifies their self-attentiveness and gives the way for their own advancement and authentic follower relationship. Positive modeling as outlined earlier is demonstrated in this stage of the authentic leadership advancement form. In the procedure of optimistic modeling, extremely self-attentive leaders encourage transformation in subordinates through their self-control. Hence, they fit their features to the preferred features in the institution.

Authority and influence of leaders' are superior if their genuineness and integrity are certain to a wide crowd of workers, specifically when there is harmony between subordinates on this genuineness. Confidence is formed in the leader by his subordinates, which is a major aspect that allows leaders to extend the effect efficiently (Northouse, 2016). Specifically, because of this consent, it is significant that the leader constantly acts in harmony with his reflection or reputation with his subordinates, so as not to weaken self-assurance in him. Conduct consistency is the outcome of the resolution of self-attentiveness and self-control, as steadiness in the conducts of a leader is what is being searched for by the subordinates.

Subordinates receive information and impulses on how to act not merely from their leaders, but as well from the institutional environment in which they work, i.e. as stated earlier, another feature of the effect of institutional context on authentic leadership. Occasionally, the authority of leaders prevails, and in other occasions the effect of these environmental aspects is rampant. Therefore, it is essential that leaders are capable of influencing the models, viewpoints, and principles that oversee the institution. Accordingly, as well the institutional customs and the perception of subordinates within the institution could be persuaded. Institutional optimistic contextual aspects do have an effect on both authentic leaders and subordinates. These environmental aspects also persuade the authentic leadership advancement within the institution and from this as well the institution steady practice is achieved.

Authentic Leadership and Creativity 

The impacts of leadership and managerial conducts on personnel's creativity are fascinating subjects and have drawn an immense deal of survey interest. Authentic leadership comprises full extent leadership, optimistic psychological capabilities, just and ethical perceptions. These creations are theoretically greatly significant to creativity. Authentic leadership is a form of leadership that has been found to possess an optimistic psychology faction, and as stated by the institutional creativity literature for developing personnel's creativity, administrators and institutions need to form positive environments in the place of work. Authentic leaders raise positive feelings of subordinates through building optimistic, encouraging, just and transparent communications which in result make them extra creative (Turan, & Erdil, 2013). Surveys have as well offered evidence for an optimistic association between moral and ethical perception and personnel creativity. Conceptualization and components of authentic leadership enhance creativity. For example, association transparency aspect offers creativity through the expression of thoughts, difficulties and honestly sharing of information.

There could be the promotion of close association through relational clearness amongst authentic leader and personnel. Subordinates seem to feel free to attempt new perspectives when such associations are created. In line with the survey, it is also argued that there is a promotion of personnel's perspectives on psychological well-being and their fundamental inspiration from authentic leaders, which in return make them additionally creative. Psychological wellbeing offers an atmosphere devoid of fear and in the situation, personnel seems to be extra creative. There is a demonstration of transparency by authentic leaders to subordinates' that create a safer and trusting environment for them. In addition to psychological wellbeing, the motivational strategy was described for conceiving how and why the leader conducts impact creativity. Fundamental motivation is seen as a trend that promotes personnel's creativity and authentic leadership is optimistically linked to personnel creativity.

Authentic Leadership and Innovation 

Due to the significance function of innovation for the attainment of institutional efficiency and lasting success as well as dealing with the instability of exterior atmosphere, researchers and professions seek to detail how and why invention occurs. The invention has been impacted by key aspects including institutional aspects, leader-worker association, work features, social aspects, as well as personal features. Surveys have revealed that leadership is the most essential aspect of the institutional invention (Turan, & Erdil, 2013). Various studies have supported the optimistic impact of leadership style and the excellence of the leader-follower association on innovation. Authentic leadership is outlined to have an effect on an invention by fostering innovation more than other styles. By creating confidence, building hope, enhancing optimism and amplifying resilience, authentic leadership promotes innovation. In addition, through association with subordinates, authentic leadership could as well have an efficient function for promoting invention. Surveys have shown that the association and the excellence of the association persuade personnel's invention endeavors which in result impact innovation in an institution.


The leader-follower association in a company is essential to the most significant feature of personnel retention. Although many endeavors are devoted by institutions to get the best capacity, failure in leadership cause personnel to disengage and then result to deterioration of company efficiency. Authentic leadership has been measured to have a significant function within an institution which has a straight effect on achieving universal objectives. The existence of authentic leadership within an institution guides in the direction of comprising an efficient job component which entrusts more duties to subordinates. This is attained by incorporating subordinates in resolution formulation procedure, which guides toward getting greater output and amplified inspiration of subordinates. This makes followers' to feel as being part of the organization because of their donation in the organization achievement and the trust they get from administrators for their capabilities and skills. Authentic leadership also permits principals to split duties amongst subordinates, therefore making followers sense more significant and appreciated.


Abraham, V. C., & Duraisamy, S. (2015). Authentic leadership style. Intercontinental journal of human resource research review , 3 (10).

Besen, F., Tecchio, E., & Fialho, F. A. (2014). Authentic leadership and knowledge management . Retrieved on 19 July 2018, from http://www.scielo.br/pdf/gp/2017nahead/en_0104-530X-gp-0104-530X898-13.pdf

Datta, B. (2015). Assessing the effectiveness of authentic leadership. International Journal of Leadership Studies , 9 (1), 62-74.

Dimovski, V., Ferjan, M., Marič, M., Uhan, M., Jovanović, M., & Janežič, M. (2012). Authentic leadership to the future. doi: 10.5937/skolbiz1201001D.

Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership : Theory and practice . Washington, DC: Sage Publications

Robinson, S., & O’Dea, V. (2014). Authentic leadership – to thine own self be true. The Insights Group . Retrieved on 19 July 2018, from https://www.insights.com/media/1107/authentic-leadership.pdf

Turan, H., & Erdil, O. (2013). The influence of authentic leadership on creativity and innovativeness. Elsevier , 99 . Retrieved on 19 July 2018, from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877042813039839

Vrapca, A. (2015). The analysis of authentic leadership in the case of the small medium company settegusti in kosovo. University of ljubljana faculty of economics . Retrieved on 19 July 2018, from http://www.cek.ef.uni-lj.si/magister/vrapca1885-B.pdf

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Characteristics of an Authentic Leader.


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