6 Sep 2022


Child Abuse Prevention: What You Can Do to Help

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Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 548

Pages: 2

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Question 1. 

Many studies often showcase higher frequency of child neglect cases in lower income families. While this is not to say that poverty is a factor attributing to child abuse it is prudent to evaluate the correlation. Child maltreatment comes in two ways; neglect and actual child abuse. Poverty is greatly mistaken for neglect among child protection services and society in general. Lower income families may find it very hard to provide proper clothing, nutrition and even education which are all signs of neglect (Ashford, LeCroy, & Williams, 2017). Society carries very little compromise in ensuring the best for children and thus this discriminates low income families implicating they carry out child maltreatment despite their lack of volition. Nonetheless, Ashford, LeCroy and Williams suggest that poverty increases the chances of child abuse for instance lack of proper parenting and use of drugs/alcohol, highly present factors among poor individuals, are contributing factors (2017). Hence, it is understandable to see where this correlation is coming from.

Question 2.

As a school social worker it is imperative to always put the kid’s best interest at hear. In the case where a parent has allegations of child abuse against them it is prudent to act cautiously to prevent damage to the child in the case they are false (Ashford, LeCroy, & Williams, 2017). It is important to gather information regarding the feasibility of the claims. Such information includes parent’s past, the child’s own account and evidence pertaining to the claims. So as to gather this information without destroying a positive working relationship with the parent it is paramount that transparency is maintained unless the child is seemingly endangered (Douglas & Mohn, 2014). To assess their strengths I would mainly rely on word of mouth from both the parent and child and their views regarding proper parenting.

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Question 3. 

At the end of it all, many people underestimate the fact that parents are very important in their children’s lives even if they are neglectful or abusive. Hence, effort should be made to avoid child abuse and in the case it does happen to help reverse the harm done. Thus to maintain fairness I would take note of the principle that highlights everyone is a unique being and therefore morality can never be universally shared. Hence, before judging it is important to understand what the parent think is proper, wrong and vile in terms of parenting. Moreover, according to Douglas and Mohn it is important to understand that everyone is entitled to a sense of self fulfillment and even to their children (2014). As such parents should always be given a chance to rectify their mistakes unless future contact with the child is deemed to cause more harm than good.

Question 4.

Before raising alarm for child abuse, it is important to look out for signs such as poor social skills and/or difficulty in expressing emotions, excessive violence towards other children and even authority, talk of neglect and worthlessness and other physical marks provided the child is willing to show them (Ashford, LeCroy, & Williams, 2017). There are a variety of conditions i.e. risk factors that make some children more vulnerable to child abuse than others. They include presence of non biological individual in the house, social isolation, parental stress or being overwhelmed, parental characteristics such as previous child abuse cases, substance abuse, social justification of maltreatment etc and even low income. I would ask the child questions regarding his/her home environment, their relationship with the parent, reason for the bruises and even reasons for absenteeism.


Ashford, J.B., LeCroy, C.W., & Williams, L. R. (2017 ). Human Behavior in the Social Environment: A Multidimensional Perspective . 6th Ed. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole

Douglas, E. M., & Mohn, B. L. (2014). Fatal and non-fatal child maltreatment in the US: An analysis of child, caregiver, and service utilization with the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data Set.  Child Abuse & Neglect 38 (1), 42-51.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Child Abuse Prevention: What You Can Do to Help.


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