Science is essential in society today because the world today is undergoing a continuous change primarily due to the increased use of technology. Therefore for the long term survival and continuation of human species, science plays a critical role. Evidence shows that children learn individually and that many children do not have a passive way of receiving knowledge ((Sabarina, et al., 2018). Therefore in the education sectors, educators have the role of facilitating the development of a learner through an active constriction of new knowledge. In the aspect of science, knowledge development can result in pupils thinking and making choices, coming up with new ways of producing change, and producing scientific knowledge independently. Research shows that when science lessons are incorporated with various ideas, they have a meaningful impact on the learning outcomes of the pupils as well as enabling them to express themselves most appropriately as they transition into the next generation of scientists (Mahzoon et al., 2018). Therefore this paper reviews the topic on the use of children's literature in science instructions. In primary schools, children tend to show some enthusiasm for primary school science. Most of the students become excited about the practical lessons that are incorporated in the content areas of the fundamental science pieces of literature (Sabarina et al., 2018). They tend to show some optimism on the science topic, and they have very many opportunities for engaging in the lessons, and therefore they apply a range of scientific skills. It is essential for the young pupils to keen science as well as have an idea of the scientific literacy from various academic materials that they are provided with. This will enable them to be aware of how science works and interpret the knowledge gained scientifically. Introducing science in the primary scientific literature offers the students a chance of gaining confidence, and thus they will be able to discuss reality with the real world. For science to be distinctive, teachers need to ensure that when they are teaching various topics in the subjects, they incorporate multiple facts within the context. This will ensure that the idea of science has a meaning to the lives of the young pupils and is supported by creativity and innovation. Research indicates that when young pupils learn for them to be creative, the science they learn must fulfill their purpose and activities leading to originality and a sense of connecting to the previous experiences in their lives (Choi, & Choi, 2019). In the academic literature, therefore, it is essential to include practical lessons which would, in one way or another, be a source of fun to the pupils as well as enabling them to understand the lessons from a full and independent perspective as they explore new ideas. The main focus when teaching science for the young pupils would be focused on adhering to the guidelines set by the national curriculum. Therefore the federal government needs to come up with useful literature materials that will help in determining how the child's knowledge is impacted through the use of the elements that they use in the classrooms. Therefore the science books should be made in a way that they require students to learn about the variety of topics in science by allowing for exploration, investigating, and inquiries in between the lessons. Children will, therefore, be encouraged to come up with approaches for research, making a connection between various ideas and explain things using multiple scientific models and theories (Robinson, 2019). Also, academic material should enable pupils to build up their knowledge as they transition from one academic stage to another. As a result, they require to gain the skills of scientific inquiry, planning useful investigations, and writing reports for future reference. Having an ability to write scientific reports will enable the pupils to master the skill of linking between different literature and hence facilitate the enhancement of their scientific understanding. Pupils will, therefore, be able to sue their academic literacy to help in enhancing scientific knowledge. In conclusion, science is an essential aspect of learning, as it enables pupils to learn about life in various lessons and subjects. Also, providing pupils with scientific knowledge gives them a chance to learning about what is going on in the world and feel a part of the scientific society. Therefore effectiveness in teaching towards primary science in junior schools can have the best outcomes for any child. Ensuring that the literature used is effective in encouraging the enhancement of the pupil's knowledge is very important. Research shows that science is an integral part of modern culture, and it is essential in stretching the imagination and creativity of young people in society (Bragg et al., 2018). Though various challenges are associated with the incorporation of effective teaching methods, stakeholders should ensure that they come up with multiple ways of boosting learning science in classes.
Bragg, L. A., Attard, C., Muir, T., & Livy, S. (2018). Children's literature in the mathematics classroom: a flexible approach to practice. The 8th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education (Vol. 1, pp. 267-276). Choi, S. I., & Choi, Y. (2019). Children’s Literature for Higher Level EFL Education: Focusing on Students’ Reaction. 영어영문학, 24(2), 487-505. Mahzoon-Hagheghi, M., Yebra, R., Johnson, R. D., & Sohn, L. N. (2018). Fostering a Greater Understanding of Science in the Classroom through Children's Literature. Texas Journal of Literacy Education, 6(1), 41-50. Robinson, R. (2019). Multicultural and Global Children's Literature as Agents of Change. In Handbook of Research on Media Literacy Research and Applications Across Disciplines (pp. 90-100). IGI Global. Sabarina, G., Wahyuni, H. S., & Valentino, R. A. (2018, December). Utilizing Motive of Children Literature Collection In Children Reading Room. In International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE 2018). Atlantis Press.
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